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VikingNo2 -> (1/6/2003 3:18:01 AM)

If there is a double penalty then I agree.

Belisarius -> (1/6/2003 4:08:21 AM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by VikingNo2
[B]If there is a double penalty then I agree. [/B][/QUOTE]

If there's a double penalty..... to [I]what[/I] :confused: :confused:

Redleg -> (1/6/2003 4:17:26 AM)

The problem is how to determine that the cost of units/equipment is balanced. No one would ever find agreement on that. That's why things are as they are..... and why the OOBs were redone over and over again. If one thing is changed, it starts a domino effect that spreads clear through the game.

I think it is a desirable, but unachievable goal.

Panzer Leo -> (1/6/2003 5:58:20 AM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by rbrunsman
[B]Why can't this be accomplished? Does anyone seriously disagree with Goblin's excellent explaination of the current problem with H2H?

Now if Panzer Leo would only chime in here... [/B][/QUOTE]

I'm here, watchin' and scratching my head how to get this one handled...

Goblin pretty much put together what the problem is. Here's some help to understand the whole thing and why it is so tough to get any sort of balance:

By the example of a Pz IVg, I will try to show the problem with the "true troop costs"

Exp is the experience of the unit, value is the value displayed when you look at the units menue in the deploy or during turns and cost is what you actually pay for it in purchase



I think, that the value is actually what was planned to be the costs in purchase and something went wrong...it is obvious, that any setup of nations with one having Exp 70 and the other 65 favours the 65 by far...

Unfortunately due to the Exp level revision in H2H, this magical 65/70 line is crossed more often on the most used battle setup dates, like '44 Germans and Russians...

There's nothing I can do about it, as it is as I believe a coding error...

The ONLY way to have a real balanced battle is by turning "true troop" off and also turning the "historic ratings" off and setting the troop qualities of both nations to the same level...but that really takes a lot from the realistic feeling and fun of the game...

So we have to find a way how to live with the true troop costs error...

I admit, that the Germans might have a slight disadvantage in what they get for their pts sometimes, but I mainly see that on the infantry side, rather then on tanks...

I altered a German OOB and lowered infantry costs making them closer to allied ones...the wanted result should be simply said: if you have to pay less for your infantry, you have something left to buy another tank (or whatever)...this could even up things a bit...

I need a few testers now to run the one or other battle with these changes...send me a mail to [email]joerg.loewenstein@gmx.de[/email] and I'll give you the OOB...and I would really be pissed if not a single one of these mails is signed by a Goblin ;)

Goblin -> (1/6/2003 6:29:31 AM)

:eek: :eek: :eek:

On its way!

Don't hurt a sick Goblin!

:eek: :eek: :eek:

Goblin- A Goblin is waiting for Jess to volunteer too;)

tracer -> (1/6/2003 7:13:48 AM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Redleg
[B]The problem is how to determine that the cost of units/equipment is balanced. No one would ever find agreement on that. That's why things are as they are..... and why the OOBs were redone over and over again. If one thing is changed, it starts a domino effect that spreads clear through the game.

I think it is a desirable, but unachievable goal. [/B][/QUOTE]

Right on target. Unless the entire package of OOBs is run thru the mill together there will be inequities...a similar debate has popped up here around the time of every version release.

What if the values were set back to what they were in v7.1?

tracer -> (1/6/2003 8:38:40 AM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by rbrunsman
[B]I still contend that the best way to determine who the best player is is to have both sides have equal points and have that mean that the [I]equipment[/I] is balanced. That way the player who uses his equipment properly/better will win the game.


You [I]could[/I] try a battle like I'm in right now:

Meeting engagement, 9/49, VIS 28, 240x100 map, 14100 points, rarity and true troop cost off, troop quality for both sides set to 70% and [I]free[/I] use of the 'nations' button...buy whatever you want. Each side is allowed 1 platoon of infiltrators and 1 air section (cannot be used before turn 8).

While this 'kid in a candy store' battle is fun, like Leo pointed out it lacks the realistic flavor of a historic engagement.

