Pic mod (Full Version)

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bairdlander2 -> Pic mod (8/4/2012 3:16:27 AM)

Is there a current mod that has photo's of the various tanks and units instead of cartoons or drawings?Thanks.

Grotius -> RE: Pic mod (8/4/2012 4:19:10 AM)

Not that I know of. Are you sure you want this? The nice thing about the drawings is that they include information about the (1) weather (the sky color) and especially (2) the terrain (whether the unit is in city, hills, etc.). I find it very handy to glance at a unit's drawings to see what terrain it's in. Yes, I can peer up at the top of the screen to see the hex type, but increasingly I just rely on the drawings.

Also, I think the drawings just look cool. :)

bairdlander2 -> RE: Pic mod (8/4/2012 4:40:57 AM)

I prefer pics,didnt realize drawings tell the weather.This is the one thing preventing me from purchase.

Grotius -> RE: Pic mod (8/4/2012 6:23:51 AM)

They tell terrain AND weather, which is quite neat. If the unit is in forest, you see a pic of tanks or infantry mingled with pine trees. If it's in light hills, you see rolling hills in the background. If it's in mountains, you see craggy stuff. If plains, flatland. If a town, houses. If a city, bricks and stuff.

Also, the images of different nationalities of infantry look different. You get to recognize Italians, Rumanians, Hungarians, etc pretty quickly just from their avatars and garb.

That said, the drawings are not *essential*, because you can get the same info from the top of the interface and other places. So you COULD live without it. I know nothing about modding, so I'm just guessing, but I would guess that this would be moddable.

Edit: Looks like someone has already started modding out part of the portraits. See this thread: http://www.matrixgames.com/forums/tm.asp?m=3145342

Redmarkus5 -> RE: Pic mod (8/4/2012 8:05:18 AM)

Pics can be modded to show photos, for example but not yet done.

If the photos are carefully cropped to remove the background and keep only the tank picture, for example, then the background will still be seen.

Also, hex terrain and weather are also indicated in the bino view at the top of the map and on the map itself (mud hexes, snow hexes) so even with a replacement image all info will not be lost.

Redmarkus5 -> RE: Pic mod (8/4/2012 2:58:17 PM)


ORIGINAL: bairdlander

I prefer pics,didnt realize drawings tell the weather.This is the one thing preventing me from purchase.

So, you want something like this?

A quick and dirty mod will take about an hour, so I might do that now while wifey is at the shops.

If you have images you like (photos, Osprey, art etc.) send me links or PM me the files and I can edit the Mod with those later.


Redmarkus5 -> RE: Pic mod (8/4/2012 2:58:46 PM)

But now you have to buy the game or I'm wasting energy!!!

Redmarkus5 -> RE: Pic mod (8/4/2012 3:41:36 PM)

So, just using the first images I find with Google, you can get this. Better images = a better look, obviously, so any links will be very welcome.


Redmarkus5 -> RE: Pic mod (8/4/2012 4:10:29 PM)

And a Panzer Regt...

It's actually possible to have a different unit pic in the Detail screen, but that requires creating a whole new set of 'big' images (or using the stock ones) and editing every SFT type in the game to point it at the second image.


Blind Sniper -> RE: Pic mod (8/4/2012 6:06:13 PM)

Awesome!!!! [X(]

Redmarkus5 -> RE: Pic mod (8/4/2012 7:39:41 PM)

Would people want that? I just did a handful of the images...

budd -> RE: Pic mod (8/4/2012 7:53:24 PM)

alot of pictures here of various forces of alot of different countries.

bairdlander2 -> RE: Pic mod (8/4/2012 8:28:33 PM)

Looks much better with pics in my opinion.Thanks.

bairdlander2 -> RE: Pic mod (8/4/2012 9:03:04 PM)

I opened the files of WtP and pics already exist of units.Just dont know how to change them on counters[&:]

Templer_12 -> RE: Pic mod (8/4/2012 10:50:23 PM)


ORIGINAL: redmarkus4

Would people want that? I just did a handful of the images...

The work looks really great again. Typical redmarkus4.

On the one hand, the authentic black and white images take a lot of the irritating Walt Disney flair, on the other side you have to give up the cool terrain and weather effects, and whats my pain, the great winter mode by redmarkus4 will not be used.

Difficult decision.

redmarkus4 if you find time, I recommend finish this mod.
There will always be player wich like a "true" image better.
Also, it want not harm the game if one may choose between a wider range of high-quality mods.

bairdlander2 -> RE: Pic mod (8/5/2012 3:31:03 AM)




ORIGINAL: redmarkus4

Would people want that? I just did a handful of the images...

The work looks really great again. Typical redmarkus4.

On the one hand, the authentic black and white images take a lot of the irritating Walt Disney flair, on the other side you have to give up the cool terrain and weather effects, and whats my pain, the great winter mode by redmarkus4 will not be used.

Difficult decision.

redmarkus4 if you find time, I recommend finish this mod.
There will always be player wich like a "true" image better.
Also, it want not harm the game if one may choose between a wider range of high-quality mods.

