geofflambert -> RE: OT cache (9/12/2012 4:31:47 AM)
OK how do I say this, I am the exact opposite of a racist, to me there is only one race, Homo Sapiens Sapiens. I need to be able to make fun of the way some people pronounce things, and in this case I am fortunate in that most anyone from southern Mississippi talks this way, white or black or anything else. Imagine the Sheriff from Live and Let Die were in court as a witness in a trial, and for some reason it was permissible for the Defense Attorney, say, to ask the following questions: "Ah say Suh, could you please use the word fascinate in a sentence?" "Yes Ah can. Ah gained some weight lately, and when Ah put Mah shirt on, I can only fassensix. Ah used to be able to fassenate." "Very good, Sheriff. Now, could you use the word fortify in a sentence?" "Ah surely can. Just yesterday, Ah was drivin along, and Ah saw this pretty gal on the sidewalk. Ah drove up to her and said "Hey thea honey, how much you be? She said, 'Ah be fortify dollah'" [8|]