rominet -> RE: Radius of Higher Command (8/28/2012 10:46:56 AM)
ORIGINAL: Vic As far as i remember Army cards are free to play on any distance. I think it is right. I never saw any penalties on cards effect depending on distance between Corps and Army HQ (german terminology). However, it seems strange to me that a Corps and all of its units can fight without any penalties even at very large distance from its own Army HQ (german terminology). IMHO, HQ bonus of combat units should not only depend of distance from their own Corps HQ but also from distance between the Corps HQ and the Army HQ (german terminology). Of course, in this case, Army HQ should have a better range than 5. For example, a unit fighting at a distance of 6 of its Corps HQ (so Corps HQ bonus = 75) but this last one too far away from its Army HQ (based on the same principle that for the Corps HQ, for example with an Army HQ bonus = 50), should have a real HQ bonus = 37 (i.e. 50% of 75%). Is it a bad idea?