Reconvet -> RE: Deadline question (12/21/2012 9:35:12 AM)
My new AAR is lagging behind, I hope to to catch up in january and document what went on. Short version: Bonners (SU) moved down most if not all his fighers within reach of Kerch, after turn 4 I had 5 JG down there too. I had to bomb Sewastopol closed because his fighters - despite my sweeping efforts on each non-mud turn - kept open the sea lanes to a degree where his Sewastopol defenders could keep up their readiness. But what really was annoying are the LB losses caused by a large part of the soviet navy anchored at Kerch itself. These ships suffered almost no damage while ripping apart my german LB which had to keep Kerch bombed to zero. I had to move down all my KG to rotate them (naval AAA within Kerch badly tore down their readiness). I'll document how high the losses of my german LB were, but if I recall correctly around turn 10 they had lost about 30% of their inital number on the map. Other repercussions of Bonners raping of my KGs on the Crimea: My troops up north had to operate without LB hex softening before attacks, so on the ground my losses probably were about 20% higher than they could have been if the soviet air force had been parked in Siberia from the begin. My take on these developments: The invulnerability of soviet ships within harbors has to be removed and their AAA strength (at least while anchored) toned down. No way in history the soviet navy would have been exposed anchored at Kerch to nonstop air bombings of 100-150 level bombers for several weeks, as the german Luftwaffe would have torn apart such juicy targets within a harbor...