RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (Full Version)

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BBfanboy -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (1/10/2017 8:49:35 PM)


ORIGINAL: Lokasenna

If you get the CVE to the ARD and it fits, don't forget to change priority to critical even if it's the only ship being worked on. It will be faster than normal, and doesn't penalize you in the same way that shipyards do (you can put a 35K ton ship in a 55K capacity ARD and put it on critical with no problems like you'd have in a 55K shipyard).

If you're landing in a week or just shy of that and your CVEs were near Horn... I'm changing my guess to Mindanao.

Dan said the next operation would be a "dagger in the heart" of Japan or words to that effect. To me that means cutting off communication with the DEI and South China Sea. I don't think Mindanao is deep enough for that so I still think the choke point is north of the Philippines.

Dan, isn't "white space" just areas that are not being used/defended - another way of saying "hit 'em where they ain't"? [sm=fighting0056.gif]

Canoerebel -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (1/10/2017 9:19:10 PM)

I'm not touching "white space." I think I know what it means, but if I try to put it in words, I'll end up looking like a second grader trying to explain why the Kardashians are popular.

Canoerebel -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (1/10/2017 9:26:29 PM)

It's hard to gauge John's fuel and supply status, but hints can be gleaned from some of what's been going on of late.

At the moment, I don't notice anything that suggests John is experiencing fuel delivery problems to his navy or merchant fleet.

But he was having real supply issues at places like Ternate, Manado, Kendari, and Talaud-Eilenden. He stopped using the airfields for an extended period (I attribute that to supply issues more than anything else) and, when Death Star departed, he frantically began working supply TFs to these bases. His early efforts failed as USN DDs kept sinking supply TFs. But his more recent efforts have succeeded. He's using those airfields again in big numbers.

If he was having trouble getting supply to these bases, and with the humongous amount of troop redistribution going on, I suspect he's going to be short in other places. It's possible Fun House will fall upon an area that has supply issues. And it's possible that Death Star roaming about for weeks or longer (hopefully) will further disrupt his supply situation.

Lokasenna -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (1/11/2017 7:34:17 AM)


ORIGINAL: Canoerebel

I'm not touching "white space." I think I know what it means, but if I try to put it in words, I'll end up looking like a second grader trying to explain why the Kardashians are popular.

Negative space!

Canoerebel -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (1/11/2017 10:54:37 AM)


Celebes: I'm still not sure which IJ units are bound for Palapo, but there are several. John's fighter aren't contesting the air space, cadre withdrawal by air transport continues in good order. The force there is much smaller than the other two bases; a Kiwi brigade being the most significant.

Fun House: So very much going on, much of it just below the surface, but about to bubble up to the top. Over at Marcus, a YMS drew to within four hexes before enemy nav search sighted it. Down in the Gulf of Carpentaria, the forward movement continues in good order (the vanguard LST's made five hexes today). By tomorrow, the trailing CV TF will draw to within mutual CAP-support distance of each other. The day after, they'll all rendezvous with the LST TFs in the Banda Sea. The armada should then have a couple of quiet days in waters near big Allied airfields on Ceram. Then the push begins. That sounds kind of drawn out, but it isn't.

CVE Manila Bay remained stationary today and didn't encounter any enemy subs. Her damage lowered a bit. Tomorrow, I hope, she'll make Cooktown, where a big ARD awaits.

7th Australian Div. came very close to catching up to the Herd. Well, the lead elements did. I'm weighing weather to continue sending the scattered little TFs forward under cover of sporadic LBA, or whether to hold the division in Australia until things get heated up, drawing John's attention away.

Burma: Allied attack at Toungoo comes in at less than 1:1, but does considerably more damage to the Japanese army.

Vietnam/Burma: I have a house rule problem. My little army in China - two corps and one division - are restricted. I never thought about it until John raised the issue via email this morning ("Are your Political Points paid for this little Indochina Incursion?  Hmmm…  You have to be careful as our Poppy Fields are in full bloom currently.). This, in turn, raised questions about the Allied army in Burma. I replied to John this way:

They aren't paid for!, I never thought about it.  I apologize.

