AC-130 and terrorists don't mix... video (Full Version)

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dighost -> AC-130 and terrorists don't mix... video (12/25/2002 1:24:17 PM)

Supervisor -> (12/25/2002 2:02:12 PM)

Sweat wasn't it to watch a 105mm and the damage it can do from 10,000 ft, got to watch these videos first hand and many others as I was deployed with these from Sept 20, 2001 - Jan 3 2002, along with great live video of Big Blue Bomb drops. Being AFSOC sucks at times but it does have it perks when it come to real world engagements. It's about time this was made public, I'm sure there will many more to follow.

stevemk1a -> selective destruction (12/25/2002 2:30:48 PM)

"get that person..!" watching that little white dot go black was pretty chilling ... that's precision application of airpower!

LarkinVB -> (12/26/2002 6:32:36 AM)

Sorry, there is absolutely no fun nor awe watching this.

I appreciate life in any form. When men do kill men it's

Fallschirmjager -> (12/26/2002 8:44:49 AM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by LarkinVB
[B]Sorry, there is absolutely no fun nor awe watching this.

I appreciate life in any form. When men do kill men it's
sad. [/B][/QUOTE]

Bastards should of thought of that before they flew planes into 3 of our buildings and tried to do it to a fourth.

brent_2 -> (12/26/2002 11:06:12 AM)

I am sad that this necessary, but glad that someone is capable of doing it

The MSG -> (12/26/2002 2:48:08 PM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Fallschirmjager
[B]Bastards should of thought of that before they flew planes into 3 of our buildings and tried to do it to a fourth. [/B][/QUOTE]

And you, of course, have magic personal inside info on that these particulars were responsible for anything? They may have been, but YOU dont know that.

I'm sorry, but perhaps you should dust of that brain of yours and use it... Get your wet dreams about girls(or boys/ducks if thats your preference) instead of combat footage. :D

Be careful with those hawk knee-jerk reactions, or you will find yourself guarding a stalag somewhere...

Culiacan Mexico -> (12/26/2002 11:10:35 PM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by The MSG
[B]And you, of course, have magic personal inside info on that these particulars were responsible for anything? They may have been, but YOU dont know that. I'm sorry, but perhaps you should dust of that brain of yours and use it... Get your wet dreams about girls(or boys/ducks if thats your preference) instead of combat footage. Be careful with those hawk knee-jerk reactions, or you will find yourself guarding a stalag somewhere... [/B][/QUOTE]The Egyptians were sold 33 AH-64 Apache Attack helicopters, but now they only have 32. It seems a Lieutenant (Co-pilot gunner CPG) and a Lieutenant Colonel (Pilot) were out doing low level night training, which is not something they like to do, and decided they had enough. The Lieutenant Colonel/pilot began to climb and to turn right, but something went wrong… the Lieutenant Colonel/pilot lost his orientation. After climbing to 5,000-7,000 ft. his climbing right turn became a descending right turn; and when informed by his Co-pilot/Lieutenant that they needed an attitude adjustment the Lieutenant Colonel/pilot pushed the cyclic (stick) forward even farther, while pulling it farther to the right. By now the aircraft was probably in at least a 30 degree bank and 60 degrees nose down with a probable air speed in excess of 350 knots. The Lieutenant Colonel/pilot was total disorientated and confused about his position/attitude and the Co-pilot/Lieutenant was screaming in fear/ terror when the plowed nose first into the ground.

The crash investigators checked the crash scene out and took numerous pictures. The pilots are strapped in by a 4 point seat belt system, which gives maximum protection, but in this situation it didn’t matter, because the force of the impact ripped the Co-pilot from the cockpit. Break both shoulders and his legs; he was propelled through the blast shield (designed to withstand a 20mm round impact). His body was found more than a hundred meters from the crash site, while his head was found still in the helmet somewhat farther away. The pilots was not ejected on impact and burned up in the crash.

At least once a year, over beer, copies of crash investigation and pictures from the scene are passed around to the new Tactical Field Army Training (TAFT) and a good laugh is had by all. What most find of particular interest are the pictures of the Co-pilots eyes which were ripped from his skull by the force of the impact and were lying on the ground.

The overly sensitive generally find life in the American military difficult, while those with thicker skin or perhaps just a morbid sense of humor are more likely to handle the situation.

PS. Standard procedure calls for the pilot not on the controls to take charge if someone become disorientated, but in an Arab culture no lowly lieutenant would ever take control from a Lieutenant Colonel… even when he knew he was going to die… he remembered his place in his society.