Also, I got a copy of the new OOB from Leo; if anyone wants to run a small test battle let me know. [EMAIL=jimnsb@cfl.rr.com]jimnsb@cfl.rr.com[/EMAIL]

Tomanbeg -> Square pegs, round holes (1/8/2003 1:22:45 AM)

While I havn't played H2H, I would like to point out the the 'problems' it is supposed to fix are not inharent to WaW. Vebber posted a long thread back in the version 4.5 days explaining the unit point costs. They were designed to work under certain conditions to achieve 'balanced' battles. They work, [B]under those conditions.[/B] It stands to reason that when you change those conditions, you change play balance. If you play the game as it was designed, everything works OK. When you start fooling with the settings, it goes to sh1t fast.
C&C is the most critical(IMHO), With C&C on, you don't need to worry about arty smacks. There is normally not enough command points available to call down 24 tubes or so. With C&C on germans can go to a defend status and fight off hordes of Soviets that are not in a defend status. Lots of other examples that I don't feel like getting into here. I see this as a group of people complaing that their screwdriver isn't doing such a good job of driving nails. I think my suggestion that they get a hammer will not be well received.
T.( who makes it any way. Instead of fooling with settings, learn the game. Learn tactics).

rbrunsman -> (1/8/2003 3:51:52 AM)

So what you are saying Tomanbeg is that you are one of the C&C ON snobs who looks down his nose at those of us who don't like C&C? I can't argue with your reasoning other than that there are more of us who play with C&C Off than On.

There. How's that for not well received?:p

Goblin -> (1/8/2003 4:19:39 AM)

I have to agree, T. There were plenty of balanced battles in 7.1, with C&C OFF. Our entire point is that the Germans should not have to be on defense every game, especially Meeting Engagements.


VikingNo2 -> (1/8/2003 4:22:18 AM)

Snobs, Hammers and screwdrivers OH My ! LOL

We all need to hug I think:D

I have played a couple games in H2H now, Mr T I think you should try it I think you will like it. The CC ON I am going to give a honest try. ( I don't like losing but who does ) I would like to learn all the options of the game, I'm not too bad at tactics I feel. However it is an option, by the very name option its no better or worse ON or OFF

On the Bazooka thing don't get caught up in the ranges, anything over three or four Hexs will be a miss most of the time and now they actually run out of ammo ( in the past they could OP fire more time that they had rounds ) and the German ATs preform better than they did, I'm sure LEO will tweek it some but hopefully not too much. Just play H2H alittle more RB you will like it, trust me, I would lie to you, I may kill you but not lie LOL

Panzer Leo -> Re: Square pegs, round holes (1/8/2003 5:25:24 AM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Tomanbeg
[B]While I havn't played H2H, I would like to point out the the 'problems' it is supposed to fix are not inharent to WaW. Vebber posted a long thread back in the version 4.5 days explaining the unit point costs. They were designed to work under certain conditions to achieve 'balanced' battles. They work, [B]under those conditions.[/B] It stands to reason that when you change those conditions, you change play balance. [/B][/QUOTE]

Absolutely...the problem is, that H2H in general has a bit different settings and what ever the balance for 4.5 or 7.1 (changed a lot from there) was, it is not the best for H2H...I think we're pretty close and consider everything done now just as fine tuning, not more...
Probably the most significant thing one could learn from this debate is the 65/70 EXP jump when using true troop...knowing a danger means being able to defeat it...it is true, that this odd calculation has more effect on H2H then on 7.1, but it still remains the same for both: on specific setups one side gets a clear disadvantage...

One interesting note: this jump can be used in purchase with the +/- 10 bonus for elite and inferior troops, making it work for you...

That means in '44 GER vs RUS (Exp 70/65) the German player can get the low costs for -10 units (in late '44 the VolksGrenadiere) and get's really a lot of troops being not much inferior to the RUS and on the other side the RUS pays a whole lot more for his Guard units then for his regulars, more then they are worth...