I would buy them out, but most of the units are permanent restricted.  So I've stood each unit down until we decide what to do.  I propose that they retire to China by the closest road or jungle hex routes that make sense.  Does it make sense to do so under some kind of cease fire?  They haven't don't any real damage yet, and I'd hate to have them obliterated by your bombers as they slink back home.  (By the way, the Viet militia are not triggered after 1942; and it's the country line, not Hanoi, that triggers them in '41 and '42.)

I checked to make sure there aren't any unrestricted, unpaid for Chinese units in Burma.  There aren't.

I also checked Indian units in Burma.  There are several. All but one of those is in the northern Burma/Assam region.  The only exception is 23rd Div. at Toungoo.

My memory is that we had an exception to the Restricted Unit/PP rule that allowed restricted Indian units to operate in northern Burma/Assam.  I've tried to find that exception mentioned in my AAR or our emails, but the latter go back only to July 2015 (not to when we began the game) and I haven't found anything in my AAR using the search function and using Google.  I'm nearly positive that you and I discussed this via email about what we remembered about house rules a year ago, while we were involved in the Sumatra campaign (I think naval bombing or night bombing was the issue at the time).  I'm pretty sure I also mentioned this in my AAR.  But I can't find anything.  I opened a few old game files from August 1943 (we played those turns last year) and December 1942 (we played those turns in 2013) to see if I had any restricted units in Upper Burma, and found the same ones that are there now, so that's the way I've played since the early stages of the game.

I don't think we ever defined northern Burma, but the idea was to allow Allied operations where it made sense historically while preventing restricted units from pouring across the border in unrealistic numbers. 

I'm open to your suggestions, but one way we can handle this is to limit restricted units to no further south than the Shwebo/Akyab line (I think we included Ramree Island too, but there aren't any restricted units there now).  As for 23rd Indian Div., I can pay to buy it out as soon as I have sufficient political points.  That will be about two weeks, though I'd like just a bit of latitude in case I need to spend a few PPs to replace task force or air unit commanders for key units (I don't think that will happen, but I don't want to get stuck with Admiral Ghormley if I find that he's in command of a key combat or carrier TF).

That's just a suggestion, and I'm open to your thoughts.  In the meantime, I've stood down the restricted units or, in a couple of cases, started them back up roads and trails to where they belong.

ny59giants -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (1/11/2017 11:57:48 AM)

You two should have an email exchange on what your HRs are now and any proposed changes to be made along with clarifying any that are confusing to your opponent. Then, go to your very first post and edit it to include the new and revised HRs so you and others can easily find and see them.

Canoerebel -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (1/11/2017 3:43:24 PM)

We should have done that from the start. We didn't, and I'm kind of afraid of doing it now, for fear we'll forget some we discussed, which would then create problems if one or the other of us tried to then raise it again later.

But we're at a date in the game where it really isn't going to matter any more. The key house rules are well know, one of them has expired, and the small things aren't a stumbling block.

The "no strategic bombing prior to 1944" rule has expired.

The other major rules: (1) no 4EB of troops in non-base hexes*, (2) 4EB set to naval strike shall be set at no lower than 10k, except for PBY Liberators, (3) paying PP to buy out restricted units, with the exception of Indian units operating in Assam (John has agreed to the Akyab to Shwebo row of hexes definition).

(* I've kept this rule assiduously, but sometimes, when IJ units retreat from a base hex undergoing 4EB attack, the bombers autuomatically "follow" the ground unit; that's happened two or three times in Burma; I changed the target as soon as it as possible, and none of the attacks were major.)

We had casually agreed to refrain from night bombing a year ago, mainly to avoid the headache of having to deal with setting units. I told John, at the time, that there would come a day when I'd want to use Allied bombers on historic night mission settings when the appropriate time came. I also told him we'd adjust accordingly if it turned out to be nerfed in a way that is non-historic.

I agreed to house rules and it's my responsibility to comply with them and keep up with them. I haven't been assiduous in the latter, on occasion.

But I do honor the spirit of the rules. With regard to country borders, for instance, the idea is to keep one side or the other from flooding China with Kwantung Army or flooding Burma with restricted Indian and Chinese units. Nothing like that has occurred in the game.

