Static (GE) Vs. Gary Tatro (RU) aka: Clash of the Not So Titanic Titans (Stalingrad) (Full Version)

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Static -> Static (GE) Vs. Gary Tatro (RU) aka: Clash of the Not So Titanic Titans (Stalingrad) (12/12/2002 3:36:12 PM)

welll.....initial german advance is going fairly well...

took some heavy heavy MG fire from 3 or 4 sure theres more than 3 or 4 tho :rolleyes:

a kubelwagon MG got raked pretty bad and lost a guy

other than that a pretty quiet turn

heres the zip for ya gary-

M4Jess -> (12/12/2002 8:06:44 PM)

Colonel Jessovinski sends Colonel GaryPopov a mortar girl:D

Gary Tatro -> Wow, you gota warn a guy about that before he opens it. (12/12/2002 9:15:14 PM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by M4 Jess
[B]Colonel Jessovinski sends Colonel GaryPopov a mortar girl:D [/B][/QUOTE]

Launched out of a mortor that would make one big hole commrade. I see that you have met Don Dooms Helga personally! :)

Static -> anxiously waiting to kick some russian a$$ (12/12/2002 10:03:02 PM)

so did that mortar girl frighten you into inaction gary?

come on....lemme have it!


Gary Tatro -> Re: anxiously waiting to kick some russian a$$ (12/12/2002 11:04:26 PM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Static
[B]so did that mortar girl frighten you into inaction gary?

come on....lemme have it!

:D [/B][/QUOTE]
Patience Staticson all in due time. Some of us are in the World Cup and have other games going on. I can do about one turn a day so have patience. Oh and talk is cheep. :)

First let me say who ever created the map way out did themselves. EXCELLENT!!!! Very very good. I have played my first turn as the soviets and have notices one peculiarity. The Soviet forward observers Artillary Skill is like in the 20's to 30's while the infantry skill is up in the 50's to 60's. Now I have a suspicion that the OOB was changed on the Company of 120mm mortars to change the Infantry man into an FO. I think this is a great idea, but now I have FO with pathetic Artillary skills?

Static -> sorry......just cant keep from getting my panties in a bunch... (12/13/2002 1:11:07 AM)

sorry 'bout pestering you Gary....for some reason i was blissfully oblivious to the fact that you've got more than one iron in the fire....or perhaps you were wooing that healthy russian farmgirl with some rotgut vodka? :D

as for me....i'm in the middle of final exams, as well as BryanMelvin's phenomenal reworked stalingrad campaign

i'm very excited to have a chance to try out PBEM and H2H....especially against a grizzled veteran such as yourself ;)

anyways...ill get the next turn done sometime this afternoon & give my krauts a chance to catch their breath and eat some reubens and such while waiting for your response

good luck with the world cup colonel....give 'em hell! :mad:

this is Staticson....signing off until next time

M4Jess -> (12/13/2002 8:27:25 AM)

[QUOTE]First let me say who ever created the map way out did themselves. EXCELLENT!!!! Very very good.[/QUOTE]


Gary Tatro -> Well Staticson, you were in such a hurry (12/13/2002 1:14:36 PM)

What happened? Now I wait. I think it was all a ploy. :D

Static -> my apologies Colonel... (12/14/2002 1:49:14 AM) girlfriend's jeep blew a tire on the highway late yesterday afternoon and rolled a couple times

shes alright....just some cuts and bruises.....thank god she was wearing her seat belt....

spent a couple hours with her at the hospital while she got cleaned up and checked out

her jeeps done...

~sigh~ :('s my turn...

-the advance continues....lost a PzIVe to a mine....also took some casualties from mines
-torched a couple bunkers and fortified buildings with flamers...drove some russian infantry out
-this is gonna be a tough nut to crack
-i rousted the luftwaffe pilots out of their cozy beds and told them to go sink some russian barges (as the russians are undoubtably reinforcing across the river)....who knows whether those silly flyboys will get anything or not...
-kept advancing infantry, armor, etc...set up some rear-area defensive fire-sacs & skirmish lines...the terrain is really slowing me down...
-another turn or two before i begin to really break into the city, past the first line of buildings/bunkers
-in the south i'm making good progress....the center and north are going much more slowly
-took some preliminary russian mortar/arty optimism here as its only going to get worse...

wheres m4 when i need him? i sure could use a division or so of those hefty russian mortar girls right about now.....either distract the russians manning those bunkers or drive them out entirely ;)'s the zip gary....again, sorry about the delay...

