Ares106 -> Will there be any imporvements made to tactical Battles gameplay? (8/12/2012 5:01:16 PM)
I think this is a good time to ask this with the new Expansion in development. Also to gauge what the community thinks about this. I feel that though DW does lot of good things when it comes to ship design, economy, automated empire management, strategic warfare, The tactical battles seem to be lacking. Common tactics used by the AI is massing a position with as many ships as possible. This is partly because of the way firing ranges are so small and they are 360 degrees for all ships. I really like the way ships fly in space "realistically" and dont turn on a dime like in sins, but It would really improve game play to have better tactical battles with flaking moves, crossing T's fleet formations, collisions, slow moving torpedoes, basically something similar to the tactics used by WW1 ships in battle. At the very least code force should give moders the ability to be able to implement these kinds of things into the game. anyway, sorry for rambling. what do you guys think?