I'll know better about house rules going forward. In particular, the no-strategic-bombing rule is an awful one. On the other hand, the no 4EB of troops in non-base hexes might have some merit, though even that I'm not sure about. My 4EB are having modest effect against John's unit in jungle terrain. There isn't much open terrain on the map, and in those places, John's units shouldn't be able to withstand concentrated Allied 4EB flying from large Allied airfields that are close by, especially when he's offering no fighter opposition; China is another area with a lot of clear terrain, but operating 4EB from those bases is problematic due to lack of supply; if it did turn out to be ridiculously effective, both sides could simply develop a house rule to curtail any abuse of the spirit of fairness.

BBfanboy -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (1/11/2017 4:30:04 PM)

If any of your Chinese or Indian restricted units were involved in the recent rout of John's armies in Northern Burma he might have cause to seek redress. Otherwise, it is no big deal and your withdrawal of those units will upset your offensive plans, causing a delay to regroup that will give John's units a breather. Seems fair enough to me.

Canoerebel -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (1/11/2017 4:39:33 PM)

John and I have discussed the situation and agreed to the proposal I set forth above.

Restricted Chinese units haven't been involved in any combat at all. Their activity has been limited to crossing into Vietnam.

One restricted Indian division has been involved in the route of the Japanese army in Burma, but John has agreed to let me buy it as soon as I have enough PP.

Canoerebel -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (1/12/2017 2:21:04 AM)

A logistical note: Australia had roughly 500k fuel a month ago, then Death Star and the Herd retired there to refuel. Other ships inbound from the Pacific did the same. Today, Oz has 318k fuel.

Fuel stocks at many Pacific islands were drawn down by ships topping off en route to Fun House. Some of these bases have already been fully refueled. Others are in progress. But, overall, the fuel supply in the Pacific has mostly recovered from Fun House preparation.

The Fun House ships are topped off and are accompanied by about 10 AOs. There is also 75k fuel at Big Tent bases. And the big xAKs and xAPs - more than 400 of them - are all topped off and can serve as emergency reservoirs.

Fun House should be able to operate for one to two months before additional fuel is required.

Canoerebel -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (1/12/2017 4:59:09 AM)


Burma: I think IJA 59th Div. will evaporate in a few days. It's caught in the open and undergoes heavy attacks every day. It's down to 2k troops. 12th Div. is hung up in the jungle, but will eventually tangle with a fresh Chindit unit near Lashio. The Japanese MLR (Toungoo to Prome) continues to hold. John's brought AA into Rangoon.

Vietnam: The Chinese expeditionary army has tucked its tail between its legs and is retiring back to China.

Celebes: Half of 14th NZ Brigade has been evacuated. I still think 2nd Tank Div. is moving in for the kill. It won't find much when it arrives, but it'll receive a warm welcome (simple gratitude that it's there and not at a Fun House beachhead).

Fun House: The armadas continue to make their way steadily to the west. Down south, the LST TFs are making six hexes per day; they'll enter the Banda Sea tomorrow. The carriers are closing but haven't quite caught up (I'm limiting them to seven hexes per day in hopes of keeping SYS damage at a minimum). In the north, Marcus patrols continue to spot YMS pickets. The Hawaiian branch of Fun House is moving in good order. Everything is on schedule. Tomorrow and the following day will probably be quiet since the southern armada will steam close to friendly airfields in the DEI. After that, things will get interesting.

CVE Manila Bay is one hex from Cooktown and its big ARD. Go, boy, go! No sign of enemy subs in the vicinity.

An enemy CV TF is out near Diego Garcia - a few carriers with about 100 aircraft, according to nav search. A few days ago, this TF sank an AR. There is, as is usually the case, a bright side: the carriers missed a stout combat TF, another AR, and some merchantmen. More importantly, that's a few carriers out of position for Fun House.

Flicker -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (1/12/2017 3:54:08 PM)

Do you have to pay PPs for Chinese units to cross into Manchukuo? In other words, are your Chinese units basically restricted to China?

There are only a few Chinese units that are unrestricted and I buy them out to help in Burma.

Canoerebel -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (1/12/2017 3:58:56 PM)

You mean into Manchuria? I dunno. I've never thought about it. Supply would be such a major issue, so I don't think it'll come up. I guess it would be odd to force the Chinese to pay to enter what they considered their own territory, but that's just a guess on my part (I'm not real familiar with the history of Manchuria).

If you're asking, "Does it seem reasonable for the Chinese to pay to enter Vietnam (at least in reasonable numbers)?" I don't think so. But them's the rules I agreed to.

