75Pak -> RE: Case Blue: Unwinnable? (9/23/2017 10:44:34 PM)
Usually by about the last week of July or the first week of August I have inflicted about 460,000 casualties on the Soviets and I have lost about 110,000 on my side. I don't go for huge pockets that are hard to close and hard to keep perfectly sealed, but rather small pockets that will bag 2-3 Soviet divisions at a time. I play by the rule of "don't get greedy" and I operate on the idea that it is better to cut, say, the Soviet 21st Army, into 6 pockets of 2-3 divisions each, and bag the whole thing, than to try to pocket the entire army but wind up with such a loose/thin cordon around the 21st Army that most of it can fight out and escape.