Trappenjagd, Keunert(sov) vs. alex0809(axis) (Full Version)

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Keunert -> Trappenjagd, Keunert(sov) vs. alex0809(axis) (8/11/2012 9:31:57 PM)

Treppenjagd scenario, all options on, dismissal off

Treppenjagd is the longest scenario of the game. it starts with the soviet may 1942 offensive to take Kharkow and will end in april 1943. after the clear failure against Olivier i try to apply in this game all lessons i hope to have learned.

Treppenjagd starts with the Soviets trying to retake Kharkow and the Axis clearing Kerch. Most Axis fronts are frozen on the first turn. the Soviets have all fronts ready. the Axis is still in the progress to bring Army Group South up to full strength. In the coming turns they will recieve some more mobile units until they reach their full setup in mid june. Soviet reinforcements start slow and get quite massive in the second part of july.

Both of us have played DC1 pbem. I hope this will be a long and entertaining game.


Keunert -> RE: Trappenjagd, Keunert(sov) vs. alex0809(axis) (8/11/2012 10:23:49 PM)

Army Setup

We are commanding six fronts consisting of 666'500 men (axis: 524'000). The army consists of several commanders that are not up to the task. their lacking organizational talent makes defensive and offensive operations difficult. in the next turn we will pull our political weight and ask STAVKA to replace them. Front Commanders will have to leave first as they threaten entire armies with their inability. then we will check each army commander. the problem is that not enough able commanders are available. so we have to live with some of them for some months. the critical parts of the front will get better commanders first.

Another problem is the rather big amount of units under direct front command. we aim to get rid of this mixture of administrative/organizational commands and fighting commands. we will aim to distribute Front Command units to Armies. better would be to build new Army Commands. but we have to see yet where to find trustworthy generals.

Briansk Front
This is the most northern command. Lead by an inacceptable leader, we instantly appoint V.D. Tsvetsaev to take over. the main goal of this front command is to hold Voronezh.
Briansk Front: 13A, 40A

South Western Front
S. K. Timoshenko is an average commander. He is in charge of retaking Charkow. 21 Army and 28 Army are ordered to attack north of Charkow, 6 Army will try the same in the south. All armies conduct attacks with moderate success. 6th A manages to take the railway at Krasnograd, 20 kilometres behind the front. One regiment of the german 62nd infantry division was attacked twice and finally broke.
South Western Front: 21A, 28A, 38A, 6A

South Front
The South Front under R. I. Malinovsky will defend Rostow and Millerowo and it has the important task to secure the southern flank of our Kharkow offensive. The Southern Front will get support from the Caucasus Front commands. those will be stripped of as many units/armies as possible.
South Front: 57A, 9A, 37A, 56A, 12A, 18A

Crimea Front
This command has to fight Von Mansteins offensive. Manstein is probably the best Axis commander. ironically he faces the worst Front commander of the entire Soviet southern front. We appoint V.N. Kurdiumov and we hope he will use the numeric supperiority to his advantage. STAVKA sent construction battalions that are currently fortifying Kerchs bottleneck. The Crimean Front, despite the numbers, lacks tanks, artillery and anti aircraft units. the good thing is the rather comfortable air support. an axis airstrike has already been intercepted, killing 25 levelbombers without any Soviet losses.

Under this command is the bigger part of the Soviet navy. those ships are currently sailing at top speed to Sevastopol. Their goal is to secure sea supply lines and to locate and destroy the Axis navy.
Crimea Front: 47A, 51A, 44A

We are thinking about reducing the Caucasus Fronts to one. Both Front Commands have only one army under their control and we could use every capable general in places that soon wil see combat.


Keunert -> RE: Trappenjagd, Keunert(sov) vs. alex0809(axis) (8/11/2012 10:31:40 PM)


We have to improve our airwar a lot. Against Olivier i was pushing them and this resultet in a complete breakdown by turn three. in another pbem i tried something different and it works a lot better. at the start of the campaign our units suffer from very low experience and the command&control penalties. We will thus refrain from airstrikes during the first days. the units are ordered to take position further back, just barely covering the front lines. all fighter units with readiness under 90 will rest and refit. against the superior axis pilots we will only fight when conditions are good.


Keunert -> RE: Trappenjagd, Keunert(sov) vs. alex0809(axis) (8/11/2012 10:32:47 PM)



Keunert -> RE: Trappenjagd, Keunert(sov) vs. alex0809(axis) (8/11/2012 10:35:50 PM)

The end of the first two days has seen 6'500 dead Soviets and 6'500 dead Axis troops. Not much has been achieved around Kharkow but our troops showed that they are able to dislodge well dug in Axis defenders and that we are able to deal them casualties. The german attack at Kerch was limited to shelling and airstrikes.

