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nelmsm1 -> (1/5/2003 2:11:30 PM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Matt Erickson
[B]This thread topic popped up in battlfronts website....I nominated
....invasion of america...crap it was so bad when I saw it as a kid it gave me nightmares any ways it was about italy taking over america...well i think it was italy geez...but for a more contemporary slant I nominate..."the siege of firebase gloria"
never seen so many near sighted VC in a movie ever!

I bought blackhawk down on dvd havent whatched it yet(or opened it) should I or return it?:confused: [/B][/QUOTE]


Matt Erickson -> (1/5/2003 2:16:54 PM)

ok I will, my neighbors nephew who is a marine saw it and liked it
also saw good reviews on simhq.com...so I guess it's a keeper...thanks for your input...cheers.

Stefdragon -> Black Hawk Down (1/5/2003 10:38:02 PM)

I can't believe I'm saying this!

Blawk Hawk Down?


See the two hour documentary,

"The True Story of B.H.D.",



Mad Cow -> (1/6/2003 7:37:10 AM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Les the Sarge 9-1
[B]I think the first Rambo film did a nice job of saying what it did.
The only tragedy was the other two had to drag it into the mud by virtue of guilt by association.

Returning US vets went through hell thanks to most of American society. America hated that war and hated its vets.
I think Rambo was a good attempt at saying something for the vets.
The two sequels though were only about making money. You can spit on them at will.


I totally agree with you about "First Blood" It was a good movie which got its point across. Not a war movie at all, but a good action film with a different story.

afonzie -> (1/7/2003 9:09:28 PM)

why are the tigers built on T-34 in saving private ryan??;)

afonzie -> (1/7/2003 9:10:31 PM)

best war movie: ...iron cross... with james coburn

screamer -> Re: Re: Maybe you're talking about... (1/8/2003 1:46:51 AM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Stefdragon


I also liked "Gettysburg". It is actually the fairly faithful screen
adaption of a Pulitzer Prize winning novel: "The Killer Angels"
by Michael Shaara-Great Book...get the paperback.

"The best and most realistic historical novel about war I have ever read"-General H. Norman Schwarzkopf

(You guys on this forum might not have heard of him. He's actually still alive. hehe)

He led one of the most devastating and decisive armored BLITZKRIEGS in all of history.

;) [/B][/QUOTE]

gettysburg, im trying to get my hands on that movie for quite some time now. but these are the netherlands and ardly anyone even knows what gettys burg was. importing the dvd wont work either and the old vcr is kaputt because legoblock misteriously got inside[ hey had to do something to convince mom to buy a dvd player/recorder]

as for the worst warmovie ive seen, Battle of the bulge. total wast of my time, even when i was about 10[thats 7years ago]

SPR was nice when i first saw it but it showed is flaws the second time.

band of brothers was great.

i cant really rember final countdown, i saw it years ago, when i was just a little boy.

there is also some crappy movie starring george peppard about v2's a saw on bbc a week ago

CCB -> Re: Re: Re: Maybe you're talking about... (1/8/2003 1:58:30 AM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by screamer
[B] the old vcr is kaputt because legoblock misteriously got inside[/B][/QUOTE]


Stefdragon -> Gettysburg (1/8/2003 2:09:41 AM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by screamer
[B]gettysburg, im trying to get my hands on that movie for quite some time now. [/B][/QUOTE]

I think the reason you can't find it is because it is a TV movie; I believe. I could be wrong, but that's my recollection.

As I said before, even if you don't play Sid's Civil War series, (people say the graphics are dated and that it is flawed [WHAT COMPUTER GAME ISN'T?}), the wealth of historical information, OB's, maps, etc. that you get on the compilation CD that I bought recently for just $10, is simply amazing.

I like playing the game. Good audio. Good AI.

If you want to learn everything about Gettysburg, Anteitem (bloodiest single day in American history), and the American Civil War in general, pick up that CD, you won't regret it.

Seventeen years old????

(Next month I will be exactly three times your age. Think about that for a while.)



rbrunsman -> Re: Gettysburg (1/8/2003 2:28:45 AM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Stefdragon
[B]I think the reason you can't find it is because it is a TV movie; I believe. I could be wrong, but that's my recollection.[/B][/QUOTE]

It was released in theatres. I sat through the 4 hours of it in 1993 and it was great. Just go to Amazon.com and search for it. You'll see it there.

mjk428 -> My Best/Worst (1/8/2003 4:29:21 AM)

Of the recent movies my worst is:

Pearl Harbor - The most well made awful movie I've ever seen. I was really annoyed that they had the same two guys flying fighters at Pearl and then bombers for the Doolittle raid. If there is any historical precedant for this I will stand corrected. I'm surprised they didn't manage to get them into a submarine somehow.

Runner up: Windtalkers. Could have been great but John Woo is obviously a bad choice for a serious film. I think Nick Cage killed about 2000 Japanese in that one. They also seemed to forget along the way the purpose behind the film: Navajos.

