RE: Razing the Reich (No Pelton) (Full Version)

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Peltonx -> RE: Razing the Reich (No Pelton) (8/14/2013 8:09:22 AM)



No it's done now. Pelton is happy to let it go. I will leave it on the server just incase a remedy comes up at a later date.

Something similar was found(SU's moving to Stavka = bad/wrong code), not sure its going to be looked into as witw is so close and this game has developed more issues after the SU's started moving.

I asked about it. So waiting to see if it will be looked at to see if it was the start of the corruption in this game and can be fixed in some way or is worth 2by3's time to fix code and find the other corrupted code or codes causing the other issues.

Allot to ask for a single game, but figured I would ask.

Michael T -> RE: Razing the Reich (No Pelton) (8/14/2013 8:22:11 AM)

Pelton, you claimed in the other thread you would be willing to play this out.

Are you retracting that statement?

Because I am willing if you are, bug or no bug.

Michael T -> RE: Razing the Reich (No Pelton) (8/14/2013 8:38:43 AM)


I am more then willing to finish our game your the one that stopped playing its your turn.

Admit you lost to me or finish the game or its a tech error draw.

Actions speak louder then words.

Its your turn

These are your words Pelton.

I am willing to play on. Are you?

Simple question.

Peltonx -> RE: Razing the Reich (No Pelton) (8/14/2013 9:57:07 AM)

I have always been willing to play it out if the corrupted code could be fixed as you have in this thread.

I have not been a drama queen saying I won, because 2by3 doesn't have the time to find/fix corrupted code as you have for the last 6 months.

Kamil I believe was kicking your butt, but a morale bug was found and he and you desided to restart the game. Kamil did not do the drama queen thing and run around claiming to have won, he in good faith restarted. He wanted to win based on skills not bugs, bad data ect ect

Other people can have their own opinions and I respect that, but its not very respectable for you to say one thing in this thread then go around claiming to have won a game JB(2by3), Flaviusx and others and now supporting data 1.07.10 show that this game is corrupted and then some.

I not you have questioned if this bad data issue could possibly have something to do with our game in good faith to you and me.

Lets both take a anti-drama queen pill and see if anything is found, running around claiming to have won a corrupted game is not in anyone best interests.

Michael T -> RE: Razing the Reich (No Pelton) (12/19/2013 8:12:24 PM)

A final line has been drawn under this game. Pelton has conceded the game to me and we have agreed to a 2nd clash sometime after his game with Flavius. I look forward to it. [8D]

schascha -> RE: Razing the Reich (No Pelton) (12/19/2013 10:12:57 PM)

I'm looking forward to it too [sm=happy0065.gif]

Flaviusx -> RE: Razing the Reich (No Pelton) (12/19/2013 10:44:48 PM)

Heh, it's like deja vu all over again around here nowadays.

You gonna offer up any concessions or just take the usual house rules? I'm rolling with a hit to transport to mix things up some.

Peltonx -> RE: Razing the Reich (No Pelton) (12/19/2013 10:57:07 PM)


ORIGINAL: Flaviusx

Heh, it's like deja vu all over again around here nowadays.

You gonna offer up any concessions or just take the usual house rules? I'm rolling with a hit to transport to mix things up some.

You might want to see how my game with Saper plays out, there was allot in the last patch
that will have an impact in the long run.

Flaviusx -> RE: Razing the Reich (No Pelton) (12/19/2013 11:02:29 PM)

I dunno Pelton, am feeling kinda bad about this northern wall thing and want to do something to make that more difficult to pull off. Or at least make the price for it higher.

governato -> RE: Razing the Reich (No Pelton) (12/19/2013 11:55:54 PM)


ORIGINAL: Flaviusx

I dunno Pelton, am feeling kinda bad about this northern wall thing and want to do something to make that more difficult to pull off. Or at least make the price for it higher.

F&M: Have you ever considered a house rule with Logistics (and/or transport) and Fort Build level both toned down? (say to 90 - 80 respectively ?) That will slow down the operational pace a bit, but compensate it nicely with weaker fortifications. The Fort spamming can't be stopped, but this 'd make players re-consider their effectiveness.

gingerbread -> RE: Razing the Reich (No Pelton) (12/20/2013 12:15:53 AM)

The Logistics setting has effects beyond a linear supply/fuel delivery. I'd be careful (very much so) if/when setting it to anything else than 100, in p2p play.