Hey templer,is how to change to pics in manuel?I will do it myself,just want to verify before purchase.Thanks

Redmarkus5 -> RE: Pic mod (8/5/2012 7:36:23 AM)




ORIGINAL: redmarkus4

Would people want that? I just did a handful of the images...

The work looks really great again. Typical redmarkus4.

On the one hand, the authentic black and white images take a lot of the irritating Walt Disney flair, on the other side you have to give up the cool terrain and weather effects, and whats my pain, the great winter mode by redmarkus4 will not be used.

Difficult decision.

redmarkus4 if you find time, I recommend finish this mod.
There will always be player wich like a "true" image better.
Also, it want not harm the game if one may choose between a wider range of high-quality mods.

Thanks. You can still switch to the winter pics when you want to - just save, exit the game and switch with JSGME, then open your saved game again.

Redmarkus5 -> RE: Pic mod (8/5/2012 7:46:31 AM)


ORIGINAL: bairdlander

I opened the files of WtP and pics already exist of units.Just dont know how to change them on counters[&:]

Hi. The pics in WtP are a different size from the unit images and they also have artistic effects applied that means they won't look great if you change them to use as unit counters.

The pics in my unit mods can be used in WtP. You will need to download the mod, unzip and open the Eskubi folder inside graphics/DC2, find the pic you like and 'Save As' into the relevant WtP graphics folder.

It's not difficult, but make sure that you know exactly which folders you want to work with before you start.

Also, I would suggest you make a full back-up first by doing this:

1. Go to your Matrix Games folder (C:\Matrix Games\).

2. Re-name the WtP folder 'Original_Decisive Campaigns The Blitzkrieg from Warsaw to Paris' - just right click on the folder and select 'rename' to do this.

3. Now, you old game won't run until you change the name back to 'Decisive Campaigns The Blitzkrieg from Warsaw to Paris', so you need to re-install the game using the default install location.

4. You will now have two versions of the game installed. You can mod the new one that you installed last. If it all goes wrong, rename or delete the whole mod game folder and rename your old one so you can resume playing with that.

Redmarkus5 -> RE: Pic mod (8/5/2012 7:47:30 AM)

If you are struggling to change them, send the pics to me and I will do it for you.

Redmarkus5 -> RE: Pic mod (8/5/2012 9:55:00 AM)


ORIGINAL: **budd**

alot of pictures here of various forces of alot of different countries.

Excellent site - I'm using it now.


TJD -> RE: Pic mod (8/5/2012 2:09:39 PM)


ORIGINAL: redmarkus4

Would people want that? I just did a handful of the images...

Oh, absolutely I want this. I've hated those cartoon drawings from the get-go; I thought they looked totally unprofessional and really undercut the credibility of the game. Redmarkus, if you've got the time, please carry this mod through to conclusion, and thanks!



Appren -> RE: Pic mod (8/5/2012 3:59:26 PM)

I would certainly prefer great pictures over the cartoons, I can live with losing the weather/terrain info. I can understand why the developer chose to go with cartoons due to copyright etc etc on pictures, but that wont stop the modders! :-)

Redmarkus5 -> RE: Pic mod (8/5/2012 5:21:19 PM)

I'm continuing with the B&W photo mod but I also found a couple of books on sale at the Duxford airshow today - WW2 tank and aircraft images in fantastic color and detail. I'll be upgrading my other units mods as well. See sample below.


Keunert -> RE: Pic mod (8/5/2012 6:17:57 PM)

wow awesome drawings!

budd -> RE: Pic mod (8/5/2012 6:18:12 PM)

I know not what i ask ,but is it possible to change pics without losing the info about terrain? I know its available above also.Just asking. Thx again for your work.

Redmarkus5 -> RE: Pic mod (8/5/2012 9:40:25 PM)

Terrain info is lost from the Pics area if you use photos. However, terrain info still appears at the top of the map and weather is notified by the mud or snow map hexes...

You can't have everything ;)

Redmarkus5 -> RE: Pic mod (8/5/2012 9:40:48 PM)

WW2 Units Pic Mod released. Link is in the OP here: http://www.matrixgames.com/forums/tm.asp?m=3147536&mpage=1&key=%26%2365533%3B

Redmarkus5 -> RE: Pic mod (8/5/2012 9:41:41 PM)



wow awesome drawings!

Sadly, they don't have every tank type in the book, so I'll do my best.

sandman2575 -> RE: Pic mod (8/5/2012 11:59:47 PM)

redmarkus, i wish someone had put you in charge of the photo illustrations for WitE -- these unit photos are awesome and much better than many of the blurry, indistinct unit photos used in WitE. (FWIW, though, I actually really love the aesthetic of the DC unit illustrations)

Redmarkus5 -> RE: Pic mod (8/6/2012 10:00:04 AM)


ORIGINAL: sandman2575

redmarkus, i wish someone had put you in charge of the photo illustrations for WitE -- these unit photos are awesome and much better than many of the blurry, indistinct unit photos used in WitE. (FWIW, though, I actually really love the aesthetic of the DC unit illustrations)

Thanks. You probably know what I think of WitE already...

I produced this mod in about 3 hours using Google and almost all of the images are in the public domain with no copyright indicators.

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