CapnDarwin -> RE: FPG2 News! (12/21/2012 1:10:43 AM)
Some quick answers and comments on all things FPG2:RS. 1. We can't go into tons of details until Matrix green lights the effort. Right now that effort should happen in January if a few things fall into place. With the offical announcement, we will have a new dedicated forum and be able to talk about all the aspects of the game, post many screens and some AARs. Also open a dialog on the direction of the game and our intentions for furture content. 2. To verify some of the above: 2.1 500 meter hexes - yes and yes 2.2 4 Nations at start - yes, same ones from FPG 2.3 Plans to expand nations - yes 2.4 Edit capability - yes, a more detailed breakdown will occur when the game is announced but you will be able to make you own scenarios and maps. Discussions on data and other elements are currently being discussed by the team and Matrix and more info will follow in January. 2.5 Look of the game maps - We went for functional. More of a board game look and feel. Easy to determine what the terrain and elevations are. Also of importance, the look and colors that the in-game map editor could read well. Hence the Urban areas may look a bit funky but they work. 2.6 The game is not just centered on a specific year by covers the 80's. We do have plans to look at other time frames. Again more info in January. 2.7 Campaigns are linked scenarios. More details on this in January. 2.8 There are map markers for a number of things. You will see them in January. 3. When will it be ready? As MR said, when it is done. As you will see in January we are close, but there are still a number of things for this small team to do (documentation of everything for starters). So enjoy the the holidays and get the Q&A thoughts warmed up. We are reallying hoping to give you all a great game worthy of the FPG title. Thanks!