The MSG -> (12/26/2002 11:27:08 PM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Culiacan Mexico
[B]The Egyptians were sold 33 AH-64 Apache Attack helicopters, but now they only have 32. It seems a Lieutenant (Co-pilot gunner CPG) and a Lieutenant Colonel (Pilot) were out doing low level night training, which is not something they like to do, and decided they had enough. The Lieutenant Colonel/pilot began to climb and to turn right, but something went wrong… the Lieutenant Colonel/pilot lost his orientation. After climbing to 5,000-7,000 ft. his climbing right turn became a descending right turn; and when informed by his Co-pilot/Lieutenant that they needed an attitude adjustment the Lieutenant Colonel/pilot pushed the cyclic (stick) forward even farther, while pulling it farther to the right. By now the aircraft was probably in at least a 30 degree bank and 60 degrees nose down with a probable air speed in excess of 350 knots. The Lieutenant Colonel/pilot was total disorientated and confused about his position/attitude and the Co-pilot/Lieutenant was screaming in fear/ terror when the plowed nose first into the ground.

The crash investigators checked the crash scene out and took numerous pictures. The pilots are strapped in by a 4 point seat belt system, which gives maximum protection, but in this situation it didn’t matter, because the force of the impact ripped the Co-pilot from the cockpit. Break both shoulders and his legs; he was propelled through the blast shield (designed to withstand a 20mm round impact). His body was found more than a hundred meters from the crash site, while his head was found still in the helmet somewhat farther away. The pilots was not ejected on impact and burned up in the crash.

At least once a year, over beer, copies of crash investigation and pictures from the scene are passed around to the new Tactical Field Army Training (TAFT) and a good laugh is had by all. What most find of particular interest are the pictures of the Co-pilots eyes which were ripped from his skull by the force of the impact and were lying on the ground.

The overly sensitive generally find life in the American military difficult, while those with thicker skin or perhaps just a morbid sense of humor are more likely to handle the situation.

PS. Standard procedure calls for the pilot not on the controls to take charge if someone become disorientated, but in an Arab culture no lowly lieutenant would ever take control from a Lieutenant Colonel… even when he knew he was going to die… he remembered his place in his society. [/B][/QUOTE]

Why is this attached to a quote of my post? My point was that using a rote "they deserved because of xxx" knee jerk comment is completely irrelevant. I HOPE those people were "bad guys", but how to know unless youre involved in the actual intelligence/decision making pertaining to the actual mission (and even then)...

I dont scour the net after gruesome fotage, nor do I get a kick out of seeing dismemberd people... perhaps not desensitized yet, but overly sensitive, not at all.

And as to the Apache-story, as far as I know you Yanks have run more than one of those birds into the ground, any photos of the remains of them passed around? Or would that be considered "obscene"?

Culiacan Mexico -> (12/26/2002 11:46:47 PM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by The MSG
[B]Why is this attached to a quote of my post? My point was that using a rote "they deserved because of xxx" knee jerk comment is completely irrelevant. I HOPE those people were "bad guys", but how to know unless youre involved in the actual intelligence/decision making pertaining to the actual mission (and even then)...[/B][/QUOTE] You wish to second guess everything, unfortunately in such a situation you can't do that. They obviously had intelligence on this location before they engaged their targets and I am willing to trust the men that were actually there.
I dont scour the net after gruesome fotage, nor do I get a kick out of seeing dismemberd people... perhaps not desensitized yet, but overly sensitive, not at all. [/B][/QUOTE]
Neither do I, but in a combat situation people die. That is just the way it is.
And as to the Apache-story, as far as I know you Yanks have run more than one of those birds into the ground, any photos of the remains of them passed around? Or would that be considered "obscene"? [/B][/QUOTE]Every crash that happens in Army aviation is investigated and photographed; and in those situations were someone died out of stupidity derision is shown.

The MSG -> (12/26/2002 11:59:43 PM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Culiacan Mexico
[B]You wish to second guess everything, unfortunately in such a situation you can't do that. They obviously had intelligence on this location before they engaged their targets and I am willing to trust the men that were actually there.

Neither do I, but in a combat situation people die. That is just the way it is.
Every crash that happens in Army aviation is investigated and photographed; and in those situations were someone died out of stupidity derision is shown. [/B][/QUOTE]

I am second guessing Fallschirmsjägers comment, not the actual film, or those troopers (but Im not "first-guessing" either, thats true)... Saying people deserve to get blown to pieces bacause US armed forces do the blowing just doesnt compute...

