RE: Hibachi Maru (Full Version)

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zuluhour -> RE: Hibachi Maru (9/6/2012 8:42:44 PM)

I'm not so sure he can break you with air alone. I get hammered by 50+ raids regularly and now that I'm in good terrain it barely hurts. Then there is the wonder element of Chinese supply, for some reason it seems, when an area gets "hot" supply albiet minimal seems to arrive to the area. By the looks of the map above, you should be receiving replacements in Chungking for broken formations or reserves. I think you mentioned the AVG was pretty chewed up and out of theater, but I think you have some small squadrons way up north (maybe not yet) you will need some cunning to retrieve.

Chickenboy -> RE: Hibachi Maru (9/6/2012 10:01:56 PM)


There is report of a AF Bn sailing to Tarawa; maybe that has something to do with KB. Or something worse.

What makes you think this is something other than just routine IJNAF or IJAAF base forces moving into the hex to provide aviation support? That's all I'm reading into it.

PaxMondo -> RE: Hibachi Maru (9/7/2012 3:57:58 AM)


ORIGINAL: zuluhour

I'm not so sure he can break you with air alone.


In +3 terrain, I don't think he can get enough ordinance on you. IF he had 4E's, maybe. But IJ doesn't, so ....

JocMeister -> RE: Hibachi Maru (9/7/2012 8:22:03 AM)

He doesnīt need to break the forces per see in China. Actually he doesnīt even need to bomb them at all. The only thing he needs to do is bomb the airfields. This will burn up supply at a furious rate and you will very soon find yourself without supply.

Iīm not particularly fond of how this work in the game.

PaxMondo -> RE: Hibachi Maru (9/7/2012 11:28:31 PM)


ORIGINAL: JocMeister

He doesnīt need to break the forces per see in China. Actually he doesnīt even need to bomb them at all. The only thing he needs to do is bomb the airfields. This will burn up supply at a furious rate and you will very soon find yourself without supply.

Iīm not particularly fond of how this work in the game.

You don't have to leave supply at airfields ... or at least not much at those in range of his fighters. [;)]

(Large supply dumps have historically been air targets)

Q-Ball -> RE: Hibachi Maru (9/8/2012 4:13:07 AM)



After a solid 2 days of optimism, the worm has turned again, and things are going south in China. And not in a good way.

The defenders of 82.39 obviously lacked the proper socialist ardor, and these capitalist roaders retreated. This is a huge problem, as Greyjoy can now separate Lanchow from the Chungking plain. Not good!

In addition, 70 ZEROS swept Chungking, shooting down alot of my P-40s and P-39s, the decent airplanes I had in China (and some I-16s too, but that's to be expected). I expect bombers shortly, as I can't really defend the air over Chungking, not against that.

So, things are looking pretty grim again in China. If Lanchow is cut-off, and the bombs start falling, then supply will become a major problem. Once that happens, it's all over.

I had written off China earlier, and it doesn't look like I have a chance of stopping him. So, we'll have to win this one elsewhere.

LoBaron -> RE: Hibachi Maru (9/8/2012 7:29:42 AM)

Q-Ball IMHO China is lost when

- the Japanese reach the Central Planes
- cut off the Ledo air bridge into China

Losing Lanchow is bad as you lose an additional supply generator, but not nearly as bad as what has already happened. Theres
nothing in Lanchow for Japan which cannot be done more or equally effective from Sian.

I still see a small chance to defend in depth in rough terrain around the central plains. Admittedly it simply could be too little too late.
And I know thís sounds easy from a bystander perspective, but I would search for any and every option to flank his major stacks
or at least hold terrain already bypassed by GJ.

Good luck!

JocMeister -> RE: Hibachi Maru (9/8/2012 8:18:07 AM)



You don't have to leave supply at airfields ... or at least not much at those in range of his fighters. [;)]

(Large supply dumps have historically been air targets)

Uhm, I donīt want to be that guy would you do that? [:)] You canīt drain every single city within range from his fighters of supply? The Oscar have a pretty wicked range and at this time Oscars will be enough to battle whatever the allies can put up in the air. Wherever there is a level 1 AF and some supply he can burn it. No way for the allied player to cover them all. And it burns supply FAST.


