Tilting at Windmills - Adm Bonnie (& ctangus) vs. Quixote (Full Version)

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ctangus -> Tilting at Windmills - Adm Bonnie (& ctangus) vs. Quixote (10/24/2012 10:40:48 PM)

After a long absence from WITP (4+ years?) I just started my first AE PBEM against Quixote. This is his first AE PBEM as well, though we both have played multiple WITP PBEMs back in the day. He's owned AE from the beginning but hasn't played it daily; I just bought it @ a month ago.

This is a closed AAR. My opponent will likely be starting another in a day or two.

Since I'm new to AE all advice is welcome.

House rules are pretty simple:

- Restricted units must pay PPs to leave their area.
- Fighter sweeps max altitude at 2nd-best maneuver band.
- 1st turn: Non-historical. Surprise on. Allies orders to TFs at sea and China only. Japanese only one port strike and won't use warp movement ridiculously.
- Try not to be cheesy. And since we're both new to AE PBEM, we're both willing to discuss issues & compromise if & when they come up.

We've gotten two turns done so far.

I have one huge advantage in this game. I am being advised by Admiral Bonnie. As can be seen from her attire she is a strong AFD. Not only that but she's a strategic genius and, despite her small stature, quite a prodigious pooper as well.


ctangus -> RE: Tilting at Windmills - Adm Bonnie (& ctangus) vs. Quixote (10/24/2012 11:01:43 PM)

December 7th 1941, Dutch East Indies

In the early morning hours two Dutch subs encounter suspicious Japanese shipping but as no hostilities are yet declared the Dutch take the high road and do not engage.

Shortly thereafter the fragile peace in the Pacific is shattered when a Japanese transport TF tried to ambush the CL Boise as she was peacefully sailing to Balikpapan. While shocked at this breach of peace the Boise acquited herself well.


larryfulkerson -> RE: Tilting at Windmills - Adm Bonnie (& ctangus) vs. Quixote (10/24/2012 11:18:00 PM)

I'd just like to take a moment to thank you for the pictures. So few AAR's have really well done pictures in them that they tend to overachieve when they are present. Yours is fabulous. I applaud you and say keep up the good work. Overachieve isn't the correct word in the previous sentence.......I'm looking for a word that says pictures are a welcome addition to the AAR and how they really are a welcome addition when they are present in the AAR. I really like 'em. You may or may not have noticed that my AAR tends to read like a comic book w/ a picture on each posting. That is by design. Pictures say things that text can't and explain things that text makes difficult. Pictures in AAR's is a good thing. Thanks.

ctangus -> RE: Tilting at Windmills - Adm Bonnie (& ctangus) vs. Quixote (10/24/2012 11:20:30 PM)


Once dawn broke the port of Manila was surprised by strikes from LBA based (presumably) on Taiwan and carrier-based air. A dozen or so subs are sunk outright and the remainder are severely damaged. A number of transports & auxiliaries have a bad time as well.

Dutch East Indies again, short voyage of the Boise

After fending off the Japanese transports the Boise attracts two strikes from at least one Japanese CVL near Celebes.


ctangus -> RE: Tilting at Windmills - Adm Bonnie (& ctangus) vs. Quixote (10/24/2012 11:49:52 PM)


ORIGINAL: larryfulkerson

I'd just like to take a moment to thank you for the pictures. So few AAR's have really well done pictures in them that they tend to overachieve when they are present. Yours is fabulous. I applaud you and say keep up the good work. Overachieve isn't the correct word in the previous sentence.......I'm looking for a word that says pictures are a welcome addition to the AAR and how they really are a welcome addition when they are present in the AAR. I really like 'em. You may or may not have noticed that my AAR tends to read like a comic book w/ a picture on each posting. That is by design. Pictures say things that text can't and explain things that text makes difficult. Pictures in AAR's is a good thing. Thanks.

Thanks for the feedback! I agree that posting pics makes an AAR much easier to follow, at least for me. So many AARs - I haven't checked out your AAR yet but I will soon.