If we could have only gotten Cage, Affleck & Hartnett together, the US could have won the war in 1942.


Black Hawk Down - Great tension. Ridley Scott at his best. Excellent cast. Had me cursing the Clinton administration.

Runner Up - We Were Soldiers. Far from perfect but it has its heart in the right place.

Close but no cigar: Enemy at the Gates. Romance/Love Triangle killed what could have been a great film.

Raindog101 -> Re: Gettysburg (1/8/2003 5:05:15 AM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Stefdragon
[B]I think the reason you can't find it is because it is a TV movie; I believe. I could be wrong, but that's my recollection.

As I said before, even if you don't play Sid's Civil War series, (people say the graphics are dated and that it is flawed [WHAT COMPUTER GAME ISN'T?}), the wealth of historical information, OB's, maps, etc. that you get on the compilation CD that I bought recently for just $10, is simply amazing.

I like playing the game. Good audio. Good AI.

If you want to learn everything about Gettysburg, Anteitem (bloodiest single day in American history), and the American Civil War in general, pick up that CD, you won't regret it.

Seventeen years old????

(Next month I will be exactly three times your age. Think about that for a while.)


:) [/B][/QUOTE]
Try here:

afonzie -> (1/8/2003 11:36:54 PM)

why is there a cut gettysburg version have seen both of them just some scenes have been cut. Like the wounded general Trimble at "Pickets charge".

rbrunsman -> (1/9/2003 12:44:59 AM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by afonzie
[B]why is there a cut gettysburg version have seen both of them just some scenes have been cut. Like the wounded general Trimble at "Pickets charge". [/B][/QUOTE]

Just a guess, but it is a FOUR hour (254 minutes) movie after all. So cutting some "unnecessary" scenes allows for more commercials. Isn't that special?:)

afonzie -> (1/9/2003 1:58:07 AM)

Ewell was cut completely. So I didn't know for many years why they did mention who played ewell in the begining and end of the movie. Until I saw the whole? version.

afonzie -> (1/9/2003 2:08:35 AM)

Isn't it a second version of ...iron cross... about the west front. The first about the eastern front is very good the other one is one of the worst war movies. James coburn rules as Steiner

Stefdragon -> Good Guess on Gettysburg? (1/9/2003 2:10:34 AM)

One is the TV cut, and one is the Theater cut.

If the flukin' theater cut was about four hours long, as a fellow poster said (I saw the TV cut), then the friggin' TV cut without any editing and with the COMMERCIALS, would have been as long as the battle of Gettysburg itself!!!!!

(I've really got to take it easy on this "Twinings English Breakfast Tea" while I'm posting, I get all revved up about stuff.)

:D ;)

Stefdragon -> Rocky! (1/9/2003 2:52:43 AM)

One of the worst?

The Cold War Epic...

"Operation ZEBRA", starring Rock Hudson!

About the confrontation of US and SU Sub forces who were stranded or something, on the ice of the North Pole!

Even as a kid in the 1960's, the polar studio set just looked ridiculous!


LyleGorch -> (1/9/2003 4:15:04 AM)

I may get flak for this pick, but I have to cast ny vote for the Eastwood movie with Telly Savalas and Carol O'Connor (can't remember the title and saw just the last 1/2 hour or so). When I saw Donald Sutherland as the tank commander with the long hair, saying "Cool, man..." I lost all belief. The Tiger was nice to see, but the rest was awful.

Fire away!

Twotribes -> (1/9/2003 4:43:05 AM)

Kelly's Heroes........

You didnt like Kelly's Hero's? LOL...

It wasnt meant as a serious war movie to begin with. The premise is that a bunch of GI's learn of German Gold in a town poorly protected and on their own plan and execute a raid to liberate it. It was meant for fun.... )

rbrunsman -> (1/9/2003 4:46:52 AM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Twotribes
[B]Kelly's Heroes........

You didnt like Kelly's Hero's? LOL...

It wasnt meant as a serious war movie to begin with. The premise is that a bunch of GI's learn of German Gold in a town poorly protected and on their own plan and execute a raid to liberate it. It was meant for fun.... ) [/B][/QUOTE]

Three Kings really reminded me of Kelly's Heros. They should have credited Kelly's Heros at the end because it was just a moderized knockoff. Good movie though.

Kelly's Heros is great stuff.

Raindog101 -> (1/9/2003 5:01:34 AM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by LyleGorch
[B]I may get flak for this pick, but I have to cast ny vote for the Eastwood movie with Telly Savalas and Carol O'Connor (can't remember the title and saw just the last 1/2 hour or so). When I saw Donald Sutherland as the tank commander with the long hair, saying "Cool, man..." I lost all belief. The Tiger was nice to see, but the rest was awful.