So the only way to find criteria for a balanced cost system is anyways under the conditions TRACER took for his battle setups...everything else comes under too many influences one hardly can control...

rbrunsman -> (1/8/2003 7:09:03 AM)

Panzer Leo: I would just like a table showing what tweaks to make to make a even point meeting engagement an even battle. That would make me happy.

VikingNo2: I like the idea of the bazookas running out of ammo sooner (of courses) but I don't like the fact that one bazooka team can take 6 shots at 500 yards and have no chance to kill my Tiger, but be able to suppress it so much that the Tiger won't op fire any more. Perhaps severely reducing the rate of fire of the bazooka would be good to do also.

Also, I'm much more comfortable with H2H already with our second battle, but I sure won't fight the US as Germany without a point bonus, that's for sure. And, Your Brits are in for it in this battle! :mad: :mad:

Goblin -> (1/8/2003 8:16:39 AM)

I agree. The suppression value alone makes it too much. Not to mention, there will be those times when the odd shot does hit and kill at 10 hexes. We already see players that buy 15 bazooka platoons to 'suppliment' their forces, and load them on armor. Then you not only face a tank at 500 meters, you face three bazooka teams at 500 meters first, because they were riding 3 to a tank. Or they turn a Greyhound into a mobile ATG by putting two per Greyhound on an entire company of Greyhounds. I think the extended range only encourages this.


VikingNo2 -> (1/8/2003 9:18:30 AM)

Why not, have you never used AA with quad .50 cal to wipe out infantry squads, or machgun fire to suppress an area, its the same theory, the HE rounds were ment to bunker bust and suppress(like direct fire arty ). I do agree with Goblin a company of Bazookas riding on a company of greyhounds is just wrong IMHO. A range of 5 or 6 and a rate of fire of 3 or 4 would be good I think. I don't know if it is possible but can you change the range to match status( Infantry at weapons ), meening that if the unit is dugin and set to defence its range is ten( Bazooka ), and when move or unloading from a vehical it be reduced in half. Is that possible I think that would please most everybody. That would half to be applied to all infantry man portable AT weapons, or even better when a unit uloads from a vehical it can't shoot for a round, simalar to AT GUNs

Goblin, RB, Leo, M4, Gary what do you think.

Goblin -> (1/8/2003 10:37:14 AM)

By suppression, I meant that people will use the relatively cheap teams to unload on an enemy tank, hoping to score a hit, but knowing that even if they do not, the enemy tank will be so suppressed that they can kill it with any tank afterwards. It's done with infantry already right now, and the more effective bazooka suppression combined with a range of 10 is just too much.

Incidently, I renew my complaint about tanks being too suppressed from light infantry fire.


mogami -> general in the dark views (1/8/2003 11:13:22 AM)

Hi, I have never played H2H, so I might be premature in suggesting that part of the unbalance may in fact be due to playing with C&C off. Command and control really effects lower experiance units more. If every platoon leader has 1 or 2 fewer orders per turn over the course of a 15-20 turn game it has a major impact. By not using C&C you automaticly make the lower experiance (cheaper) unit preform the same as the higher cost units. They move and recover beyond what they would normally do. The National setting were designed with C&C in mind.
Deployment takes longer with C&C on but then the turns are the same as with it off. It is almost impossible to do "tricks" since units have to stay together. (so you can't place AT infantry units on armour and then scatter them all over the place.)
Countries that don't have radios have to maintain unit integrity and plan their movements. As a test some of you should try a few small battles with C&C on and see if it has any effect.

tracer -> (1/8/2003 11:14:56 AM)

One thing that would help reduce the amount of suppression a tank takes from light infantry fire would be if they fired back! I've noticed lately that tanks with little or no suppression rarely op-fire at harrassing infantry that they can see. Was this done to help prevent them from using up their available shots?

mogami -> 7.1 (1/8/2003 11:16:49 AM)

Hi, I thought one of the 7.1 changes was to add op fire chances to all units. Before op fire subtracted from shot for the next turn but 7.1 made op fire separted from the shots you got at the beginning of the turn

Tomanbeg -> (1/8/2003 12:30:46 PM)

Originally posted by rbrunsman
[B]So what you are saying Tomanbeg is that you are one of the C&C ON snobs who looks down his nose at those of us who don't like C&C? I can't argue with your reasoning other than that there are more of us who play with C&C Off than On.

