janh -> RE: If I were King for a day... (4/13/2012 3:08:36 PM)
I'd probably not change a lot at this point, it all works quite well in most situations. If there really was the potential do some major rewrites... - Concept of having AI taking over control over AOs, HQ's, and subordinate units (perhaps even so far as to start as a subordinate under AI orders and to relive the promotions until getting into higher positions). - As Blackhorse suggested, simplify the micromanagement where possible without big disadvantages (keep it optional) - Add Allied full production system - Add FoW to leader stats, so I can only roughly judge their quality and have to see them act under pressure; have their stats develop (a randomizing stats starting option would do fine in that case, as well) - Address the few left-over shortcomings of the game (supply as mentioned, logistics, large air and land battle scaling questions, anti-subwarfare handling of DCs and/or sensors) - Add railroad-building or upgrading options, or allow the map to change automatically over time to mimic the building (Burma-Malaya RR, or Darwin) My first and foremost concern would, however, be modding capabilities and the way AI is conceived: - replace the scripting language and internal AI routines with a powerful, dynamic scripting language that exposes all hardcoded AI routines to be mod-able, and that can be used to create a smarter, dynamically adapting AI (that would give Andy a lot more capabilities to allow it to react to a player, and I would trust that the community would squeeze out the last out of such an AI)