Speaking of which, here's a pic of Admiral Bonnie after she strongly objected to & shredded my original strategic plans.


ctangus -> RE: Tilting at Windmills - Adm Bonnie (& ctangus) vs. Quixote (10/25/2012 12:31:02 AM)


Force Z was withdrawn slightly south, but still in range to strike against a Mersing or Kuching invasion. Unfortunately the IJN Carrier Div One showed up nearby as well:


ctangus -> RE: Tilting at Windmills - Adm Bonnie (& ctangus) vs. Quixote (10/25/2012 12:51:31 AM)


While the Japanese invade Kota Bharu there is no Japanese shipping further north. And there's an ominous TF ENE of Mersing. Mersing invasion maybe? While he hasn't put it into execution yet General Percival has ordered all local commanders to dust off the plans for Operation Bug Out. Despite Force Z being crippled what limited allied forces are around will still try to defend Mersing with mines and motor launches.


ctangus -> RE: Tilting at Windmills - Adm Bonnie (& ctangus) vs. Quixote (10/25/2012 1:15:33 AM)


In North Pac Attu Island is invaded by a small force. In Cent Pac Wake Island is taken. One lone IJA battalion lands on Luzon at Vigan.

Xxzard -> RE: Tilting at Windmills - Adm Bonnie (& ctangus) vs. Quixote (10/25/2012 1:30:40 AM)

Cute dog! Cavalier King Charles Spaniel if I'm not mistaken?

Your opponent could be launching an early attack on Palembang in an effort to prevent you from implementing a "fortress Palembang" strategy. If so, there probably isn't a whole lot you can do if he lands in good order, but perhaps you'll have a chance to hit a few transports with mines or subs. If my guess is right, he'll likely build up at Kuching or Sinkawang close after Palembang to secure his supply line.

dr.hal -> RE: Tilting at Windmills - Adm Bonnie (& ctangus) vs. Quixote (10/25/2012 4:09:11 PM)

With the move as described by Xxard your evacuation route from Singapore is compromised which will put the whole concept of a "Bug Out" on flypaper....

ctangus -> RE: Tilting at Windmills - Adm Bonnie (& ctangus) vs. Quixote (10/25/2012 10:12:38 PM)



Cute dog! Cavalier King Charles Spaniel if I'm not mistaken?

Yep, she's a Cavalier. She's a good girl - not only cute but also the friendliest and happiest dog I've ever known. Not that I'm biased or anything.


Your opponent could be launching an early attack on Palembang in an effort to prevent you from implementing a "fortress Palembang" strategy. If so, there probably isn't a whole lot you can do if he lands in good order, but perhaps you'll have a chance to hit a few transports with mines or subs. If my guess is right, he'll likely build up at Kuching or Sinkawang close after Palembang to secure his supply line.

You called it exactly right. I was caught off-guard but Admiral Bonnie also tried to warn me - I was wondering why she was whining yesterday. I'm going to try to lay mines this turn - hopefully CMc Pro Patria will get her job done before the SAG guarding the invasion inevitably sinks her. (I had already sent the Dec 9th turn before I started this AAR.)

While reinforcements have been on the way since Dec 8th, they're still days away & I've got a mere 36 AV at Palembang vs. 11th Infantry Regiment. 150 AV maybe??? Hopefully the swamps will help me last a few days because I forgot to order fort building here.

My opponent has already taken both Kuching & Sinkawing. I have to admit this was an extremely well-organized offensive on his part. Rolling over one base after another, well-covered both with air & surface groups.


ctangus -> RE: Tilting at Windmills - Adm Bonnie (& ctangus) vs. Quixote (10/25/2012 11:00:14 PM)


ORIGINAL: dr.hal

With the move as described by Xxard your evacuation route from Singapore is compromised which will put the whole concept of a "Bug Out" on flypaper....

I perhaps misnamed my operation. I intend to fight for Malaya. The idea of Operation Bug Out was to rapidly evac northern Malaya to Singapore. I'd prefer to at least attempt a fighting withdrawal. I ordered just about everyone to pack up for a strat move but I haven't order any movement yet.

