Bonners -> RE: The "What am I doing wrong AAR" for 2nd Kharkov (1/22/2013 3:26:05 PM)
ORIGINAL: heyhellowhatsnew jonny211 and Bonners you have no idea how much i'm slapping my forehead right now because i'm like "Oh God i'm such an idiot, these posts are so brilliant." I have no idea why I never thought of attacking russian fighters at their airfields (facepalm) or that SchG and JG were different classes for different things. I read the historical descriptions and I was like oh okay, i guess they're all kinda bombers and used them to attack any hex that I was planning on attacking regardless of what the enemy had. Since this turn is heavy snow, I should just focus on repostioning my units to prepare for the next attacks for next turn? Also you'll notice that I never used recon, because I forgot how. I keep telling myself before I start a turn to look it up in the manual but I keep forgetting. One more thing: quote:
ORIGINAL: Bonners As the 44th infantry has managed to keep a bridgehead across the river I'd also be looking to reinforce that area over the river with panzers. It is good clear attacking terrain to try and cut the attacking Soviet forces off. It is a long time since I've played it, so this strategy depends on you having time to move your panzers into position. So I attack enemy hexes with infantry and then use my tanks to advance through the enemy hex i just broke through? If there are any weak units around, then yes attack on the rain turn. I dont fly recon that much TBH, I have better uses for my aircraft. There is recon available to a limited degree anyway. Depending on the strength of your units you will be able to see some details of the opposing Russian units, put simply, the more units you have nearby the more details you'll be able to see on the Russian units. As for attacking, it depends really. If it a clear hex then I will use panzers as they will generally crush Russian infantry and breakthrough the line quicker, that is why I was suggesting moving panzers to that point, there are some clear hexes you can fight through and hopefully break the Russian line. General rule of thumb for me is cites and fortifications attack with infantry supported by Stugs, across rivers attack with infantry, occasionally supported by tanks if I'm desperate and for clear hexes that is where your tanks come into their own. Break up the enemy entrenchment first with air and artillery and then blast on through with the tanks. Where possibly I like to attack with a whole panzer division intact, so I have the two motorized infantry regiments and the tank regiment attacking together. I know the symbols are confusing as they are slightly different to the normal symbols, but you should also note that each German division (whether panzer or infantry) has a fourth unit which is an artillery unit. Obviously this units doesnt go into the attack, but blasts with artillery first. Again, you need to check its supply level to make sure it can do the full barrage effect.