Baleur -> When are you gonna do promotion? (12/11/2012 9:20:37 PM)
Honestly. We all know this game is incredible all the way down to the bone, each expansion adds a silly amount of content and gameplay depth. We all know how deeply we enjoy the metagameplay and the grand strategy that is involved, not to mention the seemingly living universe teeming with activity, unlike anything previously seen in any other 4x space strategy game. All of us here, already here. Nobody else knows. Nobody knows about this game, outside of this forum. Nobody. I heard of it by a total accident right before release, a total accident. I just happened to search for some OTHER space 4x game that i forgot the name of (it was Space Empires V, god help me) on youtube and just HAPPENED to stumble upon a reclusive video from a user that had 31 views and was buried on the 4'th search page. I love this game. I think it is on par, even surpassing, with Galciv 2, SoTS prime and Master of Orion. No joke. This is the Europa Universalis of the space genre. And i can not believe why NOTHING is being done to even make the existance of all these years of hard work known. Come on, devs. You spent all this hard work on this game, love-crafted hours after hours, yet not a single shred of effort was put into getting the word out? Still to this day, with a new expansion on the way, i never see or hear ANYTHING about this game, ANYWHERE. If i did not already know about it, there'd be no way for me to ever find out about it. Regardless how much i love this very genre. Do you not like money? Do you not want to make an even more incredible sequel at some point in the future? Do you not want the possibility to have a higher budget for the future? Because i've been playing games for 20 years, especially strategy games, and i can guarantee you that this game would sell on par with many other popular indie titles, IF SOMETHING WAS DONE TO GET PEOPLE TO EVEN KNOW IT EXISTS! [&o] I want this series to prosper, i know it already does well, we see the expansions as proof of that. But why not be more ambitious? Don't you want more sales of an already amazing game? [&:] 1. Put up some bloody videos on youtube about it. It doesn't have to be anything special, just a video of someone knowledgeable about the game, explaining it and showing it off. Ask someone 'famous' to do a video on it. Ask TotalBiscuit (he does gazzillions of indie games, many of them utter crap, i'm sure he'd be glad to do a video on a GOOD game for once, as he's known for wanting to promote quality). Just do SOMETHING, for gods sake man.. 2. Invest something in ads on youtube, facebook, whatever. It doesn't have to cost much, for a few dollars a week you can get hundreds of new visitors ("clicks" as it's called, especially via facebook ads) per week. Hundreds of people that bothered clicking because they are interested in a 4x space game. Hundreds of potential customers. I've done this before, advertisement works, that's why everyone else is doing it. 3. Put out some more regular news about it, devblogs or sneak peeks of, ANYTHING. Offer to do interviews where you have the chance of a big audience (i'm sorry, reclusive ultra-core strategy websites with 30 hits a week does not qualify as a big audience), again with someone such as TotalBiscuit who has hundreds of thousands of views on each video. All in all, why don't the devs do something, anything, to get the word out? No, it is NOT a special niche genre. People who play Battlefield, Planetside and racing games also play 4x games. We're all gamers, many of us enjoy a wide variety of games. It is absolute folly to restrict your potential market to extremely limited audiences that visit specific strategy-only websites when there's millions of potential customers out there. Heck, i didn't even know about Matrix Games or any of the other strategy games on that website/store/forums AT ALL until i accidentally stumbled upon this specific game. And i've been playing and loving strategy games for all my life. Crusader Kings, Hearts of Iron, Victoria, Europa Universalis, Total War, Galciv, Space Empires. You name it. Point is, i'm a strategy game buff, and i never had any clue about this game nor the websites this game appears on. I'm certain there are many many many more out there like me. Why don't you like sales? Put this game on steam, apply it for the Greenlight program. Guaranteed sales. If i was sitting on a gem like this, i'd do everything to promote it. You don't even need money for this these days. Internet!