I would start a discussion with GJ how you two wants to handle the fall of China. Its a mess balance wise and probably impossible for the allied player to stop a collapse if the Jap player makes an effort. So some boon from the Jap player I think is in order to balance the game.

Perhaps a cease fire at some geographical boundries? My opponent and I did this. It allows him to free some units for other areas plus the added industry but he still have to maintain a pretty good garrison in case 25K worth of Chinese AV (with nil supply but still) wants to pick a fight again.

Another option would perhaps be to allow you to withdraw Chinese units to India?

GJ seems like a reasonable fellow and Iīm sure you can come to some agreement that you both can feel is alright! [:)]

Q-Ball -> RE: Hibachi Maru (9/8/2012 2:07:01 PM)


ORIGINAL: JocMeister


I would start a discussion with GJ how you two wants to handle the fall of China. Its a mess balance wise and probably impossible for the allied player to stop a collapse if the Jap player makes an effort. So some boon from the Jap player I think is in order to balance the game.

Perhaps a cease fire at some geographical boundries? My opponent and I did this. It allows him to free some units for other areas plus the added industry but he still have to maintain a pretty good garrison in case 25K worth of Chinese AV (with nil supply but still) wants to pick a fight again.

Another option would perhaps be to allow you to withdraw Chinese units to India?

GJ seems like a reasonable fellow and Iīm sure you can come to some agreement that you both can feel is alright! [:)]

GJ is a reasonable fellow, but I'm not going to ask for a mercy rule. Part of the problem is my own doing, after all; I kind of botched the initial China defense. I am also sticking to our HR, which is that Restricted units can't cross National Borders, so the only Chinese units I am pulling are the 2 Corps that you can change the HQ. Now, I will feel free to pump those 2 Corps up to well-supplied 800-AV monsters and launch them from India, but that will be it.

The IJA will be huge, and he'll be able to buy piles of units from China when the time comes. I will ask that he meet/exceed all garrison requirements, which will consume some units. But otherwise, I will have to devise a strategy to work around the disadvantage I will be in Infantry Numbers.

On the bright side, I haven't lost any naval engagements, and I am in good shape everywhere else; the Empire is basically historical. To get around the land unit disadvantage, I will likely have to avoid large bodies of land that he can move piles of troops to. This may rule out moves like a landing on Java or Sumatra, where he would be able to land reinforcements elsewhere on the island and march them overland. But overall, instead of going through the IJA, I will use my naval power to move AROUND the IJA.


Nothing much new, other than GJ is starting to bomb Chungking, now that many good fighters are shot-down. This is the beginning of the end; it will take a few months to close out, hopefully, but China is doomed.


PaxMondo -> RE: Hibachi Maru (9/8/2012 3:52:13 PM)


ORIGINAL: JocMeister



You don't have to leave supply at airfields ... or at least not much at those in range of his fighters. [;)]

(Large supply dumps have historically been air targets)

Uhm, I donīt want to be that guy would you do that? [:)] You canīt drain every single city within range from his fighters of supply? The Oscar have a pretty wicked range and at this time Oscars will be enough to battle whatever the allies can put up in the air. Wherever there is a level 1 AF and some supply he can burn it. No way for the allied player to cover them all. And it burns supply FAST.

You're not being that guy, no worries.

Not drain, but don't let the supply pool in any one place. It wants to sit in Chungking and make a big, easy target.

QBall: sorry to hear about your fighters, but at this time you don't have the production numbers to compete. That Mtn road junction just a couple of hexes south is still your most important hex to defend. Lose it and lose the Chungking plains. Hopefully you have a lot of corps there getting to fort 3. Your other danger spot are those two forest hexes just below "China". ouch.

Q-Ball -> RE: Hibachi Maru (9/9/2012 8:55:58 PM)



Not drain, but don't let the supply pool in any one place. It wants to sit in Chungking and make a big, easy target.

