Chickenboy -> RE: Lunacy on the net, forums, company (5/12/2012 5:21:14 PM)
ORIGINAL: rogo727 quote:
ORIGINAL: warspite1 quote:
ORIGINAL: Chickenboy quote:
ORIGINAL: warspite1 So football aside - is there any general inter state rivalry? If so, between whom? Yes. There's a particularly strong one between Wisconsin and Minnesota. Not being a local, it's somewhat amusing. Gross and abjectly unfair generalizations follow: Minnesotans look upon Wisconsinites as being rustic, beer-swilling hicks, whilest viewing themselves as urbane sophisticates. Wisconsinites look upon Minnesotans as being poseur urbane sophisticates, whilest viewing themselves as 'salt of the earth' Midwesterners. Minnesotans look upon Iowans as corn pone hicks without a shred of cultural diversity. Iowans look upon Minnesotans as poseur urbane sophisticates and perhaps ingrates for the low cost of production borne by Iowa's stunning commodity production. In reality, they all get along pretty well. It's like brothers finding *something* (anything will do) to pick on the other about. You know that they've got your back when you really need it though. Don't get me started on California... [:D] Most of the other states have regional or interstate rivalries of some sort too. I suspect that all countries have such regional 'personalities'. I can only imagine the perceived differences between the Welsh, Scots, N. Irish and English. [X(] Warspite1 I guess its the same the world over. We have the rivalry between the four countries, then Celts vs English, Catholic vs Protestants, Scots vs Irish, English North vs South, Scots Highlanders and Lowlanders, Yorkshire vs Lancashire, Cornwall (sorry Kernow) vs everyone, blah blah blah. Most of it is good natured and we all rub along, but sadly not all [:(] English north vs English south? Are the north people better,smarter and generally better looking than their southern brothers? Yes-I'm interested to know if the same holds true in England as it does here in the states. I'd use Minnesota and Iowa as an example that proves this rule here stateside, for example.