Reviews and Awards for Case Blue (Full Version)

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Templer_12 -> Reviews and Awards for Case Blue (7/28/2012 6:14:00 PM)

Out of Eight
Out of Eight Reviews

Well, 6 out of 8, like Gary Grigsby's War in the East.


ORIGINAL: Out of Eight
...and the handful of unique features makes it stand out in the genre.

The Red Baron -> RE: Reviews and Awards for Case Blue (7/29/2012 3:31:09 AM)

Thanks for posting. I like to read Out of Eight reviews to get a good feel for games in which I am interested.

DBeves -> RE: Reviews and Awards for Case Blue (7/29/2012 10:28:18 AM)



Here we go:
Out of Eight Reviews

Well, 6 out of 8, like Gary Grigsby's War in the East.


ORIGINAL: Out of Eight
...and the handful of unique features makes it stand out in the genre.

I sometimes don t like this guys reviews. If he is giving this game the same mark as WiTE then he is way off base. Much like everyone else with WiTE he reviewed it at a very cosmetic level and before all the issues came to light. I think sometimes he leaps to judgement just to get a review ut quickly.

I mean he says - large scale means "tedious" unit management. Thats not an issue with the game - its a feature of the genre. Most of us who play these games actually dont see it as "tedious" at all. In fact "unit management" is what the games is essentially all about.

Cybertran -> RE: Reviews and Awards for Case Blue (8/9/2012 2:11:02 PM)

Though it's in french, there was a nice review in july on la Gazette du wargamer. I can't put a direct link, but if you need you'll find it easily on .

Templer_12 -> RE: Reviews and Awards for Case Blue (8/20/2012 2:27:47 PM)

A great 88% and the silver award from

GamersHall Decisive Campaigns: Case Blue Review

Google translation:


"Decisive Campaigns: Case Blue" comes up with a lot of new features and improvements that enhance the gaming experience compared to the acclaimed predecessor again considerably.
We are dealing here with a winner, no doubt!
Distinctive profile the game receives mainly due to the innovative, yet not seen, high command system commands, which contributes greatly to the immersion, and in conjunction with the action cards can pay almost RPG feelings.
An object of criticism, however, is still awkward in some respects control.

Vic -> RE: Reviews and Awards for Case Blue (8/21/2012 1:35:09 PM)

Finish review from

google translate: "Overall, the Decisive Campaigns: Case Blue is a big step forward for Advanced Tactics: Gold from. Carried out in a more rational division of troops and supplies, the effects of individual commanders, simplified navigation and more cunning artificial intelligence make it a truly hefty package. I recommend a game to anyone who has not yet fed up a World War II strategy games."

ricodc -> RE: Reviews and Awards for Case Blue (9/5/2012 2:22:13 PM)

really like the look of this but overspent this month on games so wait for payday

Moltke71 -> RE: Reviews and Awards for Case Blue (9/6/2012 10:41:28 PM)

My review:

Vic -> RE: Reviews and Awards for Case Blue (9/28/2012 9:58:43 AM)

Vic -> RE: Reviews and Awards for Case Blue (10/2/2012 6:48:49 PM)

PC4WAR 4/5

Boores -> RE: Reviews and Awards for Case Blue (11/7/2012 9:18:59 AM)

From my blog, but in spanish. There is a gadget with Microsoft translator.

Alfonso Nuņez, estrategasdesillon staff

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