msnevil -> weapon modification\req... (4/25/2012 6:41:57 PM)
Goals>>> 1st) modded original weapons to add bloom effects. (tested * 3 months.) 2nd) Added tutorial on how to do it. I used layers consisting of normal>overlay>normal with brightness\contrast. [img][/img] The below zip, could somebody convert it to winzip format. thanks. Notes 1). Area weapon effects were slightly changed by adding noise. 2) Beams were slightly resized. 3) railgun added halo effect along with motion blur. 4) added bloom to missle exhaust trail. 5) added the original to the zip file, by using above tutorial you can make your own effects, exp photoshop, gimp, etc. I would have added this mod sooner, but my "wife's" cat killed my internet access.