RE: Distant Worlds Extended Shadows 3.0.1 released 38 races (Full Version)

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triryche420 -> RE: Distant Worlds Extended Shadows 3.0.1 released 38 races (6/23/2013 7:15:04 PM)

I think there's an issue with the patch and the latest version of this mod for Xhumans. When building any kind of base there is nothing there but the outline like it has no model, ships are fine. Others may be affected but its the only race modded or classic that isnt showing up with models for bases for me.
I'm using V1.3 - Arcatus Actual Resources mod as well if that matters.
Also would like to add your work on this mod is awesome and very much appreciated, I dont play w/o it.

Haree78 -> RE: Distant Worlds Extended Shadows 3.0.1 released 38 races (6/23/2013 7:50:46 PM)

Testing the latest version of the mod and with no other mods and the XHuman bases are working fine.

Testmann -> RE: Distant Worlds Extended Shadows 3.0.1 released 38 races (6/24/2013 12:45:06 AM)

to add my 5cents, the XHumans are awesome!

I've altered their settings so that they start on a marshy swamps planet, to get a little destinction from regular humans. So far I love this setting cause it makes them sort of more badass. [8D]
I think thats a nice little polish for that race (I've changed their mission from continental to marshy swamps aswell), and maybe you might even take it into consideration for your mod. [:)]

The only problem I have is that at map creation they get very few planets with independent xhuman population in their neighbourhood.
It seems in the priority list for that they are put on last place or something.

I think it's partly because Continental (or marshy swamps) planets don't appear in the quanity of lets say vulcanoid planets.
So theres less planets to chose from in the first place.

But they seem left out even if there are normal humans and planets of their kind around.
I've seen xhuman independent planets in the game, but they seem to be very rare, because it seems everyone else comes first when creating these independent populations.

It's more of a small imbalance, but I thought the feedback might be usefull.

Anyway, do I need to say that this mod is awesome anymore? I think thats established at this point.
Schöne Grüße!

Haree78 -> RE: Distant Worlds Extended Shadows 3.0.1 released 38 races (6/24/2013 2:00:20 AM)

Whatever you prefer dude.
I like to make them direct competitors to humans, even more reason for them to be jealous of each other's empires if they want the same planets! :)

Thinking about what you are saying I think you are right that there aren't many independents with them, and it may be right that it is because there are less continental/marsh. I don't think it's much of an issue though.

Haree78 -> RE: Distant Worlds Extended 2.0.2 released 38 races (6/24/2013 3:28:23 PM)

Updated to 3.0.3.
This will solve an issue that could cause the invasion images to not show the planet map and would have a black background instead.

dostillevi -> RE: Distant Worlds Extended 2.0.2 released 38 races (6/25/2013 12:24:23 AM)

Ah I was wondering what was causing that!

Haree78 -> RE: Distant Worlds Extended 2.0.2 released 38 races (6/25/2013 1:27:12 AM)

There's some weirdness to do with how Shadows is handling themes, this is a workaround mainly but seems to fix it.
Every mod will need to put the map images in to their theme for now or they will get it too.

Fishers of Men -> RE: Distant Worlds Extended 2.0.2 released 38 races (6/25/2013 6:00:03 PM)

I noticed this problem, but believed that there was another cause. Thanks for tracking this down for us. Your mod is still the best!

Haree78 -> RE: Distant Worlds Extended 2.0.2 released 38 races (6/25/2013 8:50:39 PM)

Thank Darkspire, he was the one that worked out how to solve it!

Fishers of Men -> RE: Distant Worlds Extended 2.0.2 released 38 races (6/26/2013 5:36:57 PM)

Thanks to Darkspire, as well.

triryche420 -> RE: Distant Worlds Extended 2.0.2 released 38 races (6/30/2013 7:37:24 PM)

Hello, sorry for the belated response. I've reinstalled the game making sure to delete any folders left behind and the base models are still not showing up. To clarify I'm playing pre-warp using version 3.0.3 of this mod, mining and small ports are visible, research stations, defense, medium and large ports are not visible. When looking through the ship designs in-game the window to select its picture is greyed out for the ones that are not visible. I'm just not sure what I'm missing here, in the mean time I'll give them the ShadowGhost ECM and RP some serious cloaking tech =). Thank you your time.

Haree78 -> RE: Distant Worlds Extended 2.0.2 released 38 races (6/30/2013 7:55:26 PM)

It's not a problem with the mod. It's either your end or in Distant Worlds on your system.

