viperdave -> RE: Norton blocks the game (11/25/2012 2:39:27 PM)
I have found this situation with norton antivirus. Norton does not like matrix games downloads ( usually to few downloads-- i dont know why matrix does not fix the problem with their website authentication with norton but thats another issue). Anyways this happens about 75 perecent of the games i download from matrix games. I have sent messages to matrix and the only solution i found that works. I know this is going to sound crazy, but i have to turn OFF NORTON program and download the game then turn ON Norton program run my antivirus and hope my computer did not get hack. So far its worked, at least i think it has, i have not seen any money disapear from my bank accounts yet. I really did not like turning my antivirus off but i finnaly gave in and did. Its a choice you have to make. dave