Distant Worlds Extended Universe 1.0.3 released 40 races (Full Version)

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Haree78 -> Distant Worlds Extended Universe 1.0.3 released 40 races (7/10/2012 3:15:32 AM)

Distant Worlds Extended

Recommended download:
Distant Worlds Extended 1.0.3 with Das Chrome UI 1.5b mod Blue
For the raw Distant Worlds Extended mod for those who want the original UI, flag shapes and resources please scroll down.

How to Install Mods by Das24680
Warning: not all mods will work together, mods with races will not merge together for example.


18 new races for Distant Worlds set in the Distant Worlds universe bringing the race total to 40. Each with their own unique flavour, flags, dialog text, victory conditions, strengths, weaknesses.
Each race has been balanced with countless hours of play testing, this mod does not create a new race that will dominate all your games but they do bring with them their own challenges.

Distant Worlds Extended Universe - The only version for the latest version of the game.
Distant Worlds Extended Universe 1.0.3

Only for if you downloaded a previous version and don't want to download the full package.
Distant Worlds Extended Universe Patch from any previous version to 1.0.3

Version 3.0.4 for Distant Worlds Shadows
Added ship designs for each new race.
Added unique troop images for each new race modified from original art.
Updated mod to Shadows format.
*3.0.3 Updated design templates to latest game version
Distant Worlds Extended Shadows 3.0.4

Version 2.0.2 for Distant Worlds Legends
9 races added to a total of 16 new races with their own ship sets, dialogue, policies and biases.
Distant Worlds Extended 2.0.2

Outdated Version 1.1
For just the original 7 new races without the new style race images.
Distant Worlds Extended 1.1

This mod requires Distant World Legends patched to the latest version.
Extract the contents of this .zip file to your Distant Worlds Customization directory.
C:\Matrix Games\Distant Worlds\Customization\
Then when you start the game select Change Theme from the main menu and select Distant Worlds Extended.

Please update to the latest version of Distant Worlds when using this mod.

Thanks to Darkspire for authoring the Galactopedia files for me.
Thanks to Kalthaniell for the use of his ship sets. Without Kal this mod would be half of what it is.
Thanks to WoodMan for the use of his ship set.
Thanks Martian for the use of his race images.
Thanks to Robocrab for the use of his ship sets.
Some ship sets used from images from the game Gratuitous Space Battles http://positech.co.uk/gratuitousspacebattles/
Other contributing artists. Please check out their great work and throw them praise.
nicko mcnicko

tjhkkr -> RE: Distant Worlds Extended (7/10/2012 5:15:32 AM)

Race Victory Conditions
30% Exterminate or Enslave the most people in the galaxy
25% Destroy the most enemy troops in the galaxy
20% Have the most experienced General in the galaxy
15% Subjugate the most empires in the galaxy
10% Have the fewest treaties in the galaxy

Charming race of people.
Looks sharp!

HectorOfTroy -> RE: Distant Worlds Extended (7/10/2012 10:31:45 AM)

Will there be Cylon-like race?

Haree78 -> RE: Distant Worlds Extended (7/10/2012 12:02:28 PM)

None of the 7 extra races are robots, if there is much call for 1 I could add them in after no doubt ;)

ehsumrell1 -> RE: Distant Worlds Extended (7/10/2012 12:48:06 PM)

So far, looks VERY NICE Haree! [sm=happy0065.gif]

{wondered what you've been up to as of late! LOL!} [:)]

HectorOfTroy -> RE: Distant Worlds Extended (7/10/2012 3:53:56 PM)

Or maybe what we need is Prometheus-movie like race that is divided to one thta create life and ones thta destroy it. Is it possible to mode story into DW Legends?

WoodMan -> RE: Distant Worlds Extended (7/10/2012 6:25:40 PM)

Excellent stuff! There is a race I have long wanted to add myself but never got around to it. I'll wait to see if you included it. Those who have read every little nook and cranny of the Galactopedia may have noticed a race not included in DW is mentioned in one article, I've always wondered what they might be like!

Haree78 -> RE: Distant Worlds Extended (7/10/2012 6:30:01 PM)

Now you got me intrigued, tell me where to look! [:)]

WoodMan -> RE: Distant Worlds Extended (7/10/2012 8:17:20 PM)


Under one of the luxury resources, not sure which one, it says the beast even feeds upon small sentient beings like Teekans and Jintus. I assume Jintu was an old name for the Ugnari but it got left in the Galactopedia under this entry by accident. Since then I've wanted to make another rodent race called the Jintu, but too lazy. Hey maybe with your permission we could add them to your mod? [:)]

WoodMan -> RE: Distant Worlds Extended (7/11/2012 10:51:47 AM)

Need more previews!

Tairoshan! Tairoshan! Tairoshan! [sm=happy0005.gif]

HectorOfTroy -> RE: Distant Worlds Extended (7/11/2012 12:13:46 PM)

I'm thinking Tairoshan will be an intelligent race. But then again, their spacesuits looks so retro so they might be technologically backward or just cool-retro-fashionable :).

dejagore -> RE: Distant Worlds Extended (7/11/2012 1:27:36 PM)

Thanks for Your effort on this Haree78. Can't wait to play DW with Your MOD ! [8D]

Any ETA release date ?