QBall: sorry to hear about your fighters, but at this time you don't have the production numbers to compete. That Mtn road junction just a couple of hexes south is still your most important hex to defend. Lose it and lose the Chungking plains. Hopefully you have a lot of corps there getting to fort 3. Your other danger spot are those two forest hexes just below "China". ouch.

I am pulling supplies to Changteh for this reason; I don't want those crates to sit around Chungking and get bombed. Unfortunately, that helps only so much.

Air War:

You are right about the air war in general; the Allies cannot afford a war of attrition, especially in Scen 2. Allied replacements are too low, and Japanese too high.

I am trying to make him spread his fighters out all over. For example, he is escorting flights over Luzon since I jumped a flight a month back. Within the last few days, I also moved a unit of SB2U Vindicators to Batavia, and based at Makassar they sank 3 Japanese AKs loaded with troops. The following day, they sank 2 AKLs off Merak.

The DBs in the SRA will also mean Greyjoy is going to re-prioritize clearing the remaining bases that can support DBs; Balikpapan, Makassar, and Batavia.

But I can't sustain an air war in the long term. At the moment, I control the skies over Burma, but that's mostly because his airpower is busy in China and elsewhere, and I can focus the RAF and other resources along the Burmese border.


Speaking of Burma, I have air superiority for now, so I am hoping to make some headway.

Myiktinya is under threat, but reinforcements are on the way; 2 Aus Bdes are marching over the track and will be there in a few days, and another Indian Bde is on the way. I also have 23rd Indian prepping; I just need to get their morale higher, but they are already Non-restricted and full strength.

At Kalemyo, another Aus Bde is building a base, and I hope to threaten the flank of his move toward Myiktinya. A Bn of Canadians is on the way, plus 7th Indian Division.

We are also starting an Arakan Offensive before the Monsoon. I don't think we can take Akyab, but it's a no-risk way of putting some pressure on. 6th Australian Div, 18th UK, plus 7th Arm Bde and more Indian Tanks are moving toward Akyab. Akyab itself likely has no forts, as I've been bombing it non-stop.


PaxMondo -> RE: Hibachi Maru (9/11/2012 2:58:26 AM)

I think you are doing all the right things ... not that my opinion is of much value ...  [:D]

Q-Ball -> RE: Hibachi Maru (9/11/2012 2:52:17 PM)


Thanks Pax, I think I'm doing OK for the most part. I haven't been very aggressive except for the opening month, but I want to preserve naval force.


Convoys appeared at Attu, Amchitka, and Adak in the Aleutians, dropping off troops no doubt. The unit count for Adak went from 2 to 5-7. I have a US Infantry Division at Kodiak fully prepped for Adak, and I am planning a landing in the summer. I need to get a read on the new garrison to re-assess that, because the original garrison, the 7th Naval Base Force, would have been an easy push over. Now, I'm sure there are ground troops. Question is how many.

The Aleutians are not strategic, I planned a landing more to a) draw attention to the Kuriles, but b) mostly to do something during the summer, in an area that I could probably spring an invasion while KB was away.


There are also heavy reinforcements to the Lower Solomons, including Rennell Is, Tulagi, and Lunga. All are building airstrips.

This is a good thing; the landing at Ndeni attracted attention to this area, which I think is definitely non-strategic. I want to hold the New Hebrides to keep the supply line to Australia short, but other than that, don't really care about the area. I have lots of Marines and other troops prepping for PORT MORESBY (SHHHH!), which I think is being neglected. We'll see if we follow-through on that invasion. But I don't plan a move to Lunga in the foreseeable future.

DETROIT and RALEIGH did try to sink some transports unloading at Lunga, but instead tangled with some Jap DDs; the cruisers got away clean, but we lost a DD, USS HULL. No big deal, that is only our 2nd modern DD lost to date (the other, DALE, was lost in the Aleutians to sub). All other DD losses are Dutch, or 4-stackers, or other old types good only for escort duty.


See map; I think we are stable for now. I have lost control of the air, but what else is new. We have stopped Greyjoy at other chokepoints in good defensive terrain.

So, I lost a good chunk of China pretty quick. GJ is probably wondering if he can finish the deal at some point. I think he can, just not quickly; he'll need to bomb all my cities, and keep plugging away at front line troops. It will take some time.