Haree78 -> RE: Distant Worlds Extended (7/2/2013 2:17:43 AM)

I think this mod is getting too popular based on the bandwidth being used up at photobucket [:D]

pycco -> RE: Distant Worlds Extended (7/2/2013 7:02:49 AM)

the planets that are habitable by the lipid at the start of the game have changed to continental and swamp, instead of just continental with the patch

Tehlongone -> RE: Distant Worlds Extended (7/2/2013 11:56:05 PM)



I think this mod is getting too popular based on the bandwidth being used up at photobucket [:D]

How long does it take for the bandwidth-limit to reset?

You could always switch to Imgur, even their free accounts have no limits to bandwidth.

Haree78 -> RE: Distant Worlds Extended (7/3/2013 5:08:29 AM)

About 4 days from now. I'm trying to move off some of the images I have done for other people to other people's accounts, hopefully it will fix itself.

Haree78 -> RE: Distant Worlds Extended (7/4/2013 5:17:22 PM)



the planets that are habitable by the lipid at the start of the game have changed to continental and swamp, instead of just continental with the patch

This will be your game settings. The empire is starting with a higher level of research. Possibly you set the Game settings on the first screen higher than Starting. Or they got the ability to colonise Swamp some other way.

dostillevi -> RE: Distant Worlds Extended (7/4/2013 6:41:04 PM)

Its possible they picked up a colony ship early on. I found one once in my pre-warp starting system and it was pretty awesome having two colonized worlds before I could hyperjump.

pycco -> RE: Distant Worlds Extended (7/4/2013 11:32:42 PM)





the planets that are habitable by the lipid at the start of the game have changed to continental and swamp, instead of just continental with the patch

This will be your game settings. The empire is starting with a higher level of research. Possibly you set the Game settings on the first screen higher than Starting. Or they got the ability to colonise Swamp some other way.

no i started on pre warp i have save

Haree78 -> RE: Distant Worlds Extended (7/5/2013 12:04:18 AM)

Then you need to report it as a bug report but I doubt it is a bug, there is a ton of reasons they might be able to.

Tehlongone -> RE: Distant Worlds Extended (7/8/2013 11:13:47 PM)

I just returned to playing Distant Worlds after a lengthy pause, and I must say this mod makes a great game even better. I like the new faces on the old races and the new ones, I'm especially intrigued by the X-Humans.

I love the concept of a divided humanity in distant future, I just like to imagine them a bit differently. The way I figure, they resorted to bio-engineering/cybernetics in order to survive which is why mainline humans despises them so. As far as I know it takes 30+ generations with significant sorting to diverge sufficiently to prevent interbreeding so I feel it fits better for them to have altered themselves and it gives the original humans a greater reason to hate/fear them.

I then replaced their two pics with some that fitted that:

I also increased their intelligence and decreased breeding rate. You wouldn't by any chance be open to inventing more races, or perhaps there are sufficient off-shots of humans with just the one?

Also I was trying to make the help-files trigger for the new races but making new ones with logical names seem to have no effect, so I'm guessing it's completely hard-coded? No way to add new help-files?

Haree78 -> RE: Distant Worlds Extended (7/8/2013 11:44:54 PM)

Hi Tehlongone

Well I could have invented several stories for speciation, after all in the early days of space travel it may take us quite a few generations to travel between systems and there's a reason right there it could occur.
As for adding more humanoid races, it's something I've liked the idea of but personally I feel it moves away from the original idea of Distant Worlds Extended. It becomes more of a mod than an 'expansion' as it completely imbalances the race families and changes the universe to look a lot more human and less filled with very alien races. I think it is a great idea as a mod that uses Extended as a basis though. I could certainly help you with the mod if you was interested in furthering the idea.
Nice find on that race picture too, looks superb.

Tehlongone -> RE: Distant Worlds Extended (7/9/2013 12:28:00 AM)

Well having too many human-derived races does indeed decrease the diversity which is why I preferred to just replace the X-Humans with a different version. :)

If you've no objections to a sub-mod based on yours I might indeed just try making one. I'm modding everything to fit my own preferences anyways, though it might not be agreeable to everyone's taste.

One of the things I dislike is the wildly exaggerated (human) population growth, but decreasing it does slow down the pace of game which I'm sure many wouldn't like.

