jmalter -> RE: My Vision of a Japanese PB (4/7/2012 4:10:46 AM)
ORIGINAL: Mike Solli I'll bet those guys had a blast shooting that thing up. nothin' like an impromptu live-fire exercise, to lively up* the crew's morale! i'd sorta scanned some headlines at various web-news sites: 1) tsunami-survivor 'ghost ship' observed drifting, but 2) it's a radioactive Fukushima survivor, 3) some fishing boat claims salvage, then 4) USCG goes medieval on it. in truth, i never read any of the articles, but i'm assuming they were all about the same vessel, somewhere in Alaskan waters? * dual reference here, to "Lively up yourself, 'cos reggae's not bad", & to Captain Aubrey's work w/ HMS Lively, his crew loved the great-gun exercise, especially when they had a 'real' target in their sights.