Flicker -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (1/12/2017 4:21:37 PM)

Yes, Manchuria. Manchukuo / Manchuria has a political 'border' in the game, defining the area the Japanese need to garrison to prevent Russian intervention. Even clarifying the rule with John might worry him some, unless your fleet really is headed to Keiko :0

In my games against the AI, I usually adopt the pay PPs rule (with exceptions) and in my newest game I plan to see if I can trigger the Russians by killing off the Japanese army in Manchukuo (which requires NOT paying PPs for the Chinese to enter Manchuria).

I agree with your position on the Chinese entering Vietnam.

Canoerebel -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (1/12/2017 5:14:53 PM)


Fun House: The ships are moving in good order. The operation is on schedule. An enemy sub sank an xAKL temporarily attached to Fun House. It was carrying a fragment of 4th Aus. Div. to Ceram from Horn Island. The enemy sub was hit hard, in turn, and will probably sink. CVE Manila Bay made it to port and is working with an ARD. Her aircraft were moved to land, which is a helpful little victory.

Celebes: I continue to think that 2nd Tank Div. is traveling overland to Palapo. This is just one unit, so it's significance is no more than that of other IJ divisions, but it is visible and it will tell me if Celebes was "worth it." The air lift from Palapo continues. Two-thirds of 14th Kiwi Brigade has been extracted. John's army will arrive in a few days to find nobody at home.

Burma: Lots of troops on the move. John's MLR holds with determination, but it's flanks are threated on both sides and (if this is possible) from the middle. I control five hex sides in the central hex, and 5th UK Brigade is a day or two from advancing to the hex below Prome.

Plate Tectonics: I haven't discussed this, but one of the major undertakings of the past five months, while Big Tent was ongoing, was to prepare for the final phases of the war. This involved shifting much of the Allied war effort far, far, forward, to the bases from which the war will be prosecuted. This massive sea lift was time-consuming and logistically challenging (and will continue as new assets arrive and move forward). But it is complete. I think I'm in good position now to prosecute the war efficiently in multiple theaters. The navies, air forces and ground troops are properly distributed. Supply and fuel stockpiles are good. The logistical network is operating efficiently. Of course, the wheels can come off, disrupting everything or throwing things into confusion. But the table is set to bring the war to the Empire.

The Big Tent era has closed. The Fun House era has begun.

crsutton -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (1/12/2017 5:43:49 PM)


ORIGINAL: Canoerebel

You mean into Manchuria? I dunno. I've never thought about it. Supply would be such a major issue, so I don't think it'll come up. I guess it would be odd to force the Chinese to pay to enter what they considered their own territory, but that's just a guess on my part (I'm not real familiar with the history of Manchuria).

If you're asking, "Does it seem reasonable for the Chinese to pay to enter Vietnam (at least in reasonable numbers)?" I don't think so. But them's the rules I agreed to.

China and Vietnam have been historical foes for a thousand years. A Chinese incursion into Viet Nam would probably have met with resistance and driven many Vietnamese into the Japanese camp. So I would expect you would have to pay PPs to enter Vietnam. At least in the first few years of the war. Chinese troop did occupy North Vietnam after the war at the Allies invitation to help disarm and repatriate Japanese troops stranded there. However, I doubt that the Vietnamese even at that time were keen on the idea.

Manchuria was and is part of China and captured by the Japanese. I would not agree to pay PP to prevent Japanese troops from entering. But if the Japanese player reaches a point where the Chinese can enter Manchuria, then he has got himself bigger problems that that.....

Canoerebel -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (1/12/2017 5:54:19 PM)

Entering Vietnam triggers the Viet Minh divisions through 1942. After that there isn't any consequences, unless self-imposed. This invasion was small - two modest corps and a division of less than 100 AV. There were also two construction units, one HQ, and a base force. They were creating headaches for John - he was worried about Hanoi's safety, because he doesn't have it properly garrisoned. But the House Rules rule, so he can afford to not have northern Vietnam properly garrisoned. At the moment, at least.

There's another aspect here that's interesting. John boosted Allied PPs to 60 per day in this mod. He thought this would apply retroactively to our game. But it didn't. If the boost had applied, I'd have received an additional 4,500 political points by now (15 months x 10 pp/day.) I'd have been able to buy more restricted units, so that this wouldn't be an issue (well, I'd have been able to buy them had I thought about it, which I didn't until John asked me, "Hey, those dudes in Vietnam; they got their travel papers in order?"