My supply sitation in China isn't great, but it's not yet terrible; everyone has a square meal at the moment. I am trying to conserve supply by having all replacements turned off. I am trying to get weak units killed, so they re-spawn. Destroyed Corps come back as 250-AV units, not bad.


Q-Ball -> Chitta-Gone (9/11/2012 5:19:43 PM)


I am cancelling the First Arakan Offensive, based on today's events.

The Offensive was really just an attack of 2 reinforced divisions plus 7th Arm Bde toward Akyab; I knew Akyab had about 2 IJA Divisions; success on this really depended on air superiority. At this point, I don't know that I'll have it, so no sense getting guys killed at the moment.

I was using Chittagong as a large airbase, which was a mistake. Here is why:

Night Naval bombardment of Chittagong at 55,41

Allied aircraft
no flights

Allied aircraft losses
Beaufort I: 9 damaged
Beaufort I: 3 destroyed on ground
Hurricane IIb Trop: 19 damaged
Hurricane IIb Trop: 1 destroyed on ground
SBD-3 Dauntless: 16 damaged
SBD-3 Dauntless: 2 destroyed on ground
P-39D Airacobra: 41 damaged
P-39D Airacobra: 3 destroyed on ground
Hurricane I Trop: 33 damaged
Hurricane I Trop: 1 destroyed on ground
Hurricane IIa Trop: 32 damaged
Hurricane IIa Trop: 3 destroyed on ground
PBY-4 Catalina: 25 damaged
PBY-4 Catalina: 1 destroyed on ground
F4F-3A Wildcat: 19 damaged
F4F-3A Wildcat: 1 destroyed on ground
Mitchell PR.II: 5 damaged
Mitchell PR.II: 1 destroyed on ground

Japanese Ships
BB Ise
BB Fuso
BB Nagato
CA Suzuya
CA Mogami
CA Nachi

Allied ground losses:
280 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 7 disabled
Non Combat: 5 destroyed, 36 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 3 disabled
Guns lost 19 (2 destroyed, 17 disabled)
Vehicles lost 16 (2 destroyed, 14 disabled)

Light Industry hits 1
Manpower hits 1
Resources hits 2
Fires 143
Airbase hits 38
Airbase supply hits 9
Runway hits 56
Port hits 6
Port fuel hits 3
Port supply hits 2

F1M2 Pete acting as spotter for BB Ise
BB Ise firing at Chittagong
BB Fuso firing at Chittagong
E13A1 Jake acting as spotter for BB Nagato
BB Nagato firing at 70th British Division
CA Suzuya firing at Chittagong
CA Mogami firing at Chittagong
CA Nachi firing at 70th British Division

After this, all my fighters were grounded, so my Bombers went in unescorted to Akyab, and got chewed up. OUCH!

The actual bombardment results were not as good as this shows; I lost a total of 60 A/C, about half of those were Blenheims and B-26s that were shot down once the escort was toasted.

Good response though by Greyjoy, and at this point, I can't sustain air superiority over Burma. I wasn't going to be able to once Greyjoy put some attention on it, but at this point I'll have to just CONTEST the air, but I can't sustain dominance.

So, I'm cancelling the Arakan offensive; it won't work without air superiority

Q-Ball -> RE: Chitta-Gone (9/12/2012 8:36:06 PM)


A few interesting developments, but mostly I am thinking about what to do with the Summer of 1942.

Kido Butai Sighted:

KB sank 2 of our picket boats south of Attu. That's very interesting, KB was shadowing the reinforcement convoys to Adak/Amchitka, maybe hoping I would try to intervene. As it happens, the whole US Navy basically was upgrading Radar/AA, so we were in port. But that's interesting nonetheless.

Speaking of the USN, ENTERPRISE has repaired that torpedo hit from last month, so all CVs are back on-line. NEVADA is back in service, joining MARYLAND as the 2 PH vets that are repaired.


Since we stopped those attacks, quiet, except lots of bombs. He's gearing up for another try methinks.


