Herbie, the game keeps crashing (Full Version)

All Forums >> [New Releases from Matrix Games] >> Decisive Campaigns Series >> Decisive Campaigns: Case Blue >> Opponents Wanted


dmixer -> Herbie, the game keeps crashing (8/5/2012 1:42:33 PM)


I accepted your invite to play the 2nd Kharkov scenario, however, everytime I load and try to play, I get a windows error box that says, "Caseblue.exe has encountered a problem." and it shuts down.

If anyone has any idea whats going on, please chime in.

Herbie, sorry man! Hopefully we can get this fixed.


dmixer -> RE: Herbie, the game keeps crashing (8/24/2012 2:04:13 PM)

K, Vic says the game is dead. Corrupted file.

If you would like to try again, pls respond to this post.

Thanks, Herbie!

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