HerzKaraya -> HQ Units (2/13/2013 4:56:58 PM)
I started the Trappenjagd Campaign as Axis and have checked the documentation to see what new units I may expect. There are many Divisions on the list but I donīt see a single Corps or Army HQ, neither German nor Rumanian/Italian/Hungarian. Just taking the start of the Case Blue regular campaign, I will soon miss RUM MNT CORPS XI CORPS IIL PX CORPS XIII CORPS XXIV CORPS ITA II CORPS XXXX PZ CORPS LVII PZ CORPS VII CORPS HUN VII CORPS HUN 2nd ARMY ITA 8th ARMY 4th PZ ARMEE And in the future at least 3rd and 4th RUM ARMy. Do they appear by themselves? Do I have to build them - Staff units seem too low by far for that?! Thanks for any advice.