A para unit dropped on Warazup, cutting Myiktinya off, sort of, but we have several Brigades next door that should clear the interlopers. A large Jap army is headed up the track though through Katha, so not sure we can hold the place.

If not, we'll pull back on Burma, and probably sit tight through Monsoon, building up the Indian Army and our airforce, to try something in the fall.


I sense the Empire is going to stay on the offensive in China, but not elsewhere. I can't be sure for a month or two, but certainly with KB way up in the Aleutians, nothing is brewing for a couple more weeks. I'll know for sure when he clears Batavia; that will free-up a number of units.

If the Japanese are pausing, then what should I do?

I mulled several operational plans:

1. Aleutians: Landing somewhere in the Aleutians. It's relatively safe and easy, not that strategic.
2. Marcus: Would rattle his cage, but ultimately it's not tenable
3. Port Moresby: I have units prepping, but not sold on this yet. Not sure if he has an Air HQ in that area.

None of these are terribly ambitious, but in 1942, you can't be. I could Nemo on him and just land somewhere to draw-off attention, I would do that coupled with a "real" operation somewhere else. I like diversions.

We'll see, I don't want to risk the CVs until we have TBFs all upgraded, at the earliest.

goran007 -> RE: Chitta-Gone (9/12/2012 9:18:38 PM)

At this point its only important that you preserve CV's and tankers. Loosing China is irrelevant in the grand scheme of things.

Chickenboy -> RE: Chitta-Gone (9/12/2012 9:28:58 PM)


None of these are terribly ambitious, but in 1942, you can't be.

What are your plans for 1943, Q-ball? Did you have an identified vector for initiation of your offensives or will you just take what is given?

I like the Aleutians idea, particularly if you can maintain that on the cheap. Greyjoy certainly must recall his game against Rader and how a surprise 1943 Allied landing on Hokkaido upset Rader's far-flung applecart. Having that as an ever-present reminder of N. Japan's susceptibility will-if nothing else-gnaw at him moving forward.

JocMeister -> RE: Chitta-Gone (9/12/2012 9:29:33 PM)

What is the exact dates of the monsoon? [:)]

Chickenboy -> RE: Chitta-Gone (9/12/2012 9:30:01 PM)

Also, what is your VP status like, Q-ball? Could he push you to the auto-victory brink by 1943 if he cleaned you out of China?

Q-Ball -> RE: Chitta-Gone (9/12/2012 9:46:05 PM)

Good questions.

The VP status, I'm fine at the moment; it's hard to tell what it will look like without China, as I still hold Manila, Batavia, so that's alot of points that are basically in the bag, but not yet taken. I think I'm OK, 4-1 is a big number, and my losses have not been extreme at all.

In terms of 1943.....not sure yet. I have time to think on where the big advance will be. I am with you that Greyjoy will heavily garrison the Kuriles out of memory of the game with Rader. The Kuriles are a great place to go too; on the other hand, I've seen that before, so maybe something more original might be more fun.

In general, I probably need to stay away from large land masses where the IJA can use the horde from China to get me. That probably means invading Burma head-on won't happen. That doesn't mean I won't attack there, I will; but the objective there may be to just tie troops down more than anything else, while I sail elsewhere. Luzon is another no-go.

So, maybe a deep move toward the Marianas? That would be kinda new here. Another possibility is landing on those islands off Sumatra, or in the Southern DEI like I did vs. Cuttlefish. That worked pretty well.

A whole map of possibilities. I have time to think on that. For the moment, I just want to get through 1942 with the USN in good shape, and well-positioned to threaten from multiple angles.

Canoerebel -> RE: Chitta-Gone (9/12/2012 9:49:29 PM)

I'll eat my toaster - with it plugged in - if Q-Ball has even the slightest problem with auto vic. No way.

Schlemiel -> RE: Chitta-Gone (9/14/2012 11:23:11 PM)

I think Canoe just kindly requested that you load up all your troops and sail them into Tokyo Bay unescorted, Q-Ball. He also kindly promised entertainment should that occur :)

Q-Ball -> RE: Chitta-Gone (9/15/2012 12:44:12 PM)


ORIGINAL: Canoerebel

I'll eat my toaster - with it plugged in - if Q-Ball has even the slightest problem with auto vic. No way.