A Mersing invasion now seems off the table though. In addition to recent IJN fleet movements I have sigint showing the Imperial Guards Division prepping for Alor Star. He's just probably sending them by road & rail, not by sea.

However my opponent's move does certainly compromise any hope of significant resupply for Malaya.

With that in mind I'm considering making my major stand for Malaya at JB.


- no initial river crossing to disrupt the IJA
- I'll have to split my forces somewhat and keep enough forces in Singers to prevent a coup de main there.


- The HI at Singers will keep operating. 140 supplies/day is nothing to sneeze at. Particularly since external resupply efforts, if I even try them, will be limited to subs & planes. And I don't have many subs anymore...
- He seems to be prepping only for Singapore. Per Intel Monkey I know of two units prepping for Singers but none for JB. (Thanks witpqs if you happen to read this!)
- He'll have to keep suppressing two airfields, not just one.
- If it turns into a protracted battle I can rotate units in & out of Singapore to rest a bit & recover disruption.

Dunno for sure. Thoughts?


ctangus -> RE: Tilting at Windmills - Adm Bonnie (& ctangus) vs. Quixote (10/26/2012 10:23:19 PM)


Quick update - I'm going out in @ 45 mins. Will try to catch up on other theatres over the weekend.


Palembang falls on first attack. Japanese troops are noticed marching out of Kota Bharu. The TF heading towards Oosthaven retreats.


My opponent has been advancing steadily here as well. Manado is invaded on the 8th but holds against the first shock attack on the 9th. No attacks on the 10th.

Kendari is the next to be attacked, covered by (what I believe) is 2 CVLs and 1 CVE and a SAG.

I just mined Kendari and something hit a mine there. CA Myoko is reported as sunk but I think my intelligence officers are drinking too much of the local palm wine. Hopefully it's hurting though.

Baby KB is apparently out of torps after sinking shipping fleeing the Phillipines. The SAG is at least damaged. I will be sending in the Houston & Marblehead TFs to try to disrupt the landings, with what little Dutch aircover I can provide.


ctangus -> RE: Tilting at Windmills - Adm Bonnie (& ctangus) vs. Quixote (10/26/2012 10:27:41 PM)


Jolo and the island next to it have been taken but no invasion of Mindanao.

On Luzon one battalion of troops was landed at Vigan on Dec 7th. It's transports were sunk by the Brit DDs originally based in Hong Kong. The beachhead is being reinforced but I will try a small counter-attack. A Philippine Div is in the hex now & will do some recon by bombardment. Two tank battalions arrive tomorrow and if the odds look good an attack will be ordered.

I thought my opponent might be about to try a bypass Luzon offensive but I'm getting a lot of sigint contradicting that.


ctangus -> RE: Tilting at Windmills - Adm Bonnie (& ctangus) vs. Quixote (10/28/2012 3:35:12 PM)

12/11 - 12/12/41

Some bad news all over the SRA.


The Japanese retreat from Kendari on the night of the 11th and my cruisers don't intercept anything. The CL Marblehead TF must have refueled or something because that TF remained within Baby KB's range. After being hit by 4 bombs in the morning and 1 in the afternoon CL Marblehead sinks with heavy loss of life.


Driving west from Patani an IJA unit (must be tanks) suddenly cuts the RR to Alor Star. Two brigades+ are potentially cut off. [:(] What's worse is that they are in strat mode as I was thinking of railing them south if Mersing was invaded.

I will attempt to relieve them. If that fails I'm starting to organize a plan B which would be to rescue as much as possible by airlift and fast transport.

A little bit of good news - at least one and perhaps as many as four Jap DDs hit mines off Mersing while sinking motor boats there. An over-eager intelligence officer is reporting the sinking of four. I doubt that though a Dutch sub did spot DD Hibiki with heavy damage later in the day.


ctangus -> RE: Tilting at Windmills - Adm Bonnie (& ctangus) vs. Quixote (10/28/2012 3:42:19 PM)


A surprise Japanese invasion at Lingayen (almost two divisions worth of troops) threatens to cut off troops here as well, though I should have a little more room to maneuver. Aparri is also invaded & taken.

