olivier34 -> Problem with free setup on (4/10/2012 1:53:41 PM)
hello, Keunert and I decided to play the case yellow scenario with Free setup and Equalise on. I realise when playing the turn "14th of May" as France that my previous moves (13th of May) have not been saved...but we found another problem. The morale value of the Allies were too high. France and Britain 128, Belgium 106 and Netherlands 84... We decided to start another game and we have the same problem... I did launch on my own a game and I found out that at the start of the french setup, France and Britain have 128 of morale, Belgium and Netherlands the normal value but when I start the setup of Belgium, this country get a morale of 110. When i start the Netherlands one, Netherlands get 100... I have updated to the last version (1.04g to 1.04i) but it did change nothing. Keunert is a great opponent but with this morale values, the german army will surely be defeated in two weeks [:D] Here are some screenshots: [:D] [image]local://upfiles/35042/EB2E2DD5BB554805B44E77EFE0D65626.jpg[/image]