I will do my best to spare you what would seem to be......painful! For the record, it's 15,500 to 10,000 right now, not even close, though that's before he will take Batavia and Manila.


I haven't posted in awhile, but a few developments.


Greyjoy was repulsed again on a 1-2 attack on a mountain road near Lanchow. Casualties are about equal actually, though he may continue to bang away, since I have more trouble repairing damaged squads than he does (supplies!). I seem to have stopped him for now, but if I lose one of these attacks, the flood gates will open. We'll see how it goes. But I think China will be a grind for awhile.

CVs and Whatnot:

HMS FORMIDABLE was torpedoed off Pago Pago. She took almost no damage, as those RN CVs are very tough, but GJ knows I have RN CVs in the South Pacific. She was on her way to Pearl.

Not sure what others do, but I personally think the RN CVs should be combined with the USN ones early. The RN CVs have poor airgroups, and as a result can't get alot done on their own other than harass merchant ships. But they are great AA platforms, and really tough hulls; good qualities mixed with USN CVs in a big fight. The RN CVs would soak attacks and shoot flak, and hopefully attract Vals, which cannot sink an RN CV with less than like 40 hits. I also joined PRINCE OF WALES with the USN CVs early, and she will be glued to the USN CVs for the next couple years. PoW has excellent AA value.

KB was last sighted off Amchitka on the 26th. Not sure if it's still in the Aleutians, but we're not moving up there without sending more pickets out first.


Supplies are running low in the Phillipines. With stacking limits, you can't stack everyone in Clark. You can stack everyone in Manila. I had kept the troops spread between both, but I just abandoned Clark, and moved all combat troops into Manila. All the construction and base troops that I can't use anymore, I moved into Bataan, because I don't want to feed them anymore. Is that evil?

The only issue with this is that I'll lose the Bataan forts, so he can bombard Manila, but the harbor is mined, not sure he'll do that anyway.


Padang fell, so that's it for Sumatra. Java is down to Batavia; an attack by 2000 AV was repulsed at 1-2, but dropped the forts to 2, so it's only a matter of time; 2-3 weeks maybe. At least I made him bring alot of guys to finish it off.


See map below.

It's hard as Allies to do much before the Indian Army is ready. It's now MAY 1942 though, and the Indian Army gets ready pretty fast. Another reason why as Japan, you need to get to India QUICK.

The 7th Indian Div is full-strength, and "Bought" by PPs; it is marching to Kalemyo. The 17th Indian is resting and gathering strength at Cox Bazaar. 19th Indian is at Imphal, and 2/3 strength. 23rd Indian is "bought", full strength, and just needs to build some morale. 20th and 26th Indian are 2/3 strength, and need to be "bought". I have enough replacements for the last two, just waiting before I spend the PPs. This totals 6 decent divisions that didn't really exist at the beginning. Not bad.

I will probably pull the Australians and send them to the SW Pacific, now that India is secure.

I also have 3 Chinese Divisions in Burma/India right now, and another Corps is marching that way (I bought it)


Q-Ball -> May Days (9/17/2012 3:12:22 AM)


Last few days are slow, and I expect May to be kind of a grind all around.


More Zeros are showing up in Burma, and some sweeps have shot down alot of my fighters, too many. We're probably going to stand down the air campaign for awhile, and cede control of the air back to the Japanese. I don't think he has the strength to really challenge me on the ground, but I will probably lose Myiktinya. No big deal.

Cocos Islands:

Japanese cruisers sank a small 3-ship TF carrying an Indian CD unit to Cocos. I'll probably stop sending CD guns, we have 36 6-in guns in place, which is enough for now. Fort level is 4, and 30% to level 5. He's had a CV TF hanging around the IO, plus warships, so looks like more attention is being paid to Cocos. Might be an invasion after Batavia falls.


