RE: 12Feb42 combat results: (Full Version)

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larryfulkerson -> RE: 12Feb42 combat results: (10/19/2012 3:06:47 AM)

So um.....I'm working on my moves for Jim and I came across TF 321 just now ( shows how far I have to go yet ) and I wondered about
the convoys working the Palembang route, as TF 321 is. Here's the TF's parked at Palembang loading fuel, and the dozen or so
convoys headed inbound even as we speak, some of which are carrying much needed supplies. Now you know.


larryfulkerson -> RE: 12Feb42 combat results: (10/19/2012 3:50:28 AM)

Hey Jim: I'm up to TF 353 already......this is a PB that is parked in the same hex as a land combat fragment. I don't remember how it
came to be a fragment but that gave me an idea. I'm wondering how in the world I can put a land combat unit in each base that needs
one and pretty quick, while still fighting at Manila, Singapore, Several Places in Java, Port Moresby area, etc. I'm coming up with the
solution "fragments". In this case just load up a single division somewhere that can be spared and just download fragments of it all over
the Pacific and mostly on the bases. I figure I could cover maybe 10 bases this way. I'd have to experiment with it to find out exactly how
many etc. but we can use 10 as a ball-park figure I guess. How does Jim feel about that? Do we need a house-rule? How does the
gaming community feel about that. I haven't done it yet in case somebody is wondering, but it seems to fit the problem I'm having. Has
anybody else ever done this? I'm guessing we're open for discussion here you guys. Anybody have an opinion on this subject?


larryfulkerson -> RE: 12Feb42 combat results: (10/19/2012 4:12:04 AM)

Here's TF 354. It's got an average range more or less, and it needed to fuel up. I noticed how much fuel there was at the base
beforehand, 1007, and how much fuel the ship had escaped me but the point is it fully refueled and the city now has 948 fuel so the
ship took 59 fuel to load so I figure that I can use, say 50, for the average drink a ship takes at a port and use that to estimate approx.
how long I get to take before I re-fuel the base properly. That 948 will last approx another 18 times a TF lands at this port. 18 times is
approximately, I'm guessing, 6 weeks for this port. So I can' put off having to think about re-fueling this port until say Feb 11 plus 42
days or Feb. 53 which translates into about April 1, 1942. So I'm guessing I can fill up the fuel levels in the ports around Manila now
and then not have to worry about them again until about April, unless there's a more busy port on the other side of the island, which is
possible. I wish we had the statistic about how many times a port has been visited in say 7 days, or a month or whatever. Wonder if
there's an easy way to capture that statistic somehow. Using only the tools the game gives us. I guess I could take the average
number of convoys headed to a typical port and count those landings over the time span it takes to land them all and there would be a
working-ball-park figure we could use. In my case I have reason to believe that number is about 7 per two weeks or about every other
day for a port there's a landing. So there would be about 15 per month. So a typical port has to be refueled about every month or
so. Nice to know that. I wish there was a way to calculate a more accurate figure. .


larryfulkerson -> RE: 12Feb42 combat results: (10/19/2012 4:31:22 AM)

Hey Jim.........I'm dying to know....did I successfully trap all the B-17's at Manila or did you get any through the gauntlet to Java / Australia? Enquiring minds want to know.

larryfulkerson -> RE: 12Feb42 combat results: (10/19/2012 4:39:18 AM)

Some random thoughts about Sapporo:


larryfulkerson -> RE: 12Feb42 combat results: (10/19/2012 4:58:50 AM)

A more in-depth look at Sapporo:


larryfulkerson -> RE: 12Feb42 combat results: (10/19/2012 7:04:27 PM)

So um......hey you guys.....I figured out a way to calculate how much supply an AKE has to expend to rearm each ship. Just have the
ships do their bombardment mission just as they normally would have and have the home port somewhere so that they won't be able to
reach it and will still be at sea at the end of their movement phase, then next turn have them move adjacent to the port in question,
namely location code named "cigar jar". And then just return them to the port to get rearmed one at a time, noticing how much the AKE's
decrease in supplies and *that* would be what the AKE's had to spend to rearm that ship. Then do that for each ship, one per day, that
you'd like to know the amount for. Simple. Takes a while to get all of them data mined that way. Another way would be to notice how
much supply each AKE decreased each day if that AKE was the only AKE ship at that port, and that way any ship returned to that port
would have supply deducted from that AKE and you could figure it out that way for a multitude of ports. Lot of work though.