Flaviusx -> RE: Razing the Reich (No Pelton) (12/20/2013 1:15:18 AM)

I don't think either a change to the logistics setting or forts would affect the northern wall strat at all. Besides which, it is the Axis that needs their logistics tamed if anything, not the Soviets.

By knocking down Soviet rail you are directly affecting the ability to shuffle units around, and also making it harder to evacuate the southern factories so quickly. It's a nice twofer. It forces some real agonizing choices on the Soviet player. That's the theory anyways.

Michael T -> RE: Razing the Reich (No Pelton) (12/20/2013 2:55:38 AM)

Probably make some calls after I see the Flavius V Pelton game and my own return game as an Axis player. I would like to find a solution where I would be happy to play either side. That is always my baseline. ATM I am fairly certain that top line Soviets will always crush top line Axis. But I want to see how I go as Axis with the latest morale, logistics, and other changes.

I certainly think the latest changes have pushed the advantage over to the Soviets in such a way that its very difficult for the Axis now.

As for the solution, it needs to force the Reds to fight in the south, or at least maintain a lot more troops down there than what is the current norm. This is always what has driven my extended lvov ploy. As I know whatever I don't get in the South in the first few turns will end up in the North.

Plus I will use the SD scenario.

EwaldvonKleist -> RE: Razing the Reich (No Pelton) (7/30/2019 11:04:36 AM)

Good AAR. I like if you can see the entire front cut together, it is also the AAR style I like to use myself, especially if the CVs are shown.

I think Pelton should have focused more on pocketing and slowly reducing the red army in 1941 instead of trying to use a raiding strategy.

But the game was long before my time so I do not the overall balance and the details of the game mechanics at that time.

wkuh -> RE: Razing the Reich (No Pelton) (7/30/2019 1:41:11 PM)

Thanks for recovering this AAR; it's worth a look.

Michael T -> RE: Razing the Reich (No Pelton) (8/1/2019 2:17:53 AM)

The best thing to come out of this game was that the so called 'bug' that ruined it (and a few other games as well) was later disclosed and corrected.

Telemecus -> RE: Razing the Reich (No Pelton) (8/1/2019 11:55:24 AM)

In the past I only skimmed this one with a mental note to come back for a proper read. I am glad this has been restored so that I could.

Balou -> RE: Razing the Reich (No Pelton) (8/17/2019 12:44:20 PM)



The best thing to come out of this game was that the so called 'bug' that ruined it (and a few other games as well) was later disclosed and corrected.

Why was the game never "restarted" say from the last turn prior to the first corrupted turn ?

Michael T -> RE: Razing the Reich (No Pelton) (10/7/2019 9:11:52 PM)

The so called bug was not discovered until many months had passed after we stopped the game. And by then Pelton had honourably conceded.

Gamer64 -> RE: Razing the Reich (No Pelton) (3/7/2020 3:20:59 PM)

Just trying to learn to play from some of the AARs and two things strike me about the early turns in this game.

1. Soviet OOB at almost 4m to start. I don't seem to get anything near that on turn 1. Seems it ought to be very similar - there are only so many troops the Axis can kill in one turn.
2. Soviets railed tons of troops around in the first couple of turns to set up their defense which is now impossible.

Has the game really changed that much or am I missing something?

And thank you to Michael T for posting all this, very instructive.


Telemecus -> RE: Razing the Reich (No Pelton) (3/7/2020 3:34:45 PM)


Has the game really changed that much or am I missing something?

I am afraid it has. Michael T is a great player from whom many of us have learnt a lot. So I think there is a lot to pick up in tactics, strategies and approaches to the game. But if you are looking for comparative numbers as a metric for games on later patches it would need to be modified by many large changes from later patches which would be more work than it is worth.

Gamer64 -> RE: Razing the Reich (No Pelton) (3/7/2020 3:45:57 PM)


many large changes from later patches

As a software person, "large changes" and "patches" are usually not in the same sentence...[:)]

Hopefully there will be a version 2.0 one day. The interface feels a bit dated.

Thank you for the reply,


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