There. How's that for not well received?:p [/B]

Not bad. I spend most of my time up at AoW and by those standards(? Combining that word and the AoW forum might just be an Oxymoron) that was a kiss. So, staying in that zone, I'm not sure that a 'snout count' is an arguement. It is a fact, which is a big part of the reason why you can go to the challenge forum and read challenge after challenge by people that have some pet peeve of one sort or another. I havn't seen a restriction that an opponent has to play with is little sisters bra on and one foot on top of the CPU, but it's headed that way. WW2 is the first war where mechanized units played a major role. Combined arms was the key to winning. Sp:WaW does an excellent job of illustrating that. For those that want to reduce the game to a pair of steel beheamoths sitting on a hill, lobbing smaller chunks of steel at each other, I can suggest several good Tank simulators. Games where you don't have to worry about those nasty gunners and their big shells, or pesky sojers with bottles of flammable liquid sneaking up on you. To offer an analogy, this arguement is about what kind of earrings to paint on the Mona Lisa. I am saying she looks fine, and to leave it alone.
T.(BTW, have you tried C&C on? Has anyone shown you how to play with it on? I've never had someone learn to play with C&C on that didn't end up liking it).

VikingNo2 -> (1/8/2003 12:40:31 PM)

Okay Goblin I challange you only, you have to play with your little sisters bra on and one foot on top of the CPU.

M4 I challange you if I win I get Ogal and you get pictures of Goblin in the Bra LMAO:D :eek: :eek:

P.S, in a tool belt slinging mud LOL

tracer -> (1/8/2003 12:46:20 PM)

That's correct: theoretically a unit can op-fire till it runs out of ammo. What I was referring to is that tanks won't fire back at infantry that engage them (from more than a 4 hexes or so). Many times the tank is the only unit with a LOS to the squad firing at them, so when that squad appears I know the tank can see them...it just doesn't fire back.

I saw this happen a few times today, here's an example: One of my (unsuppressed) T-34's took 2-3 shots from a GE squad in some trees 4 hexes away without firing back (the tank's range was set to 15). After the first shot the squad appeared, so I know the T-34 saw them. The T-34 then fired at a PzIV that appeared on a hill about 8 hexes [I]behind[/I] the squad.

mogami -> Command and Control (1/8/2003 12:48:00 PM)

Hi, It is difficult to play SPWaW with C&C on. However with it off your not simulating WW2 battles your conducting armour thickness, shell penatration tests. C&C off makes every unit independant of the others. Every unit knows what to do and has instant response and leaders are just for calling in unlimited artillery. With C&C on those higher priced units really show why they cost more. I really think ths can be the root source of the unbalanced results. The German units have very good C&C on attributes. Turning it off equalizes all the other countries.

Panzer Leo -> (1/8/2003 7:13:52 PM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by VikingNo2
[B]Why not, have you never used AA with quad .50 cal to wipe out infantry squads, or machgun fire to suppress an area, its the same theory, the HE rounds were ment to bunker bust and suppress(like direct fire arty ). I do agree with Goblin a company of Bazookas riding on a company of greyhounds is just wrong IMHO. A range of 5 or 6 and a rate of fire of 3 or 4 would be good I think. I don't know if it is possible but can you change the range to match status( Infantry at weapons ), meening that if the unit is dugin and set to defence its range is ten( Bazooka ), and when move or unloading from a vehical it be reduced in half. Is that possible I think that would please most everybody. That would half to be applied to all infantry man portable AT weapons, or even better when a unit uloads from a vehical it can't shoot for a round, simalar to AT GUNs

Goblin, RB, Leo, M4, Gary what do you think. [/B][/QUOTE]

It's not possible to change the weapon range by status...but if you moved the troops on a tank the same turn you're firing, they won't hit anything...making it somehow what you ask for...