larryfulkerson -> RE: 12Feb42 combat results: (10/19/2012 7:16:04 PM)

Anybody ever done a computer-controlled bombardment mission? Do they work computer-controlled? I'm kinda leaning in the
direction of trying it as an experiment just to see what happens if you put it on computer-control. Should I? What's the average gut
reaction of everybody to this idea?


larryfulkerson -> RE: 12Feb42 combat results: (10/19/2012 7:20:53 PM)

Okie it is set up on 100% computer-control. I'll see it before you do but I'll share what happened with all you guys. Any
predictions? We've still got about 12 hours left ( from Friday 19Oct2012 11:20 am, *now* ) to post something before it has already
happened so what do YOU think it will do?


larryfulkerson -> RE: 12Feb42 combat results: (10/19/2012 7:38:57 PM)

I was messing with TF 400 just now wondering where I could get an escort for her and saw an anchor symbol at Ternate and went to look
at what was parked there and found a DD repairing, pierside. So I went into the repair screen and changed it from 1 day Pierside to
what I hoped would be one-day off-line so as to be ready to go next turn. But NNNNNnnnnnnoooooooo it changed it to down for a
couple of days yet ( greyed-out ). Now you know what not to do. Don't change those 1-day repairing things, just let them repair.

larryfulkerson -> RE: 12Feb42 combat results: (10/19/2012 8:00:25 PM)

This is me turning off the repair of the refineries at Palembang so as to get the engineers to repair the Oil Centers instead. Sooner and
faster and better. All better. And THEN repair the refineries AFTER the oil is flowing. First things first.


larryfulkerson -> RE: 12Feb42 combat results: (10/20/2012 5:05:30 AM)

The troops are going to start their invasion sometime in the wee hours of the morning tonight or early tomorrow morning at Christmas
Island IO and I'm saying this now because there's not a lot Jim can do about it at this point. I realize he still has some ships parked there
and there may be some small Allied land combat unit there that I don't know about but I've had recon going over this place for a couple
of turns now and I'm relatively sure that it's empty etc. I'm guessing I'll have to capture the port to get the Allied ships to un-park
themselves so I can attack them easier. I've even got a few carrier planes in this mix. We'll see what they choose to attack.


larryfulkerson -> RE: 12Feb42 combat results: (10/20/2012 5:47:35 AM)

Okie dokie's Friday 19Oct2012 at 21:46 pm and I've just sent you some moves. I guess I'll go over the assignments list and
see what everybody is doing in the game while we're waiting for Jim's moves.

EDIT: Here's the assignment list so far:

larryfulkerson a transport pilot  somewhere in China
              reassigned on 9Feb42 to be
			  TF commander        TF 300 
Crackaces     TF commander        TF 409
Saros         TF commander        TF 413
DOCUP         7th Tank Rgt        75,89 Zamboanga 
Justus2       TF commander        TF 418
el cid again  TF commander        TF 421	
MAurelius     TF commander        TF 423
zuluhour      TF commander        TF 436
CV 2          TF commander        TF 456
Falken        TF commander        TF 469
Dan Nichols   TF commandder       TF 472
Chickenboy     reassigned from TF 496 to        
              TF commander        TF 501
Smoky Stoker  TF commander        TF 524
btbw          TF commander        TF 576
indy58        TF commander        TF 629
obvert        TF commander        TF 691
JocMeister    TF commander        TF 750
Reg           TF commander        TF 771

all these assignments can be changed. Just say something.

larryfulkerson -> RE: 12Feb42 combat results: (10/20/2012 5:58:26 AM)

Here's TF 409 Crackaces dude: you're delivering supplies to Vigan to support the fighting at Bataan. Your contribution is appreciated.


larryfulkerson -> RE: 12Feb42 combat results: (10/20/2012 6:01:36 AM)

Hey Saros: here you are delivering a fragment of the 7th Tank Rgt to Zamboanga. The idea is that the 7th Tank Rgt is going to take on
the Allied unit near Zambo and maybe deliver the KO punch to it.


larryfulkerson -> RE: 12Feb42 combat results: (10/20/2012 6:04:53 AM)

Okie dokie DOCUP you're the Col. in charge of the 7th Tank Rgt and you're going to attack a remnant of an Allied unit just north of


larryfulkerson -> RE: 12Feb42 combat results: (10/20/2012 6:09:35 AM)

Okay Justus2: you and your TF are delivering much needed supplies to Palembang. You can see in the cursor popup that Palley is
below 10K in supplies so no repair of facilities are happening. Those supplies will get Palley growing and expanding etc. again. Thanks.


