Links to latest patch & manual (Full Version)

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Pocus -> Links to latest patch & manual (4/11/2013 9:53:37 AM)

Hi there!

Here are the links to the threads where you can get install instructions for the current patch and latest quickfix:

Patch 1.03

QF 1.03d


RedArgo -> RE: Links to latest patch & manual (4/17/2013 3:41:04 AM)

You should sticky this. Makes it much easier to find the latest manual.


Jonathan Pollard -> RE: Links to latest patch & manual (5/19/2013 12:22:51 PM)

It's rumored on the Ageod forum that beta patch 1.04 will be released about a week from now.

Ozymandias2 -> RE: Links to latest patch & manual (6/6/2013 10:40:59 AM)

My separately purchased campaigns - Franco-Prussian War, etc - keep insisting, upon installation, that "1.03e" is the current patch, whereas the game seems to come with "1.03;" yet, when the Update function is invoked, the main game claims that it's up to date, then won't run at all, spewing the error message:

"Settings Erroneous value or family alias while reading an AI Affinity Reading Affinity 0"

Help ... ?


Jonathan Pollard -> RE: Links to latest patch & manual (6/29/2013 7:00:51 PM)

1.03d is not the latest patch anymore. The latest official patch is 1.03e which basically combines 1.03 with 1.03d. There is a 1.04 beta patch available now too.

Ozymandias2 -> RE: Links to latest patch & manual (7/1/2013 8:40:41 PM)

The problem was that hitting the "update" option on RON v1.03d resulted in a message telling me that I already had the latest software installed.

It was only when I tried to install the expansion packs - all labelled "1.03" - and hit "update" on them that RON itself updated to 1.03e.

- Confusing and silly, yes?


tombo -> RE: Links to latest patch & manual (7/16/2014 3:29:38 PM)

...the above links doesnt work now. How can i get copy of latest updated manual and beta changes?

thx for help


solops -> RE: Links to latest patch & manual (5/10/2015 3:19:06 PM)

None of the links work. Where can I get the patches and the revised manual? I bought the game before Matrix merged with Ageod.

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