I mean under absolutely optimal growth conditions could humans really grow 18% pr year for a sustainable period? It would mean that almost half the worlds' females would need one kid pr year, but what of the ones that aren't even adult yet? Not to mention after doubling the population in a mere 1530 days, it starts to get physically impossible unless the females grow up real fast.
Looking around the world the fastest growing countries are at about 5% annual growth, so I'd prefer at most 6-7% for humans and perhaps also reductions for other humanoids or other races hassled with birthing one at a time. Anyway, just a pet peeve of mine. :)

I also like how it increases the challenge of actually playing the humans, or in this case the X-Humans.

dostillevi -> RE: Distant Worlds Extended (7/9/2013 6:08:54 AM)

That's fair, but if you reduce population growth so much to be realistic, it becomes almost pointless to colonize as the colonies will not become profitable within the time frame of even a very long game

Tehlongone -> RE: Distant Worlds Extended (7/9/2013 4:14:24 PM)

Actually colonies start out profitable and will never be a drain on the economy if %50+ quality. I primarily change humans/humanoids which as I usually play those means I'm imposing a rather massive handicap on myself, which I like as it's also realistic.

Colonies are never pointless as they are a primary objective in and of themselves. As I also reduce tech growth a lot it fits pretty well, as I said it slows down the whole game.

I enjoyed playing with it before in the previous expansion although admittedly I usually started with a home-planet of 6-8B and gave my opponents expanded or higher empire at game start. It may pose problems with a pre-hyperspace era game, but I'll just have to take it slow to allow the AI to catch up.

Haree78 -> RE: Distant Worlds Extended (7/10/2013 2:42:10 AM)

The realism of the growth rate is irrelevant to me as I don't pay attention to the passing of time. You are more than welcome to make a mod based on Extended and I'm sure there are others that will have the same preferences as you.

Tehlongone -> RE: Distant Worlds Extended (7/10/2013 7:38:11 PM)

Two things:
I found a bug in that Jintus and Ugnari are both evolved on Ugnar so naturally both are stated as having the Ugnar homeworld, the problem is that the game doesn't acknowledge that it's the same so there are instead TWO Ugnar systems. I suppose there could be some confusion about which one was the original homeworld, but it might be preferable to state that the Jintus evolved on Ugnar but were driven out and settled Jinta as their new home.

Secondly is there any reasoning behind having 140 as the highest intelligence for any race? As far as I know the limit is 150 and the higher these are the better the AI will control it's empires. How about increasing most races' intelligence by 10? It would increase challenge without damaging diversity.

Haree78 -> RE: Distant Worlds Extended (7/10/2013 7:54:59 PM)

Oh well observed, it's not something I have noticed in all of my games so is this something you actually saw in a game and it brought you out of the experience or is this something you looked in to after noticing this in the game files? I'm inclined to think most people aren't going to find this.

As for 140 highest intelligence I balanced and based intelligence of the new races around the intelligence of the base game races. I would imagine the game was balanced around these values and part of the original plan for DWE was to not change the original game. Also some of the races are meant to be the most intelligent in the galaxy and their win conditions were based around this so I didn't want to break this by adding a race that was even more intelligent. I could have balanced them in another way but I chose not to as it didn't really fit any of the new races to do that anyway.

Tehlongone -> RE: Distant Worlds Extended (7/10/2013 9:29:15 PM)

That's not what I meant, I meant changing all the races to increase intelligence across the board, so those that are the most intelligent remains so. It'd be an improvement without downsides as I see it.

As for the two Ugnars yes, I observed it. I'm usually quite observant and curious about the layout of the galaxy and homeworlds for each of the empires. In this case I'd found the Ugnar system solely populated by Jintus (close to the Jintus Hegemony) which I thought was interesting so I remembered it when I encountered the Ugnari. Who were called the Ugnar Syndicate and had their CAPITAL in Ugnar (the other one). Yeah, it did seem a bit weird to me.

There's really no point in designating same-named star systems to both races if the game doesn't acknowledge it, it leads to confusion without bringing anything to the table. The only reason to designate Ugnar to them both is story reasons but that leaves a huge plot hole when there is zero Ugnari on the Jintus version of Ugnar and zero Jintus on the Ugnari version of Ugnar, not to mention the fact that there are TWO of them.

Whether people generally notice or not depends on how much they pay attention, now that I know I'll notice every time. Those who don't notice a thing like that probably wouldn't really care about the name being Ugnar in the first place.

Haree78 -> RE: Distant Worlds Extended (7/11/2013 12:37:23 AM)


ORIGINAL: Tehlongone

That's not what I meant, I meant changing all the races to increase intelligence across the board, so those that are the most intelligent remains so. It'd be an improvement without downsides as I see it.

Why do you think that improves anything?

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