larryfulkerson -> RE: 12Feb42 combat results: (10/19/2012 4:12:04 AM)
Here's TF 354. It's got an average range more or less, and it needed to fuel up. I noticed how much fuel there was at the base beforehand, 1007, and how much fuel the ship had escaped me but the point is it fully refueled and the city now has 948 fuel so the ship took 59 fuel to load so I figure that I can use, say 50, for the average drink a ship takes at a port and use that to estimate approx. how long I get to take before I re-fuel the base properly. That 948 will last approx another 18 times a TF lands at this port. 18 times is approximately, I'm guessing, 6 weeks for this port. So I can' put off having to think about re-fueling this port until say Feb 11 plus 42 days or Feb. 53 which translates into about April 1, 1942. So I'm guessing I can fill up the fuel levels in the ports around Manila now and then not have to worry about them again until about April, unless there's a more busy port on the other side of the island, which is possible. I wish we had the statistic about how many times a port has been visited in say 7 days, or a month or whatever. Wonder if there's an easy way to capture that statistic somehow. Using only the tools the game gives us. I guess I could take the average number of convoys headed to a typical port and count those landings over the time span it takes to land them all and there would be a working-ball-park figure we could use. In my case I have reason to believe that number is about 7 per two weeks or about every other day for a port there's a landing. So there would be about 15 per month. So a typical port has to be refueled about every month or so. Nice to know that. I wish there was a way to calculate a more accurate figure. . [image]local://upfiles/16287/C955048E413A4A48BE38C74874E3AEAE.gif[/image]