Peltonx -> RE: German use of corps in 1942 (4/14/2013 2:38:43 PM)
ORIGINAL: carlkay58 Pelton, With a 3 point nerf to all leadership values the Soviet will never be able to do anything. The majority of their movement allowance will never allow a mechanized deliberate attack. The best hope for column shifts for an infantry attack will be 50% or less, resulting in an actual decrease of combat ability across the board. According to the formulas that we are told about, an essential 30% decrease in ALL values will result in halving all capabilities. You are basically saying that the BEST Soviet leadership value should be a 6 - a ranking that you have repeatedly said is 'barely adequate'. The AVERAGE ranking for most leadership values for the Soviets is around 4.8. Your -3 modifier will make this average = 1.8. The Soviets will be lucky to win a combat at all, let alone have any kind of mobility/refit/etc. ability at all. I agree that some sort of modifier should be in place in 41 and possibly 42, but -3 to everything is just too much. Not really, the BIG Z is in Stavka which changes the over all picture by allot. There is only, Stavka Fronts Armies. Zhukov because if the what rmonical has pointed out alrdy " The base used for leader checks is 10, 20, 40, 80 for corps, army, army group and high command. If the army is the first level in the command chain, then the base rachets down to 10, 20, 40. " So all the crappies SHC leaders become a non factor in the rolls.(which is same thing GHC does without Corp) Then put armies under Stavka and SHC has an easy exploit at there finger tips. Again look at both sides objectively if thats possible and not just at nerfing the same old side over and over. The current leadership "tree" can and is being exploited by both sides, not just one. knowingly or unknowingly. The current leadership ruleset heavy favors SHC over 212 turns. That is NOT historical in any way shape or form. Last time I checked historically GHC C&C was light yrs ahead of SHC C&C not worse as the current system is working. This issue is very much like NM, which I was proven to be right or 1/2 right, but a yr later. NM has not been working as intended from release and the same goes for the leadership tree. I am right about this issue just the same way I have been right about NM, ignoring it is not going to change the fact that its screwed up for whatever reason. Sure a fix is needed, but that fix needs to make GHC C&C better then SHC C&C not nerf and alrdy crappy GHC C&C.