Gary Tatro -> I am glad to here that your girlfriend is all right. (12/14/2002 2:22:38 AM)

I flipped a 6 ton truck once, only ended up in the hospital for 2 days. Was very luck. No worries on the lateness. I should be able to get this to you some time tommorrow.

Static -> 6 tons eh? (12/14/2002 5:57:42 AM)

thats a heavy a$$ truck....was it military? or something else?

shes doin ok...i keep tellin her that shes gonna have some more cool scars to show to people (she has more scars than i do anyways :rolleyes: )

im lookin forward to getting into a rhythm with this PBEM game.... i figure i can mange turn or so a day (give or take...i dont want to paint myself into a corner :D )

i hope your russian boys are well stocked with vodka...its gonna get mighty tough once those **** krauts get into the streets and factories ;) hehe

take it easy...i'll be waitin for your next turn :)

famous quote for ya-

"why no...i eat three meals a day"

-George W. Bush when asked if he was dislexic

how in hell did this man become our president? i dont think i know of anyone who voted for him.....

oh well.....back to studying for these **** finals

Gary Tatro -> Comrade Static (12/16/2002 9:16:30 AM)

Your feeble attempts at breaking into the City are laughable. Comrade Stalin has told me personally that he has the utmost faith in me and that he would like to present me with the order of Lenin after this. So please don't disappoint me. :)

Commanding Comrade Tatrovoski

PS What is your e-mail address so I can send these files directly to you.

Static -> feeble attempts eh? (12/16/2002 10:04:46 AM) the muckraking is beginning huh?

my email is - [email][/email]

Gary Tatro -> Umm (12/17/2002 8:41:43 PM)

Static you out there? Just wondering have not heard from you in a couple of days.

Belisarius -> Hint.. hint (12/18/2002 2:11:16 AM)

*pssst* Hey, Static! - have your Luftwaffe fliegers fly in an east-west direction. They're *much* more likely to hit the barges that way. :D ;)

Supervisor -> test (12/18/2002 9:22:47 AM)


Gary Tatro -> Commrade Tatrovoski (12/18/2002 10:52:45 PM)

Reporting from the front. It appears the Germans are here to stay. They have certainly brought enough tanks. They are all over the place commrade. My poor men are doing all they can just to hold them at bay. But commrade they are wise and are avoiding my traps and over running my troops. And my troops commrade, they are all running like mice. Half of my army is routed allready. What to do you ask. Well commrade I do what any good Russian would, I called for artillary, artillary, artillary, artillary, and more artillary. :D :D :D

Home is where the artillary is.

Static -> so the germans like waterfront property (12/21/2002 9:33:55 AM)

THATS the motivation for all this violence!

anyways....the turn...

now that my krauts are breaking into the city itself, things are getting messy

up on the top of the map, i'm slowly pushing the russkies back after losing an 8rad, a stug, and a bunch of men to russian treachary

in the middle area, things are pretty quiet (mostly because the russians are either running for their lives or quietly smoldering)

down on the bottom, my panzers have almost penetrated to the river! however....several AT rounds from a nearby building convinced them that it would be best to let the footsloggers lead the advance

i must say, however, that i really do admire the skill of russian construction; some of those bunkers are standing up to the rain of artillery, aerial bombs, and tank/assault gun fire quite well

and the russian artillery :mad: theres a serious problem....time to start dropping some 15cm shells across the river at those suspicious clouds of smoke ;)

Gary Tatro -> Colonel Tatrovsky (12/21/2002 10:54:41 AM)

Reporting from the Stalingrade front. Well comrades your Russian soldiers have finally found some backbone. We have has some limited successes holding back the vile oppressors but we continue to lose portions of the city. We are fighting tooth and nail but comrades alas it is a disappointing and depressing struggle. Even in the one or two pockets of resistance where our loyal and stout hearted men have numerical supperiorty we lack the tank support neccessary to take advantage of it. It has been a solum few days comrades. But I charge you to work hard on thoughs T34's make them fast, make them strong and send them to us quickly. Before we loose the factories.