The only bright spot is that 1st LT JP McLaughlin flying a P-40B becomes the allies first ace as he shoots down 6 Japanese bombers that came in unescorted. A6M2s are now flying sweeps over Clark Field and resistance will have to end soon.


ctangus -> RE: Tilting at Windmills - Adm Bonnie (& ctangus) vs. Quixote (10/28/2012 3:51:23 PM)

South/Southwest Pac

IJN forces have steadily been expanding here, now having invaded Kavieng, Rabaul, Tulagi and Lae.

The CL Adelaide cleverly discovered that yes, the IJN invasion of Rabaul was covered by a SAG. One less unit for me to keep track of! [:'(]

I also just noticed that Aussie Hudsons based at Port Moresby were cleverly searching the jungles of New Guinea for Japanese shipping.

I have Lexington & Enterprise slowly approaching this area to try to stop any invasions that come without air cover. However IJN Carrier Divs 2 & 5 (that hit Manila on the 7th) were last spotted on the 11th, sailing past Babelboppitybopbop roughly in the direction of Truk. Probably means Car Div 2 & 5 will be used in this theater and not to support further SRA operations.

I'm belatedly organizing a forward search base or two but it will be at least a week 'til I can get AVDs in position. If I had any subs I'd send a few to this area...

Edit: Since Pearl was not hit I am reinforcing Hawaii less than I otherwise might and am sending most everything I can from the West Coast to South Pac. Samoa, Fiji & New Caledonia are all getting Engineers, at least a Regt of Infantry and supporting troops. I'm hoping to rapidly get enough in place to stop an invasion of naval infantry in these locations before building up further. I can probably get the reinforcements in time to the first two but if my opponent pushes hard in this theater I'm not sure I can win the race to New Caledonia.


ctangus -> RE: Tilting at Windmills - Adm Bonnie (& ctangus) vs. Quixote (10/28/2012 4:03:27 PM)

Cent Pac

Guam held a few days but has now fallen. Also Wake, Tulagi, Ocean & Nauru islands.

North Pac

Attu & Shemya are now Japanese, having fallen to token IJA units. I've sent a small SAG consisting of 2 Omaha class CLs and a short division of four-stackers to the theater.


China probably deserves two or three posts itself but here's an overview of my grand strategic plan:


ctangus -> RE: Tilting at Windmills - Adm Bonnie (& ctangus) vs. Quixote (10/30/2012 11:17:51 PM)

12/13 - 12/16/41

The game's moving along briskly. Admiral Bonnie had a great success in the air war but she's disappointed in her ground commander (me) who got some units surrounded in both Malaya & Luzon.

Air War

First for Admiral Bonnie's success - on the 14th a number of unescorted and/or Nate escorted raids flew against Malaya, Burma, China and Luzon. Also AVG got into action majorly for the first time over Rangoon & two Chinese bases. Air losses for that day were 79 to 16 in the allies favor! Mostly IJA bombers were shot down.

To date overall air losses are 337 to 273 in favor of the Japanese. Considering the date that's not a horrible ratio. Without that one good day it would be a lot worse.

I haven't said much about the air war so far, mostly 'cause I've been getting my butt kicked despite that one exception. I'm still able to put up token resistance over both Clark Field & Singapore but that won't last much longer.


Two Indian brigades, a base force and an artillery unit are now firmly surrounded at Alor Star despite my relief efforts. A little over 200 AV overall. :(

Operation Bug Out II has been rapidly organized. I hope to rescue as much of these units as possible to India. So far I've sent every nearby transport to Sumatra to airlift what I can. That's in progress.

One AMC that can fast transport troops will arrive in the area soon. A second was on its way but an IJN sub hit it with a torpedo.

I also still have @15 transports that I've yet to evac from Singapore. They will have to run the gauntlet sooner or later anyway so I'll form them into multiple amphib TFs to pick up those troops. Haven't done that yet - weather forecast is currently clear. I also have 2 Buffalo squadrons that just received replacements nearby. They could provide some LRCAP for the op but they won't be ready for a few days.