Keunert -> RE: Trappenjagd, Keunert(sov) vs. alex0809(axis) (8/12/2012 6:41:40 AM)

14. May 1942
Turn Two

Brianks Front
13A, 40A
Defend Voronezh

Supported by an artillery barrage, elements of 45th Inf Div, 40A attack two hungarian infantry units. The hungarian suffer considerable losses but do not retreat. The germans move in more units into their frontlines. the defenders on the most likely route of advance is reinforced with artillery. we hope that our artillery will counterfire and reduce the effect of the german shelling. Tank units roll into position to counterattack possible breakthroughs.


Keunert -> RE: Trappenjagd, Keunert(sov) vs. alex0809(axis) (8/12/2012 6:52:33 AM)

14. May 1942
Turn Two

South Western Front
21A, 28A, 38A, 6A
Free Kharkow

The northern pincer movement came to a standstill. some regrouping, artillery ammo grabbing and then again attacking next turn. The small gains of the centers 38A were lost after the attack of germany's 297th Inf Div. Low readiness and the lack of artillery, tanks and airsupport made us to refrain from a counterattack.

The tank drive of the 6th A got attacked by several air strikes. with all the tanks lost we turn west in direction of Krasnograd and attack germans 62 Art bat. The unit panicks and surrenders after heavy losses.

The appearance of the 14th Panzer in conjunction with the 60th Mob Div is threatening to cut off 6th army. 6th Army reinforces the only road and bridge that connect it with our Front command. Depending on the developpment on 6th A southern flank a general retreat will soon be likely.


Keunert -> RE: Trappenjagd, Keunert(sov) vs. alex0809(axis) (8/12/2012 7:07:10 AM)

14. May 1942
Turn Two

South Front
57A, 9A, 37A, 56A, 12A, 18A, reinforced with Caucasus 46th A
Defend Millerowo, Rostow, secure 6th A southern flank.

The Axis pressure is rising. the badly commanded 57th A got a new commander, F.I. Tolbukhin. The former commander made them fight with a 25% combat penalty. Our anger made us forget that the old commander had cards ready to play. We just wasted 10 command points. The Axis with the assistance of 14th Panzer and 60th Mob Div managed to penetrate the front 20 km deep, taking a city head on. 57th A pulls back.

Units of the 12th A were pushed back. Supported by tanks and artillery and counterattack with mixed results. the germans hold firm but both sides suffer about equal casualties. 18A attacks Italy's 9th Inf Div. the Italians suffer high casualties. Both units break and retreat.

Further south Wiking SS and Slav Mob attack across a river in force. We are in no shape to counter this und pull the line a little back. Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler is also spotted here. A lot of elite and highly mobile units. we urgently need more units in this sector.

46th A arrives from the Caucasus and will take position south of the raillines in small mountains. North Caucasus Front moves to Rostow, supporting it's defence.


Keunert -> RE: Trappenjagd, Keunert(sov) vs. alex0809(axis) (8/12/2012 7:14:32 AM)

14. May 1942
Turn Two

Crimean Front
47A, 51A, 44A
Defend Kerch and Sevastopol

The Axis finally attack the center of the Kerch line, pushing it back. The engineers fortify another part of the front. we hope to have a continous 30km fort line within two days. Command & Control penalties once more kick in in the worst part. 47 A units are almost immobile and threatend of encirclement. our transports are on standby, we may need them to get the better part of 47 A out.

In front of Sevastopol parts of our navy arrive. they will try to secure sea supply. More ships are underway. might no be too smart to send an avantguard. if the Axis strikes now they may cause us considerable losses.


Keunert -> RE: Trappenjagd, Keunert(sov) vs. alex0809(axis) (8/12/2012 7:21:03 AM)

14. May 1942
Turn Two

Our command and control level is at 72%. in our previous games i found anything above 90% bearable. We will see what this extremely low percentage will cause. it already gives us some headaches on Kerch, but most of all it hurts our airforce. no less than 16 airunits have a reduced readiness. this makes them less effective on the offensive. and they will suffer bigger losses.

as we will not fly crews with anything below 90% readiness, most of our airforce stays on ground.