I'm not complaining about it, but rather making observations as to why House Rules can become diseases worse than the cure, and why I tend to focus on the spirit of the rule than the rule itself (when my consciousness is alert to the rule, which wasn't the case with Vietnam).

Canoerebel -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (1/12/2017 6:02:44 PM)

What about KB? Other than the Mini KB (100 aircraft) currently roaming the Indian Ocean near Diego Garcia, I have no idea where John's carriers are. Not the slightest clue.

The last sighting of a major enemy carrier TF was in the Makassar Strait as the Celebes campaign opened. This suggests that KB is somewhere in the most likely area of operations for Fun House. Besides, John knows the location of Death Star. He'll have plenty of time to place KB where it needs to be.

From my standpoint it doesn't matter. Fun House goes forward no matter what - whether John has KB in theater or not; whether he commits it or not. I think Death Star is strong enough to stand up to the enemy and acquit itself well...and KB and the Kaigun are the top priority targets of Fun House. Death Star won't leave the Herd to chase KB, but DS and the Herd will march forth boldly, banging drums and rattling pans, aiming for the enemy vitals. If this was the real war, Japan would attack. But this isn't the real war. John needs to buy time, and he can't buy time if he doesn't have a credible carrier force.

So, does he commit KB? I have to play as if he will. But I don't think he will. He usually avoids committing KB unless he thinks the odds are in his favor.

Canoerebel -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (1/12/2017 6:14:14 PM)

A funny little Fun House splinter mission looks like it's going to succeed. A few weeks ago, I found an amphibious force HQ at a forward base, well prepped for a Fun House target. I'd forgotten all about it. In what seemed a bit of a suicide mission, I detached an AGC and a DE to that base. They made it, nearly naked against enemy combat ships or aircraft. They will rejoin the Herd tomorrow, barring any unhappy encounters.

Fun House includes two amphibious force HQs.

paullus99 -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (1/12/2017 6:28:30 PM)

John tends to miss the little things - he's focused on big fish....

Canoerebel -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (1/13/2017 2:18:40 AM)


On April's Fool Eve, the Pacific Theater of Operations is quiet. Allied forces on the move here and there don't encounter enemy opposition. Ships are moving forward in good order; recon is scouting; nav search is searching. The enemy hasn't closed. I don't expect John to do so, yet. He'll probably sniff around and look for an advantage. He'll probably want to get a better feel for what's going on, where, and when.

Fun House: Death Star and the Herd move into the Ceram Sea smoothly. Death Star Junior and Herd Junior are still at Shangri-Law. Death Star III and Herd III are proceeding methodically far away. Death Star IV and Herd IV are moving boldly not quite as far away. Death Star V and Herd V are lurking, seeking a likely opportunity to strike.

Last turn, I spent an hour clicking on every single TF to change the home ports. This turn, I spent about as much time fine-tuning aircraft squadron settings. But most of the tedious stuff has been done. I've really enjoyed the journeys, partly because it's the calm before the storm and partly because things have gone so smoothly. Early in the embarkations, ships were spread out and in proximity to big enemy airfields. But no enemy strike aircraft scored a hit. Enemy subs swarmed to the scene and badly damaged a CVE, but roughly five enemy subs were badly damaged or sunk and the going has been smoother since. Things will get more noisy soon. Five turns back, I looked at the map, flinched, and wondered, "Oh my. So much has to be done. So much has to go well. So much is at stake." But the past few turns, I've been perfectly at ease.

Celebes: What's going on in Celebes probably isn't relevant to Fun House any more. If any major IJA troops are still there, they should miss the opening act. 75% of 14th Kiwi Bde. has been extracted.

Burma: John suicided 59th Div., destroying about 1/3rd of its lingering strength. The Allies continue to maneuver position. Most air strikes are aimed at Prome, both to soften the target and to slow movement of any troops that might try to exit the hex.

KB: No sign of it or Kaigun. DS and several enemy merchant TFs are on collision courses. It'll be interesting to see if John diverts them or suicides them.

Canoerebel -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (1/13/2017 2:40:16 AM)

A splash of color for your viewing pleasure on an otherwise quiet evening.