For maskirovka purposes I have a unit marching southeast. Resetting the movement orders every day. But hopefully he sees the movement arrow and thinks I still intend to fight with those units. (That would generally be my preference but it's impossible at this point.)


ctangus -> RE: Tilting at Windmills - Adm Bonnie (& ctangus) vs. Quixote (10/30/2012 11:35:27 PM)


Not quite as dire here but I still have two units cut off. I may still be able to extract them. @ 120 AV between them.

The two US tank battalions saved themselves from annihilation but suffered a forced retreat along with some relief forces.

We should be able to re-group at Clark for a while.


Edit: Kudos to my opponent here. In both Malaya and on Luzon he's not only cut off a few units but has forced me to retreat to my final redoubts before I'd like to. :(

ctangus -> RE: Tilting at Windmills - Adm Bonnie (& ctangus) vs. Quixote (10/31/2012 12:16:46 AM)


Despite one initial drubbing in the north of China in one of my WITP PBEMs I actually enjoy this theater playing allies. It's not going to be a decisive theater for the allies, but I hope to bog down some IJA forces here that might be otherwise elsewhere.

In Central China I just took Ichang, routing @20K troops. Farther north a Japanese offensive is developing roughly on the Nanyang-Sian axis. Right now most my attention is here:

South China

I want to hold on to Wuchow as long as possible - 120 supply/day is not insignificant for the Chinese. To protect Wuchow I had hoped to invest Canton with some minor forces before Hong Kong fell. I'd like to use that 4X terrain to my advantage. However movement was too slow...

Some nearby reinforcements are close to breaking an IJA roadblock in woods to the east. I have other potential reinforcements just starting to arrive at the railhead due north. Even so they're still @ 2 weeks away from this battlefield & I may need them elsewhere as well.


ctangus -> RE: Tilting at Windmills - Adm Bonnie (& ctangus) vs. Quixote (10/31/2012 12:24:16 AM)

As always Admiral Bonnie is thinking long-term and has been inspecting rain-weather gear for her Burma Troops. She doesn't seem all that convinced that the new camouflage pattern will work but personally I don't see what's wrong with it...


1275psi -> RE: Tilting at Windmills - Adm Bonnie (& ctangus) vs. Quixote (10/31/2012 7:52:15 AM)

I like admiral bonnie!
Enjoy the game, good dog!

FeurerKrieg -> RE: Tilting at Windmills - Adm Bonnie (& ctangus) vs. Quixote (11/2/2012 4:38:48 AM)


ORIGINAL: larryfulkerson

I'd just like to take a moment to thank you for the pictures. So few AAR's have really well done pictures in them that they tend to overachieve when they are present. Yours is fabulous. I applaud you and say keep up the good work. Overachieve isn't the correct word in the previous sentence.......I'm looking for a word that says pictures are a welcome addition to the AAR and how they really are a welcome addition when they are present in the AAR. I really like 'em. You may or may not have noticed that my AAR tends to read like a comic book w/ a picture on each posting. That is by design. Pictures say things that text can't and explain things that text makes difficult. Pictures in AAR's is a good thing. Thanks.

I'll second this. I try to put a picture with each post (at least one) and agree that pictures make it so much easier to see what is going on at a glance. Thanks for your work on this ctangus!

ctangus -> RE: Tilting at Windmills - Adm Bonnie (& ctangus) vs. Quixote (11/3/2012 11:46:12 PM)


ORIGINAL: 1275psi

I like admiral bonnie!
Enjoy the game, good dog!

Yep, she's a good girl!


I'll second this. I try to put a picture with each post (at least one) and agree that pictures make it so much easier to see what is going on at a glance. Thanks for your work on this ctangus!

Thanks for the thought! I'll check out your current AAR - I remember lurking on an AAR of yours back in WITP days. Forget the name of it though.

I like AARs with lots of pictures too as they're also easier for me to follow. Though potentially there's more to learn from an AAR heavy in combat reports. What can I say, I haven't graduated far beyond picture books like "See Spot Run"...