Im just not willing to convict people on assumptions. That goes both for Ghanis AND Americans (and Swedes etc).

I díd not claim you had an entrails fetish mate, you seem to be one of the more sensible people on this board (granted, that doesnt say a lot ;) ). I was just checking if there was a blatant double standard for "r4ghe4d" victims of stupidity or not. :D

Btw, Its a pretty good method to make people take note and remember a particular stupidity.

Fallschirmjager -> (12/27/2002 12:12:24 AM)

[QUOTE]And you, of course, have magic personal inside info on that these particulars were responsible for anything? They may have been, but YOU dont know that.[/QUOTE]

I know the Euro media protrays our military as a raging monstor thats kills little kids and puppies, but I do have some faith in them.
Im 99.9% sure this was a terrorist/taliban camp. Our military goes to great lenghts to make sure they attack the right people.
And if you had watched the video you would see they go out of there way to stay clear of a mosque...I wouldnt of been that nice.

Culiacan Mexico -> (12/27/2002 12:35:28 AM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by The MSG
[B]I díd not claim you had an entrails fetish mate, you seem to be one of the more sensible people on this board (granted, that doesnt say a lot ;) [/B][/QUOTE] "more sensible" :mad:

Those are fighting words at AoW forum SIR!


The MSG -> (12/27/2002 1:01:36 AM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Fallschirmjager
[B]I know the Euro media protrays our military as a raging monstor thats kills little kids and puppies, but I do have some faith in them.
Im 99.9% sure this was a terrorist/taliban camp. Our military goes to great lenghts to make sure they attack the right people.
And if you had watched the video you would see they go out of there way to stay clear of a mosque...I wouldnt of been that nice. [/B][/QUOTE]

No, they dont need to, guys like you do it for them! ;)

Then again I am not that media sensitive, I say "HAH!" a lot more than "AHA!" when I watch/read the propag... err, news...

Just if you dont know it, we even get some FOX over here, Bill O'Reilly really cracks me up (No spin zone my 4ss!)!:D

On "faith", unconditional "faith" was what made 911 possible in the first place...

I just oppose you feeling JUSTIFIED at seeing some unknown people being blown to bits...

The MSG -> (12/27/2002 1:05:30 AM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Culiacan Mexico
[B]"more sensible"

Those are fighting words at AoW forum SIR!


Ah, but this is on the General Discussions forum, not AoW!;)

Ok, I take it back, youre a standard run-o-the-mill triggerhappy imperialist Redneck-Yankee (note the dualism in concept, I GOTTA be a commie!).

Happy now?:D

dighost -> (12/27/2002 1:10:22 AM)

MSG, I am very impressed with your wit and "big" words-- why you're quite the clever cat!

It takes a real man, or shall I say an "MSG" man to accuse someone of being interested in boys, or to deduce that someone is a redneck-yankee!

Culiacan Mexico -> (12/27/2002 1:10:50 AM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by The MSG
[B]Ah, but this is on the General Discussions forum, not AoW!;)

Ok, I take it back, youre a standard run-o-the-mill triggerhappy imperialist Redneck-Yankee (note the dualism in concept, I GOTTA be a commie!).

Happy now?:D [/B][/QUOTE] :D

The MSG -> (12/27/2002 1:18:07 AM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by dighost
[B]MSG, I am very impressed with your wit and "big" words-- why you're quite the clever cat!

It takes a real man, or shall I say an "MSG" man to accuse someone of being interested in boys, or to deduce that someone is a redneck-yankee! [/B][/QUOTE]

Yes, Im a big man alright (and ugly too)! :D

I agree that the sexual innuendo was a bit tacky, but it illustrated what I felt about the hoorays for dead afghans, that were equally tacky in my book. Feel free to disagree (or consider it out of line, wich it may be).

And as for calling Culi a redneck, come on now, dont take it out of context, its all friendly and cuddly over here! :D


The nick is an inside joke, and sorry, Im keeping it that way (although Im considering to change it to something comprehensible).

dighost -> (12/27/2002 2:41:31 AM)

MSG I have no problems here with you, I agree its probably not the right thing to do to gloat over a mans death.

Of course if or when bin laden and his fellow terrorists die, I won't be cryin' a river either :)

Redneck stuff doesn't bother me at all-- in fact here is a joke my southern wife told me..hehe

"A newlywed redneck couple were getting undressed so they could have sex on their wedding night. While the husband was busy pouring the nightrain, the wife hollared at him to take it easy on her, cuz she was a virgin and all.