BBfanboy -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (1/13/2017 3:44:29 AM)

Your Chinese MLR from Hanoi to Sian is awesome! John must have really neglected the land battles in China to let you get all those units parked so perfectly. [:)]

crsutton -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (1/13/2017 1:17:29 PM)


ORIGINAL: Canoerebel

Entering Vietnam triggers the Viet Minh divisions through 1942. After that there isn't any consequences, unless self-imposed. This invasion was small - two modest corps and a division of less than 100 AV. There were also two construction units, one HQ, and a base force. They were creating headaches for John - he was worried about Hanoi's safety, because he doesn't have it properly garrisoned. But the House Rules rule, so he can afford to not have northern Vietnam properly garrisoned. At the moment, at least.

There's another aspect here that's interesting. John boosted Allied PPs to 60 per day in this mod. He thought this would apply retroactively to our game. But it didn't. If the boost had applied, I'd have received an additional 4,500 political points by now (15 months x 10 pp/day.) I'd have been able to buy more restricted units, so that this wouldn't be an issue (well, I'd have been able to buy them had I thought about it, which I didn't until John asked me, "Hey, those dudes in Vietnam; they got their travel papers in order?"

I'm not complaining about it, but rather making observations as to why House Rules can become diseases worse than the cure, and why I tend to focus on the spirit of the rule than the rule itself (when my consciousness is alert to the rule, which wasn't the case with Vietnam).

Don't know a thing about how PP points affect the Japanese but I think the Allied allotment is spot on. I never have enough but do have enough to work with. I have come up with some creative work arounds with my Commonwealth Divisions so by 11/43 have managed to buy all of the important Indian and Australian units out. Only one Canadian and two NZ Brigades are purchased out yet but they are not as important in the overall scheme of things. I just don't think either player should have total freedom over everything. Commanders, air units and so on. Both sides should be forced into decision making. 50 points a day is all that the Allies should get in my opinion.

Canoerebel -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (1/13/2017 1:24:11 PM)

Managing PPs is challenging and fun. We all probably agree that's the way it should be.

In stock, 50 may be enough. But John (and NYGiants) decided to boost the allotment just a bit since Japan gets so many extra goodies.

If you're using "creative work arounds," perhaps 50/day isn't quite enough?

ny59giants -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (1/13/2017 2:22:51 PM)

In my current BTS Lite game vs Gen Patton, we boasted PPs to 100/day. I think this will be the PP allotment going forward in BTS, RA, and Treaty mods as it gives both sides some early flexibility. I'm seeing the Allies able to get troops away from WC much quicker and having to plan accordingly even with all the goodies Japan gets.

Canoerebel -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (1/13/2017 2:31:54 PM)

Michael, I and every other player will love extra PPs. Oh, such feelings of luxury.

But I do think 100 pp today may prove exorbitant. I'm playing with 50 per day and have still managed massive invasions in late '42, throughout '43, and now into '44. While I'm always strapped - and therefore have to think ahead and plan well - I've never been unable to buy out enough troops to do what's needed to be done (and I also spend a heckuva lot of PPs to change out TF, infantry and air squadron commanders).

100 per day will probably mushroom out of control.

Lecivius -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (1/13/2017 3:23:13 PM)

I believe a part of the PP increase was brought into play due to including Juan's potential purchase allocation of some advanced air-frames for the allies. That is not a part of your current game, boss [;)]

Lokasenna -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (1/13/2017 4:36:17 PM)


ORIGINAL: Canoerebel

Michael, I and every other player will love extra PPs. Oh, such feelings of luxury.

But I do think 100 pp today may prove exorbitant. I'm playing with 50 per day and have still managed massive invasions in late '42, throughout '43, and now into '44. While I'm always strapped - and therefore have to think ahead and plan well - I've never been unable to buy out enough troops to do what's needed to be done (and I also spend a heckuva lot of PPs to change out TF, infantry and air squadron commanders).

100 per day will probably mushroom out of control.

100 might be a little high, but I don't think it's too terribly high. Especially if these mods include the aircraft purchase system.

For Japan, I don't think PPs matter much. At least in stock. Although I recently dipped below 10K PPs in my game, I suppose. Got a lot of reinforcements that I wanted to move around.

ny59giants -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (1/13/2017 4:42:54 PM)

Mini-thread hijack - What amount of PPs would you like to see? If 50 may not be enough and Dan things 100 is too much.

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