On the other hand...what are these for battles ? A Bazooka company riding on tanks :confused:
If you're the German and play a tank battle and the enemy gets as close as 500m to fire his Bazookas, you sucked anyway...kill him at 2000m, that's what your weapons were made for...or buy more infantry the next time...I never saw a successfull Bazooka attack against tanks behind an infantry screen :D

That tanks get suppressed from Bazookas even if not hitting seems pretty realistic to me...you expect them to get suppressed from mortar rounds coming down in the same hex or ? It's normal that they button up then... why not from the direct fired Bazooka rounds also ?

I was always a friend of forcing players into historical battle setups, but this one seems to be to tough...I don't think one should downgrade a weapon beyond realism, just because a few fun gamers purchase a Divisions support of Bazookas for their tank company - there have to be smarter ways from the field of tactics to counter this nonsense ;)

tracer -> (1/8/2003 9:29:58 PM)

Here's a thought: why don't opponents negotiate a limit on bazookas like is commonly done with arty? A good starting point might be 1 bazooka team for each platoon, which is the ratio in many standard companies offered on the purchase menu.

VikingNo2 -> (1/8/2003 11:10:06 PM)

Thanks for the info Leo, I was just reaching. I think you done a great job, the Bazooka is much less powerful now that it was in 7.1. I don't think players have played it enough. I understand their fear though if you that a 7.1 Bazooka and extend the range to 10, you have the makings of a super weapon.

Tracer how about you Germany me Russia 41-42, in out battle.

Goblin -> (1/8/2003 11:54:32 PM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Panzer Leo
[B]On the other hand...what are these for battles ? A Bazooka company riding on tanks :confused:
If you're the German and play a tank battle and the enemy gets as close as 500m to fire his Bazookas, you sucked anyway...

That tanks get suppressed from Bazookas even if not hitting seems pretty realistic to me...you expect them to get suppressed from mortar rounds coming down in the same hex or ? It's normal that they button up then... why not from the direct fired Bazooka rounds also ?

I don't think one should downgrade a weapon beyond realism[/B][/QUOTE]

1.) TREES? VISIBILITY? WEATHER? You show me how to get 2000m sight range every time, and I will. Sucked because they got within 500m? I won't respond to that.

2.) A mortar round lands and explodes next to the tank. A bazooka round, if it misses, zips past the tank. The crew may not even realize it was fired at them. My complaint is not the suppression, but how much suppression small arms cause. "Buttoned Up" and suppression are two different things in the game.

3.) 500m is realistic for bazooka shots on tanks!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

4.) For a bunch of people not trying to insult someone, you have all done a pretty **** fine job. I won't even come back to this thread again.


tracer -> (1/8/2003 11:55:58 PM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by VikingNo2
Tracer how about you Germany me Russia 41-42, in out battle. [/B][/QUOTE]

Sounds like a plan...I'll send one off for your approval after lunch.

VikingNo2 -> (1/9/2003 12:24:36 AM)

The amount of suppresion I agree its to much, troops on tanks I believe the anything unloading from a vehical should not be able to shoot that round. If they are riding on a tank I believe the tank should be much more difficult to assault.

Saying people suck at tactics because of CC On or CC Off, run counter to productive discussion and debate.

Leo if some of my points are valid and you believe they have worth then please use them, if not that is why I have both Version of SPWAW on my CPU ( 7.1 and H2H ). They are free, just a reminder to everyone. I have great and Wonderful games on both, whether is getting steamrolled by Gary and his army of bee's, or Rick 3/2s army of Tanks, Reds ( Red Horde ), M4s ' The Might of the M4" . Dealing with RBs tactic's, or playing endless close games with Willy. I have a great time. Thanks again to all the makers and undaters of all the games.


Voriax -> (1/9/2003 12:30:56 AM)

As the bazookas seem to crop up in here...can *anyone* give me a reference that says there was HE ammo for bazookas during WW2???

I've seen a picture of one test round that had 2 handgrenades as payload, but afaik that never came to use.

I've been thinking about removing HE ammo from all units that have bazookas...


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