Keunert -> RE: Trappenjagd, Keunert(sov) vs. alex0809(axis) (8/12/2012 7:23:59 AM)

14. May 1942
Turn Two

The casualties statistics show how much effort goes into our Kharkow offensive. we do little there. our main goal is not to lose our 6th A. Both sides suffer about equally so far. Axis has a remarkably high reinforcement level. we have to wait some days to see the first reinforcements coming in.


olivier34 -> RE: Trappenjagd, Keunert(sov) vs. alex0809(axis) (8/12/2012 7:44:47 AM)

Great AAR Keunert and I see that you have improve a lot the organisation of the red army. How strong are those fort hexes in the Kerch peninsula ? Are they operational in a turn ?
The minor axis are a target for you. They seems to suffer a lot, even when well entrench.

Keunert -> RE: Trappenjagd, Keunert(sov) vs. alex0809(axis) (8/12/2012 8:36:45 AM)

They are instantly operational and have 2000 HP i think. They cost 8PP. i am not sure though what they do besides improving the auto entrench and max entrench level. the landscape info doesn't show any attack penalties.

Grotius -> RE: Trappenjagd, Keunert(sov) vs. alex0809(axis) (8/12/2012 4:57:14 PM)

This is a lovely AAR so far. I like the way you've displayed your maps. Looking forward to more!

Blind Sniper -> RE: Trappenjagd, Keunert(sov) vs. alex0809(axis) (8/12/2012 5:36:47 PM)

Good luck! [sm=00000613.gif]

rominet -> RE: Trappenjagd, Keunert(sov) vs. alex0809(axis) (8/12/2012 5:40:49 PM)



This is a lovely AAR so far. I like the way you've displayed your maps. Looking forward to more!

Me too.
What do you use to make such large screenshots?

Keunert -> RE: Trappenjagd, Keunert(sov) vs. alex0809(axis) (8/12/2012 6:49:07 PM)

mac screenshots
and putting them together in photoshop

bwheatley -> RE: Trappenjagd, Keunert(sov) vs. alex0809(axis) (8/13/2012 7:27:03 AM)



They are instantly operational and have 2000 HP i think. They cost 8PP. i am not sure though what they do besides improving the auto entrench and max entrench level. the landscape info doesn't show any attack penalties.

They improve the max auto entrech and they are not magic forts like in WITE. Your units will still take 2-3 turns to dig all the way upto 200. And lose their fort if they attack so just be careful about building a fort on the front line. A fort plus a defense or entrech card on that hex might help though. A new fort on the front is a tasty target for the enemy.

Keunert -> RE: Trappenjagd, Keunert(sov) vs. alex0809(axis) (8/13/2012 8:40:38 PM)

16. May 1942
Turn Three

Brianks Front
13A, 40A
Defend Voronezh

We tried an attack north of Kursk, the aim was to cut off the northern most hex and isolate the 45th german inf. div. The breakthrough was a success but we lacked the mobility to exploit this success. We bolstered our frontline with artillery units in the most critical spots. their loss limit is on 25%. Their counterbattery fire should limit the effect of shelling and deal some casualties to the axis.


Keunert -> RE: Trappenjagd, Keunert(sov) vs. alex0809(axis) (8/13/2012 8:49:12 PM)

16. May 1942
Turn Three

South Western Front
21A, 28A, 38A, 6A
Free Kharkow

21A and 38A successfully attack german lines and push three regiments back. both attacks were dealing a more or less equal amount of losses to the axis as to the soviets. Further south the first tank battle occured. 6A's 23 TC assisted by the 2nd cav div and 47th inf div attacked two regiments of germany's 3rd PZ Div, pushing them back. twenty german tanks were killed. the 7th TC pushed some infantry back. One unsupported attack on a security reg failed.


Keunert -> RE: Trappenjagd, Keunert(sov) vs. alex0809(axis) (8/13/2012 8:55:39 PM)

16. May 1942
Turn Three

South Front
57A, 9A, 37A, 56A, 12A, 18A, Caucasus 46A, added newly created 1st Keunert Army!
Defend Millerowo, Rostow, secure 6th A southern flank.

The army reorganization got one step further with the creation of my very own 1K A! The newly formed HQ takes over the units under direct South Front command. Childish as i am i made me my own Leibstandarte. After all Hitler has his own too and i am no less a man than he is. and i do have one ball more. We keep railing in more Caucasus troops.

It is planned to bring up both Caucasus commands. All of the southern map will be completely stripped off any units. and instead we hope to shorten the South Front's line and install instead both Caucasus Fronts around Rostov.


