Superpower! (would this work?) (Full Version)

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SailingGuy -> Superpower! (would this work?) (3/29/2012 3:10:14 PM)

Would this scenario idea work?

Five player game.

One player is the Superpower.
The other four players represent the 3rd World.

The Superpower starts the game.
He takes three years of turns (36); known as the "buildup" (he could probably accomplish this in a day or two).
He also sets each of the 3rd World nations to build only supplies during the "buildup". (The 3rd World players would not take turns during the "buildup".)
The Superpower cannot declare war on any 3rd World nations during the "buildup".
After the "buildup", play begins as normal.
3rd World nations can ally or fight each other.
3rd World nations can declare war on the Superpower at any time, but he cannot declare war on them until six years have passed (three years after the "buildup").
The Superpower can have one 3rd World client (ally), but can't give him territory or units.

The 3rd World can win as a group.
The Superpower can go for the single win, or a double win with his client.
Would probably have to tweek the game for play balance.

Spy network: Since the Superpower set up the game and set all the 3rd World nations to build only supplies during the "buildup", he will know their passwords. Any time during the game the Superpower is allowed to pull any 3rd World nation turn from the DropBox, open it, and look around.

Extra Large map
1 town start
Fog of War

Any thoughts?

Krafty -> RE: Superpower! (would this work?) (3/29/2012 4:09:27 PM)

Im not sure if you want the most skilled player as the superpower, or as teh 3rd world.

If you can figure that out, I think It might work. I think at first glance the 3rd world seems to be the more difficult to play, but perhaps its actually the superpower. Just sucks that the map generator might undo all that great work. It might need a custom map.

hatemf90 -> RE: Superpower! (would this work?) (3/29/2012 5:11:08 PM)

Sounds great. even tho i liked the branches game even more.

SailingGuy -> RE: Superpower! (would this work?) (3/29/2012 5:22:29 PM)


ORIGINAL: hatemf90

Sounds great. even tho i liked the branches game even more.

Too bad we didn't get the sixth.

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