Bonus picture: here's Admiral Bonnie doing her Teddy Roosevelt impersonation:


ctangus -> RE: Tilting at Windmills - Adm Bonnie (& ctangus) vs. Quixote (11/4/2012 12:10:59 AM)

12/17 - 12/20/41

The game's actually one turn beyond this but I had pics prepared & then the turn came in.


Ugh. Deserves a more detailed post which I will get to some time in 1944...


Also ugh.

IJA forces are likely to crush a Commonwealth rearguard at Taiping. IJN minesweepers are sweeping mines at Mersing - I may have to contend with an invasion there soon. Singapore's closed but JB is open for the moment. No chance of getting surface forces in there.

I gave up the fight (at least temporarily, though probably permanently) for air superiority over Singers.

Operation Bug Out II has had partial success. I've airlifted @ 35% of two cut-off Indian Brigades to Sumatra. My opponent hasn't seemed to have caught on to that yet. However I was also planning to try to use some transports left in Singapore to speed the evacuation. Admiral Bonnie is quite displeased that her subordinate (me) left them there after we gave up contesting air superiority. A Japanese port strike either sank or crippled every ship there.


ctangus -> RE: Tilting at Windmills - Adm Bonnie (& ctangus) vs. Quixote (11/4/2012 12:50:31 AM)


The evil aggressors are rapidly gobbling up bypassed bases. Ambon has been invaded but still stands. Balikpapan looks like the next target.

So Pac/SW Pac

The Japanese are also rapidly gobbling up bases on Northern New Guinea. On the 19th the 51st Naval Guard Unit took Ndeni. Last we saw them they took Ocean Island. Token ground forces, but are there naval forces are backing them up?

I dunno - I was negligent in setting up search bases here for about a week. Some AVs & AVDs are currently on their way. In 4-5 days I should have a decent search network in place.

Lex & Enterprise & a SAG are within 2 days steaming, slightly south of Suva. If that was a lightly escorted invasion they could have crushed it. However I've lost track of IJN Carrier Divs 2 (Hiryu, Soryu) & 5 (Sho, Zui) for several days. Last I saw them they were roughly heading in the direction of Truk. I have to suspect they're supporting ops in this area until I have firm intelligence otherwise. In the DEI Alex is doing a very good job covering his invasions both in the air & sea.

Northeastern China

The IJA is launching a large offensive against the flank of Chengchow. I have about 1000 AV there which withstood the initial Japanese deliberate attack. I didn't counter-attack as my units had not drawn supplies. Now I have a huge stack bearing down on me. Doesn't look good.

I'll probably have to withdraw from both Chengchow & Loyang to better terrain. I hate to do that because of the supply they generate but it will probably be necessary.

I'm launching some small flank attacks to maybe distract my opponent & divert forces from his schwerpunkt.


Edit: Also trying to send some guerrillas to temporarily cut IJA supply lines.

ctangus -> RE: Tilting at Windmills - Adm Bonnie (& ctangus) vs. Quixote (11/4/2012 1:06:07 AM)

Central China

I'm a little more optimistic here. I haven't been planning on anything remarkable but I've been hoping to establish a few places in good terrain where we could achieve a stalemate. If I can trade bombardments with the IJA I can drive up the Chinese experience.

East of Changsha we have a good stalemate. Sinyang is another stalemate but I'm slightly outnumbered there & IJA reinforcements are on their way. Chinese reinforcements are on their way too. Hope to have my opponent bogged down in Hankow soon, as well.

Like in the north I'm launching some minor flanking attacks around here. I'm hoping to force my opponent to disperse his forces.


ctangus -> RE: Tilting at Windmills - Adm Bonnie (& ctangus) vs. Quixote (11/4/2012 3:44:52 PM)

12/21 - 12/22/42

Very quick update


Horrible news here:


ctangus -> RE: Tilting at Windmills - Adm Bonnie (& ctangus) vs. Quixote (11/4/2012 3:45:52 PM)

On the other hand

My troops in northeast China are holding for now.

Oh yes, and there was this: [:)]


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