Haree78 -> RE: Distant Worlds Extended (7/11/2012 4:47:38 PM)

Hi guys, it will be within days, playtesting these races for balance is hard, some games they do amazingly too well and others they don't get off the ground, it really depends on starting positions so I'm forever tweaking. Also I am changing winning conditions to get them just right, the conditions I gave for the Keskudons are probably slightly going to change. I didn't notice until yesterday morning that all races have a long term win condition, which makes sense and I will be changing appropriately.

I am happy with where 4 of the 7 races are right now, just trying to get the last 3 right, I'll update the preview above to wet your appetites [;)]

Haree78 -> RE: Distant Worlds Extended (7/11/2012 5:40:59 PM)

Oh, forgot to say, yes Woodman, adding races to this mod once I have released these 7 would be great.

Check the original post, back to testing.... ;)

ehsumrell1 -> RE: Distant Worlds Extended (7/12/2012 1:45:46 AM)



Oh, forgot to say, yes Woodman, adding races to this mod once I have released these 7 would be great.

Check the original post, back to testing.... ;)

EXCELLENT WORK Haree78! [&o] {If you decide to make a artificial life form race, PLEASE just don't name its leader DATA!} [:D]

Kalthaniell -> RE: Distant Worlds Extended (7/12/2012 8:20:54 AM)

Tairoshan [sm=00000280.gif] ROFL! The pic killed me :P

Otherwise intriguing mod Haare78! Looking forward to it ;)

Haree78 -> RE: Distant Worlds Extended (7/16/2012 3:24:19 PM)

Hey all please check the original post, all race backgrounds are up and you can now download and play. I would love to hear from you your thoughts and experiences with this mod.

The race previews above don't include all the interesting parts of the mod such as the Keskudons having +40 strength to their troops on colonies with Korabbian Spice, making you value certain planets over others. Try the game out with these new races I'm certain things will feel nice and different in your games.

Igard -> RE: Distant Worlds Extended (7/16/2012 5:59:26 PM)

Looks awesome Haree. Not sure when I'll get a chance to play, but I'll try it out sometime. It's been about 6 or 7 months since I played with the original races, so it'll be like a new game for me!!

ASHBERY76 -> RE: Distant Worlds Extended (7/16/2012 6:14:45 PM)

The problem is the art does not allow them to merge with the vanilla races.Like most mods it makes the game look like a messy hodge podge of art direction.

tjhkkr -> RE: Distant Worlds Extended (7/16/2012 9:23:27 PM)


ORIGINAL: Haree78Phaerax

Haree78, did give you that picture of my mother-in-law...
Well, whether I gave it to you or Data stole it, you have my permission to use it...

{Just kidding; do not have a mother in law.}

Haree78 -> RE: Distant Worlds Extended (7/17/2012 12:12:31 AM)

I didn't get her permission, don't tell her please! [:D]

HectorOfTroy -> RE: Distant Worlds Extended (7/17/2012 7:49:30 AM)

Great work. Will have to play few games with these new races, Thanks.

moonraker65 -> RE: Distant Worlds Extended (7/18/2012 9:55:00 AM)

I'm playing as the Phaerax. Very good addition and gives a lot more variety to gameplay. Well done Haree78 [&o]

Haree78 -> RE: Distant Worlds Extended (7/18/2012 11:06:05 AM)

Thanks dude, hope you have fun.
I've had some great games testing this, the best games I have had is when I put the difficulty up higher.

Data -> RE: Distant Worlds Extended (7/18/2012 2:16:20 PM)

Veeery nice, Haree78, they look awesome [sm=00000436.gif]

Haree78 -> RE: Distant Worlds Extended (7/22/2012 4:34:44 PM)

Just a couple of things.

Is there is a race you would like to see added to Extended or would you like to get the opportunity to design your own race to be added in to Extended?

Also I am very open to any criticism if you have tried some games with the mod, I would love to hear what didn't quite work for you.

Gareth_Bryne -> RE: Distant Worlds Extended (7/24/2012 9:32:59 AM)

Haree78, the only thing I would like to request is unique troop and ship images for each race if possible. Other than that, thumbs up and cheers!!![:)]

Bleek -> RE: Distant Worlds Extended (7/24/2012 9:57:05 AM)

I'm going to give this a try on my next game, I'm a bit boring though I only ever play as Human! [:)]

Haree78 -> RE: Distant Worlds Extended (7/24/2012 8:21:49 PM)


ORIGINAL: Gareth_Bryne

Haree78, the only thing I would like to request is unique troop and ship images for each race if possible. Other than that, thumbs up and cheers!!![:)]

I am unable to do unique ships I am afraid, the amount of ship sets in the game is at it's limit. If I were to have ship sets unique to the races some other races would lose their ship set. In the mods defence I have chosen appropriate ship sets that fit the race and given the amount of different races and that only 2 races will ever share 1 ship set I am yet to actually even notice.

With the troop images what are you using for the vanilla races? It is extremely easy for example to use the race images as the troop images, the only reason I didn't was because vanilla Distant Worlds used that tank image. If you want to use the race images for troop images just copy paste the race images in to the troop images folder and rename appropriately.

@Bleek I am the same, I rarely play the other races but having even more variety in opponents is much more fun for me.

Bleek -> RE: Distant Worlds Extended (7/24/2012 9:18:12 PM)


@Bleek I am the same, I rarely play the other races but having even more variety in opponents is much more fun for me.

Absolutely, thanks for doing this!

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