larryfulkerson -> RE: 12Feb42 combat results: (10/20/2012 6:14:45 AM)

el cid again, dude: You're ships were delivering fuel to location code named Banjo Wangie and there's an Allied sub in that hex so you
decided to move your operation to Denespar unless and until the Allied sub moves off somewhere.


larryfulkerson -> RE: 12Feb42 combat results: (10/20/2012 6:19:20 AM)

MAurelius dude: you're mixing it up w/ the Allied ships that are parked at Midway. You were into the frey yesterday and it looks like to be
one of those days again tomorrow. Today, tonight and tomorrow probably. I'll do some reveal of the damages suffered by the ships if
they get dinged.


larryfulkerson -> RE: 12Feb42 combat results: (10/20/2012 6:23:04 AM)

zuluhour dude: your ships are moving supplies from the home islands to location code named bubble drop. Your eta is only approx.
a week or so.


larryfulkerson -> RE: 12Feb42 combat results: (10/20/2012 6:31:19 AM)

CV 2 my friend: your ships are delivering much needed supplies to Miri. As you can see Miri has 22K supplies but it will probably eat
those up as it repairs more and more oil refineries and oil centers. Your supplies will keep Miri growing and delivering that much needed
ingredient oil ( and fuel ).


larryfulkerson -> RE: 12Feb42 combat results: (10/20/2012 6:37:02 AM)

Some thoughts about Miri:


larryfulkerson -> RE: 12Feb42 combat results: (10/20/2012 6:44:52 AM)

Falken buddy: Your ships are moving north along the Korean peninsula heading to Kiejo and the resources stored there. The cursor
popup lists some resources still at Kiejo but they are starting to get a little thin and maybe it's time to move on to somewhere else for
resources for a while. I may want to dedicate some sober moments into calculating just how much of a cussion I want to give the
resources level there at Kiejo. Leave 9K or 10K or something else entirely?


larryfulkerson -> RE: 12Feb42 combat results: (10/20/2012 6:53:35 AM)

Dan Nichols dude: Your ships are helping Miri stay afloat on supplies. Several of your ships are showing damage so the strain is
getting to the equipment and not just the men. After the supplies are unloaded maybe your TF should hang around Miri for a couple,
maybe three, days, to work on repairing some of that damage.


larryfulkerson -> RE: 12Feb42 combat results: (10/20/2012 7:04:15 AM)

Chickenboy dude: TF 496 got dissolved somehow or other. So I've chosen another TF for you: TF 501. Right now your ships are
making their way along the northeast coast of New Guinea and you're moving resources gotten from Nauru Island and you're moving
them to location code named bubble drop. So far so good. I'm planning on giving you a bunch more ships in the future. If I can just
remember not to change the TF's I've already gotten assigned to somebody. That's embarrassing.


larryfulkerson -> RE: 12Feb42 combat results: (10/20/2012 7:14:01 AM)

Smoky Stoker my friend: Your TF is racing north to meet a BB and take over escort duties from a PB that needs to
escort an AO instead. And after you've formed up on the BB and refueled from the AO I guess maybe we should
head you south and maybe east a little.


larryfulkerson -> RE: 12Feb42 combat results: (10/20/2012 7:22:01 AM)

btbw dude: Your CV's and their escorts are making their way to a Classified location which for OPSEC reasons dissuade me from just
saying in the clear where you're headed. But I will post a sort of picture of the situation and hope Jim doesn't see this picture. Yet.
Maybe jim is already working on his moves and it's too late for him to react to this picture and it's intell. Or not. Oh well.


larryfulkerson -> RE: 12Feb42 combat results: (10/20/2012 7:31:50 AM)

indy58 my friend: you and your TF are involved in an operation that isn't happening and in a place where it's never been.
I could tell you about it but then I'd have to kill you. Oh, alright I'll post the picture and just not embed it for OPSEC reasons.

EDIT: I got a double post on here somehow.

larryfulkerson -> RE: 12Feb42 combat results: (10/20/2012 7:32:49 AM)

indy58 my friend: you and your TF are involved in an operation that isn't happening and in a place where it's never been.
I could tell you about it but then I'd have to kill you. Oh, alright I'll post the picture and just not embed it for OPSEC reasons.


larryfulkerson -> RE: 12Feb42 combat results: (10/20/2012 7:42:15 AM)

obvert dude: Your assignment is an OPSEC problemo as well. I'll post the picture for you and just not embed it either.


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