Fire away! [/B][/QUOTE]
Ouch! Kelly's Heroes was one of my all time fav's. I classify it as a "caper" movie though. The same director also made "Where Eagles Dare".

Also Lyle "The Wild Bunch" is on my all time great list.

Mad Cow -> (1/9/2003 5:19:29 AM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by LyleGorch
[B]I may get flak for this pick, but I have to cast ny vote for the Eastwood movie with Telly Savalas and Carol O'Connor (can't remember the title and saw just the last 1/2 hour or so). When I saw Donald Sutherland as the tank commander with the long hair, saying "Cool, man..." I lost all belief. The Tiger was nice to see, but the rest was awful.

Fire away! [/B][/QUOTE]

I agree with the others here. While the movie is centered in the war, its not really meant to be a war movie. You cannot compare Kelly's Heroes with a movie like "Saving Private Ryan," for instance.

This is like trying to say that Blazing Saddles is one of the worst cowboy movies ever made!

I love that movie!

Stefdragon -> K-19 (1/11/2003 5:07:18 AM)

Just finished the VHS of "K-19: the WidowMaker", starring Harrison Ford and Liam Neeson.

It's about a Soviet Flagship Submarine's crew in 1961, that squares off in a life and death against...one of it's poorly made leaking valves.


(Now I'm going to get all the Star Wars fanatics attacking me
'cause I wasn't crazy about a movie with Harrison Ford in it. They could do a two hour movie starring Harrison driving a crosstown bus, and I bet anything a bunch of you would go see it! I like him anyhow by the way.)

K-19 was directed by a Kathryn Something; not that it's the reason I thought it was kind of mediocre, but it was interesting to see a woman director in a big budget movie.


Brigz -> Re: K-19 (1/11/2003 6:48:02 AM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Stefdragon
[B]Just finished the VHS of "K-19: the WidowMaker", starring Harrison Ford and Liam Neeson.

It's about a Soviet Flagship Submarine's crew in 1961, that squares off in a life and death against...one of it's poorly made leaking valves.


K-19 was directed by a Kathryn Something; not that it's the reason I thought it was kind of mediocre, but it was interesting to see a woman director in a big budget movie.

:confused: [/B][/QUOTE] The documentary on the history channel about the K-19 was better than the movie.

afonzie -> (1/11/2003 8:22:37 PM)

why do they show the tracks of the german tanks in band of brothers? shouldn't it be a BIG wheel in front of the tiger??:)

Veldor -> Thin Red Line (1/14/2003 5:22:32 AM)

My vote goes to "Thin Red Line". I HATED it right away but FORCED myself to watch the rest figuring it MUST get better. I finally couldn't take it anymore and stopped the film. The greatest thing about it is when I pressed play later that evening to watch the rest... there was only about 30seconds of film and the credits started to roll. It was so bad I didn't even know the movie was ending.. Or didn't care..
PEARL HARBOR not a war movie? Guess hybrid movies don't count as war movies anymore than hybrid war-games count as wargames... Now I agree I would have prefered that the love-story be toned down a bit (or maybe a lot) but after-all we dont go to war simply to shoot down planes and sink ships... and ultimately the protection of "Love", "Family" and things like it are the reasons we fight wars in the first place. I liked the film, even if a bit too "Star Wars" like... but my vote for best war movie ... Is it even contested? Would be SAVING PRIVATE RYAN.

Raindog101 -> Re: Thin Red Line (1/14/2003 6:01:05 AM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Veldor
[B]My vote goes to "Thin Red Line". I HATED it right away but FORCED myself to watch the rest figuring it MUST get better. I finally couldn't take it anymore and stopped the film. The greatest thing about it is when I pressed play later that evening to watch the rest... there was only about 30seconds of film and the credits started to roll. It was so bad I didn't even know the movie was ending.. Or didn't care..
PEARL HARBOR not a war movie? Guess hybrid movies don't count as war movies anymore than hybrid war-games count as wargames... Now I agree I would have prefered that the love-story be toned down a bit (or maybe a lot) but after-all we dont go to war simply to shoot down planes and sink ships... and ultimately the protection of "Love", "Family" and things like it are the reasons we fight wars in the first place. I liked the film, even if a bit too "Star Wars" like... but my vote for best war movie ... Is it even contested? Would be SAVING PRIVATE RYAN. [/B][/QUOTE]
The absolute worst thing about the odius dreck that was "The Thin Red Line" is that it will probably stop people from reading the book. It was a great WW2 book, one of the best. The 2nd issue of the "From Here to Eternity" trilogy.

wulfir -> (1/14/2003 5:51:51 PM)

I liked the Thin Red Line, both the book and the movie. :)

Especially great was the fact that it was not another 'small-group-behind-the-lines-special-mission' story.

afonzie -> (1/14/2003 10:11:25 PM)

pearl harbor was good as a love-story at the moment the japs showed up it became so bad that I couldn't care anymore.

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