I need to run some supplies there, and would like to get reinforcements, as I think he might be planning an invasion still. Lots of shipping around.

ny59giants -> RE: May Days (9/17/2012 12:59:56 PM)


Not sure what others do, but I personally think the RN CVs should be combined with the USN ones early. The RN CVs have poor airgroups, and as a result can't get alot done on their own other than harass merchant ships. But they are great AA platforms, and really tough hulls; good qualities mixed with USN CVs in a big fight. The RN CVs would soak attacks and shoot flak, and hopefully attract Vals, which cannot sink an RN CV with less than like 40 hits. I also joined PRINCE OF WALES with the USN CVs early, and she will be glued to the USN CVs for the next couple years. PoW has excellent AA value.

Concur here!![:D] [&o]
Nice to have Swordfish available to go out to 6 hexes with your SBD-3 and Wildcats. Nice to have them in case you get into a sword fight (range 5 or 6) vs what you want, a knife fight (range 4 or less to be able to use your Devestators) if you run into Japanese CVs. IMO, if an Allied player follows your advice, there is a small window in May thru early July before air group re-sizing to take on KB if you can get a few TBs upgraded to Avengers (especially if they don't re-arrange their airgroups and have just 18 Zeros per CV). I put those 18 plane Marine fighter groups on everybody except Wasp to help survivability. I put on Wasp the under strength Wildcat recon unit (great range) and keep the total at less than 110% so air ops keep going.

Q-Ball -> RE: May Days (9/19/2012 2:52:50 AM)


ORIGINAL: ny59giants

Concur here!![:D] [&o]
Nice to have Swordfish available to go out to 6 hexes with your SBD-3 and Wildcats. Nice to have them in case you get into a sword fight (range 5 or 6) vs what you want, a knife fight (range 4 or less to be able to use your Devestators) if you run into Japanese CVs. IMO, if an Allied player follows your advice, there is a small window in May thru early July before air group re-sizing to take on KB if you can get a few TBs upgraded to Avengers (especially if they don't re-arrange their airgroups and have just 18 Zeros per CV). I put those 18 plane Marine fighter groups on everybody except Wasp to help survivability. I put on Wasp the under strength Wildcat recon unit (great range) and keep the total at less than 110% so air ops keep going.

We are going to take everyone out for a spin pretty soon....I plan a move in June. I'd like to get at least 3 CVs up to the Avenger, but I also want to move before HMS INDOMITABLE needs to be sent home. Also, ILLUSTRIOUS is on it's way to Pearl.



Another failed attack in the mountain passes near Lanchow. GJ has been rotating units, and bombing, but I've been rotating too. The only problem is that it takes forever for my guys to heal, and for him, not so much. We'll see if GJ keeps it up, but the last combat was not very favorable to him, and the last couple went this way:

Ground combat at 82,38 (near Tienshui)

Japanese Deliberate attack

Attacking force 39133 troops, 305 guns, 4 vehicles, Assault Value = 1102

Defending force 40525 troops, 227 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 630

Japanese adjusted assault: 707

Allied adjusted defense: 766

Japanese assault odds: 1 to 2

Combat modifiers
Defender: terrain(+), experience(-)

Japanese ground losses:
2889 casualties reported
Squads: 9 destroyed, 287 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 21 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 7 disabled

Allied ground losses:
1122 casualties reported
Squads: 16 destroyed, 104 disabled
Non Combat: 2 destroyed, 24 disabled
Engineers: 1 destroyed, 5 disabled
Guns lost 18 (1 destroyed, 17 disabled)

Assaulting units:
8th Ind.Mixed Brigade
110th Division
63rd Division
59th Infantry Brigade
1st Army
1st Mortar Battalion

Defending units:
80th Chinese Corps
30th Chinese Corps
92nd Chinese Corps
76th Chinese Corps
85th Chinese Corps
2nd Chinese Cavalry Corps
23rd Chinese Corps
4th Group Army
38th Chinese Corps
14th Group Army

Some of these "Corps" in this hex are literally 100 guys; they are there because I want them to get killed off. No such luck so far.


All quiet in the Pacific......only tidbit is that I received an intel report of a Tank unit prepping for Cocos. So seems that is on the target list.


