RE: Kiddytoto's mod "The Color Of The East" is out! (Full Version)

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kiddytoto -> RE: Kiddytoto's mod "The Color Of The East" is out! (3/6/2013 12:07:12 AM)

Reuploaded! thanks everyone [:)]

PDiFolco -> RE: Kiddytoto's mod "The Color Of The East" is out! (3/7/2013 3:28:41 PM)

Thanks KiddyToto ! [&o][:)]

kiddytoto -> RE: Kiddytoto's mod "The Color Of The East" is out! (6/9/2014 1:12:29 PM)

Sorry have been quiet for a pretty long while here, the download link has been fixed thak you guys [:'(]

Sensei.Tokugawa -> RE: Kiddytoto's mod "The Color Of The East" is out! (6/19/2014 7:45:10 AM)

I have just checked and apparently it's working, but cannot say more, it's still being downloaded. By the way, what is that mod of yours for DCI BfWtP? Can I find it somewhere here on the forums in the DCI section? Haven't figuered that out yet, but I am going soon.

Works with the latest version 106h2. Again - thanks a lot for enhancing our experience with those fantastic games!

sossenbinder -> RE: Kiddytoto's mod "The Color Of The East" is out! (2/27/2017 1:05:01 PM)

File is down, please reupload it. It looks so nice!

kiddytoto -> RE: Kiddytoto's mod "The Color Of The East" is out! (2/28/2017 10:19:06 PM)

Hello everyone, now the file has been reuploaded, if you have the download problem plz let me know!(you can PM or email me) Enjoy!:)

kiddytoto -> RE: Kiddytoto's mod "The Color Of The East" is out! (2/28/2017 10:49:06 PM)

Sorry the new link:

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