Keunert -> RE: Trappenjagd, Keunert(sov) vs. alex0809(axis) (8/13/2012 8:59:56 PM)

16. May 1942
Turn Three

Crimean Front
47A, 51A, 44A
Defend Kerch and Sevastopol

The Axis pushes one hex back, threatening to cut off several of our regiments. We build another fortress and pull all units back, reinforcing our fortress line. Some units are loaded upon transports. the transports are escorted by aa heavy cruisers. Sevastopol stays quiet and the Navy is conducting patrols.


Keunert -> RE: Trappenjagd, Keunert(sov) vs. alex0809(axis) (8/13/2012 9:04:23 PM)

16. May 1942
Turn Three

Overall we are confident to have prepared for the imminent Axis attack. We suffer heavy command & control penalties but besides that we did what we could to improve our organization. What we lack is reserves. 5TA is non existant and there is a general shortage of mobile units.

the german attacks are only few. they mostly use airstrikes or shelling to kill off some of our men. losses are extremely low for both sides. the axis gains the edge but at the moment losses are ignorable for both sides.

Below are two replay screens of the more enjoyable sort:


Keunert -> RE: Trappenjagd, Keunert(sov) vs. alex0809(axis) (8/13/2012 9:06:15 PM)

16. May 1942
Turn Three

The airwar is going well so far. our units slowly add experience and morale. each turn sees a few interdiction with some german losses. most of the times all our fighter return home safe.


marion61 -> RE: Trappenjagd, Keunert(sov) vs. alex0809(axis) (8/13/2012 11:26:25 PM)



16. May 1942
Turn Three

South Front
57A, 9A, 37A, 56A, 12A, 18A, Caucasus 46A, added newly created 1st Keunert Army!
Defend Millerowo, Rostow, secure 6th A southern flank.

I lmao when I saw you'd named a whole army after yourself. They'll be the army that sits behind the lines bitching about how bad they have it, while they drink vodka, and chase the single women!

Keunert -> RE: Trappenjagd, Keunert(sov) vs. alex0809(axis) (8/14/2012 9:23:41 PM)

18. May 1942
Turn Four

Mud hit us and all movement is slowed down. The Axis was counterattacking our spearheads, isolating a few regiments. apart from this not much happened. We will post the entire map without much comment.


rominet -> RE: Trappenjagd, Keunert(sov) vs. alex0809(axis) (8/14/2012 10:05:17 PM)

What a map!! [:)]

Keunert -> RE: Trappenjagd, Keunert(sov) vs. alex0809(axis) (8/15/2012 9:21:27 AM)

18. May 1942
Turn Four

Looking at the statistics we are glad to see that the Axis is still low on medium tanks. we hope this will give us some more rounds to build more forts, dig in deeper and maybe to change another commander. Both factions total troops went down about 20'000 men. we took more losses but we also have a higher replacement rate.

After four turns we have on regret: we should have reorganized the Kharkow offensive by railing in as many TC as possible. i feel like we could have achieved more there. on the other side we also think that the Axis is slow with it's push north. it doesn't look like they try to cut off our 6A south of Kharkow.


krupp_88mm -> RE: Trappenjagd, Keunert(sov) vs. alex0809(axis) (8/15/2012 10:58:02 AM)

Looks like your tank numbers are dropping fast! Is he bombing your tanks, cant let him do that if you are not attack, did you try launching some concentrated air raids on the towns behind his lines, with fighters you might get lucky and bag some airfields, usually it seems players put their planes right on the front line aifields easy targets.


Keunert -> RE: Trappenjagd, Keunert(sov) vs. alex0809(axis) (8/15/2012 11:16:40 AM)

he isolated and destroyed four or five of my tank units but mostly he is bombing my tanks. some of my attacks were a little too naive maybe and my tanks ended up encircled the next turn. it's hard to predict if my army will be fully mobile next turn or if they get a command & control penalty.
at least once i would have been able to open up an encirclement with enough arty and units ready, but the army lost around 50 AP this very turn...

i am trying to provide aircover and it does work to some extend. but most of the times when i do an airmission (an escorted bombing run on tanks) i run into interception and will lose lot's of planes. even though i only do airmissions with units that have 100% readiness.
maybe i could position my tank units better, like in woods and cities. but this will sometimes put them out of counterattack range. i also try to put my tanks around HQ, because they have some AA weapons. i was thinking to do a recon mission to find the base of the italian air unit. i feel like they would be the easiest target. but if it goes wrong i will pay a high price.

i appreciate any advice you got.

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