The main action right now is in Burma. I wanted to hold Myiktyina, but I don't think it's going to happen. I would have moved reinforcements into Burma sooner, but you can't do that as Allies until you're sure the Japanese aren't landing in India, in your rear. Not good to get units caught in the jungle between Burma and India, they may as well be on the moon if that happens.

We did, at least, defeat the Paras at Warazup, on an 8-1 attack. They were defeated pretty easily by the Aussies.

He is also prepping a unit for Kalemyo, but I am turning that into a fortress. 7th and 23rd Indian Divisions are the garrison (they are both "purchased" and at full strength)

The other reason I think I'm going to have to pull back to India for awhile, is that I am losing the air war. Too many Zeros, and once he gets a few Tojos, which should be soon, it's time to pull the air back for awhile.


PaxMondo -> RE: May Days (9/19/2012 3:50:52 AM)

Yeah, you need to be patient until your "Bolts" start coming in.  You just don't have the fighter numbers until then.  Distract him with assaults in the Pacific.

Q-Ball -> RE: May Days (9/20/2012 3:55:56 AM)



Yeah, you need to be patient until your "Bolts" start coming in.  You just don't have the fighter numbers until then.  Distract him with assaults in the Pacific.

That's right, pretty much can't contest until I get that beast called the P-47!



First attack at Myiktinya was 1-2, and I thought it would somehow hold....but next one was 1-1, dropping the forts. It's doomed. Oh well, we'll be back.

We'll fight it out, but I can foresee a pullback to the Indian border. Kalemyo would be a real tough nut for him to crack, so probably it would be a sitzkrieg through the monsoon.

Bad Day for the IJN Air:

Not sure how, but we really took it to the IJN Air over Ndeni. I'm really surprised his Zero sweeps didn't get the best of me, but the P-40s over Ndeni did really well. We managed to catch some Betties un-escorted, which is always bad for Miss Betty, even against Buffalos.

Anyway, we shot down 30+ IJN planes, more importantly probably killed 20+ pilots.

I might try again to get reinforcements to Ndeni, as I still fear a counterinvasion; the last convoy was destroyed, but I think I'll try again with the Australian 30th Bde.


Q-Ball -> Losing Ground (9/21/2012 4:50:07 PM)


Not much happening at sea beyond garden-variety sub action, but there are a couple developments on the ground.


Myiktinya falls, to a 5-1 attack. My tired troops fall back on Warazup, and we are beginning the march back to India. The 6th Chinese Corps is moving over the mountains into Northern Burma, and I hope to have them eventually reach India, and supplies (this unit is "Bought").

Ultimately, I was a day late with the Australian reinforcements, but even then, not sure I could have held Myiktinya. Supplies are a real problem during the Monsoon, and my transports are busy flying supplies into China.

So, the 2 Aussie Brigades, 2 Chinese Divisions, and the Burmese troops are all moving back to India. The Chinese will be trained and built up to real units, and the Aussies probably shipped to Perth eventually.

My long-term plans for Burma are that I don't plan a major push across this border, but I do plan enough attacks to attract large numbers of IJA troops. I plan to keep the Chinese here (seems right), which if I can pull them back and build, will give me a "Free China" army of around 1300 AV. I could change these plans.


While Burma is just a tactical withdrawl, in China we are hanging on. He won a combat in that mountain hex, but 2 of my units remain, and a fresh one will be there tomorrow. A follow-on attack was 1-1 and failed to dislodge them. So, I hang on to this mountain hex for now, though the passes are littered with dead Chinese.

I still am drawing fuel from Loyang, so the short-term objective is to keep that going. Once he severs the connection, and the gas runs out, it will accelerate the downward spiral.

We just need to keep China in business through 1942, and buy time to get something going in the Pacific.

Next Moves:

The first few ships are sailing for our next move; a handful of pickets and a replenishment TF I want in position first. We are still a month out, but planning ahead. I need one of the Infantry units to get more prepped, and upgrade some TBFs before sailing, but D-Day should be around June 20-July 1.

JocMeister -> RE: Losing Ground (9/21/2012 9:44:54 PM)

What kind of voodoo are you using to get your P40s to do something besides dying? [:D]

Is he coming in low (below 20k) with his sweeps so you get the dive on him?

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