Suddenly the boy flew into a rage, grabbed her by the arm and dragged her, and tossed her into the pickup. Without saying a word he hauled out of the trailer park as fast as he could then slowed down by the 7-11 and booted her out.

Still upset he drove over to his paw's place... "Son, what happened??" said the father. "Paw, it was horrible, me and betty sue was going to do it when she told me she was a dang virgin!". The father gasped and put his hand on the son's shoulder..

"son, if she wasn't good enough for her own family, she aint good enough for you!"

CCB -> (12/27/2002 3:13:18 AM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by The MSG
[B]I agree that the sexual innuendo was a bit tacky, but it illustrated what I felt about the hoorays for dead afghans, that were equally tacky in my book. Feel free to disagree (or consider it out of line, wich it may be).[/B][/QUOTE]

And you, of course, have magic personal inside info on that these particulars are dead 'afghans'? They may be, but YOU dont know that.*

I'm sorry, but perhaps you should dust of that brain of yours and use it...

Be careful with those peace-nik knee-jerk reactions, or you will find yourself a prisoner in a stalag somewhere...

*Who is to say that they aren't dead terrorist from Saudi Arabia?

The MSG -> (12/27/2002 3:50:00 AM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by CCB
[B]And you, of course, have magic personal inside info on that these particulars are dead 'afghans'? They may be, but YOU dont know that.*

Auuh... ya got me in the gut!

Its also pretty irrelevant.

CCB -> (12/27/2002 3:55:20 AM)

By Thor's Hammer you will learn 'humility' young one. :p

The MSG -> (12/27/2002 3:58:36 AM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by dighost
[B]MSG I have no problems here with you, I agree its probably not the right thing to do to gloat over a mans death.

Of course if or when bin laden and his fellow terrorists die, I won't be cryin' a river either :)

Redneck stuff doesn't bother me at all-- in fact here is a joke my southern wife told me..hehe

No tears for that particular tall fella or his playmates from my side either, thats for sure. Personally though, Id prefer to se him locked up in a mental asylum for life, I think he´d like that less than being killed anyway.

As for the redneck stuff, Im an opponent, although unwilling perpetrator now and again of course, of generalizations. I TRY to catch myself though. Culi just asked (literally!) for it! ;)

Cap Mandrake -> (12/28/2002 1:07:55 AM)

Speaking of rednecks...I've often wondered, in the Southern Hemisphere, does the FRONT of their neck get red;) ?

Secondly, I am worried about Bin Ladin, my wife thinks he is good looking...says he has "sensitive eyes":(

The MSG -> (12/28/2002 3:01:58 AM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Cap Mandrake
[B]Speaking of rednecks...I've often wondered, in the Southern Hemisphere, does the FRONT of their neck get red;) ?

Secondly, I am worried about Bin Ladin, my wife thinks he is good looking...says he has "sensitive eyes":( [/B][/QUOTE]

If I was you, Id be more worried about the wife!!! :D

Cap Mandrake -> (12/28/2002 6:13:57 AM)

MSG...if old Bin shows up here...he can have her...I'll turn him in for the reward and pay off all the credit card bills she ran up for Christmas.

The MSG -> True Love! (12/28/2002 6:16:21 PM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Cap Mandrake
[B]MSG...if old Bin shows up here...he can have her...I'll turn him in for the reward and pay off all the credit card bills she ran up for Christmas. [/B][/QUOTE]

Its just as they say, cant live with 'em, cant live without 'em!:D

11Bravo -> (12/28/2002 11:03:26 PM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Cap Mandrake
[B]Speaking of rednecks...I've often wondered, in the Southern Hemisphere, does the FRONT of their neck get red;) ?

Secondly, I am worried about Bin Ladin, my wife thinks he is good looking...says he has "sensitive eyes":( [/B][/QUOTE]


Women are drawn to power. And to red cars, but not to red necks.

Cap Mandrake -> (12/29/2002 1:49:45 AM)


You are indeed all-knowing. Ever since I got that new Red Geo Metro with AM/FM and casette, the women are all over me!:cool:

rockymtndoc -> (12/30/2002 2:16:59 AM)

Unless you are used to it, or have extensive military background in combat ops, MSG's reaction is going to be pretty typical. I imagine he has watched the aircraft slam into the World Trade Center numerous times. I hope he remembers to say the same things each time,loudly enough to be heard around the world.

Unfortunately, life isn't fair, and it almost never is pretty. The best way to avoid being a target is to stay as far away from actions and conflicts which may cast you in that light. Waving guns and dancing in the streets each time Americans die, for example, is not target avoidance behavior.

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