Editorial note: I am not sure if it was possible but if I remember my history correctly the factory was turning out tanks in the battle and it would have been cool to see a reinforcement hex next to the factory so that tanks would appear there. I am not sure if it is in the realm of SPWAW. :(

M4Jess -> Re: Colonel Tatrovsky (12/21/2002 11:00:43 AM)

Editorial note: I am not sure if it was possible but if I remember my history correctly the factory was turning out tanks in the battle and it would have been cool to see a reinforcement hex next to the factory so that tanks would appear there. I am not sure if it is in the realm of SPWAW.

Play test showed it would not work..:(

dig in Gary..Dig in!

Static -> ahhhh.......lamenting the limits of SPWaW... (12/21/2002 12:09:45 PM)

hehehe......i like blowing up brand new T34s even better than used ones! ;)

Static -> good gravy! (12/21/2002 2:25:20 PM)

my valiant, brave (not to mention heroic) germans have penetrated farther into stalingrad...

the advance has momentarily stalled due to ferocious resistance from the russian defenders

grenadiers are now one block away from the lazur chemical plant, chasing retreating soviet partisans....this appears to be the only break in the soviet lines as far as the front line officers and FOs can ascertain...

at the red barricades plant, lead elements have been held up by at least 6 or 7 massive redoubts & pillboxes as well as a concentration of infantry

down on the bottom of the map, my panzers and grenadiers have also been forced to halt the advance after taking heavy fire from what appears to be a pair of pillboxes...perhaps one of them is a modified KV-2 turret.... 152mm?

my pionier reinforcements with their 15cm assault guns have arrived, and will be proceeding directly into the city to blast and burn their way through the fortifications until the volga is again within our reach

losses are mounting
roughly a platoon of Pz1b's are out of action
several 8-Rads
three stugs
two stukas
a handful of kubelwagons and halftracks

its looking like the battle is turning into some sort of an artillery pissing contest too :rolleyes: yes, the germans brought bigger guns....but it seems like the russians have the upper hand numerically....107mm mortars and BM-13 Katys are blasting incessantly

still taking ground tho :o
its going to be time to advance my artillery support a little closer to the front lines soon.....always a sign of progress ;)

Static -> uh oh... (12/22/2002 5:11:37 AM)

hey there Gary-

I've traveled to my parents house for the holidays, and for some reason the attach functions on both my hotmail account AND the matrix board won't work here! :confused:

They have a roadrunner cable modem and I'm thinking that perhaps there's something inside the modem that's preventing me from attaching things to my emails.

I have the new turn all zipped up and ready to go, but until I can figure out how to successfully send it out to you I'm afraid our game might be on hiatus :(

If you have any ideas or advice on how I can make my attachments work, I'm all ears.

I'll be working on it....but the game might have to wait until I get back to my place where I know I can attach things to emails and matrix board posts.

Sorry Comrade.......I can only hope that I'll be able to figure it out in the next few days....


Gary Tatro -> Staticson (12/22/2002 5:28:13 AM)

This does not raise the confidence level I had in you. But I have a couple of suggestions. Check to see if your parents have any Firewall or Internet Blocking software. This can be set to keep people sending attachements. Firewalls are particularly useful for people with cable modems. Other not so friendly people like to hijac their computer and use it for not so friendly things. So check for this. Also check the protections in the actual contnection software this can be set to keep attachements from being made. Lastly check to see if they have any virus software that might be stoping you. Comrade I will not let you off that easy.

M4Jess -> (12/22/2002 5:57:59 AM)

Get Him Gary! :mad:

PS Hows Helda? Your Mortar Girl? ;)

Static -> (12/22/2002 9:22:01 AM)

is it safe?

Static -> (12/22/2002 9:56:16 AM)

new turn

Static -> (12/22/2002 10:07:14 AM)


i cracked the firewall but i cant attach anything over like 100kb

any suggestions?

i guess im just dumb... :(

Static -> (12/22/2002 10:14:16 AM)

this is soooooooooo frustrating

Supervisor -> (12/22/2002 10:21:16 AM)

How did you attach the file 15 minutes ago????????

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