Lord Zimoa -> RE: Africa Corps bugs (8/10/2012 10:53:50 PM)
BTW - Thank you for the quick answers. Is it possible to give some answers to my 13 questions here ? 1. Do the different air transports also run different in game - can I use also different air transport units, when I start in game from airfield ? BTW - Most frature would be most imortant for my Modern War Corps. 2. Can we set own tiles (like hammada, cactus fields, plantages in tunesia etc) for Africa Corps with new parameters ??? Can we mod new movement parameters and tile parameters ??? I will set my own terrain tiles and also my own 3D units ! Looks better. I like your units, but they have a to low detail (I know, you used low poly models and have't enough resources for more) and not exactly camo, also some units have different textures and the most have to much different scale. 3. You wrote that we have now Italy and german Heros, Can we set also more than exist hero pictures and use them in the editor or do we have an limitation. Thats most imortant to set US, GB and all other nation heros. Or do we must wait for your Allied Corps to use all hero classified in nations ? Its possible to set new heros for the allied nations like italy_hero1 - than british_hero1 - is it already integrated in the engine code yet ? 4. Can we hope, to see different camo files also for winter and late war camo in the future addons ? I like to use my units with different camo style. 5. Whats going on with a most imortant feature to destroy bridges with engineers ??? 6. I like to use more of my animations for all units. Now we have only attack/fire possible. Can I set alo my own running/drive, destroy,fidget etc. animations in future versions ? 7. Can we use our own briefing video clips for post and pre briefings in future ? 8. Can we add more unit classes, like helicopters, amphibian, bicycle and motorcycle yet ??? Or is this again hard coded ? 9. Do the AI support more than your mini map size or can I have fun also on my big HPS maps yet ? 10. Most imortant - I like to see a new unit trait for HQ units - to use my own division, corps amd army HQ units with some effects like gives every round prestige for own units and/or some other Benefits in range ? 11. Also nice would be to see the divisional sign in the same way like the new hero sign on battlefield to see the different formations. 12. Is it possible to switch also transport units yet ? I need this feature to switch some weapons for my Modern War Corps. 13. Can we mod different street movement for your 2 street typs for all unit movement classes ? I like to use an faster move on the fast road Via Balbia and all others on more unpaved roads. 14. Is it also possible to set Core troops as reinforments yet - I have seen it at the 6th scenario but I dont know it exactly ? Sure I can give an answer: produce, code and make your own engine, so it will fit your own personnel dream of the perfect game that you want to create. That is the whole point; those are not bugs in our game or engine, but requests to transform our game (or add features) into something we, as the core developers of Panzer Corps, don`t like, don`t want to see our game going, don`t think will work, don`t think will play good, don`t think will sell... It is just a matter of taste and you will disagree, but I`me sorry, you really will have to design and code your own game and engine. So good luck with your own game, that is the only thing that will solve your problems, your units, your ideas and your game. But these are not bugs in our games, just things you don`t like or would do different. No patch will solve that, you will have to do it yourself.