WildCatNL -> RE: Map Making Steps (9/15/2015 7:55:23 PM)
Hi battlerbritain, thanks for sharing this. That's a 250m hex map, isn't? I'm also using QGis. See my Aug 25 post above for an example of the color coding I use - it's important to use discrete (non-interpolated) color mapping. I specify the MMQGIS hex spacing H spacing / V spacing directly in meters. I use the print composer to generate the bitmaps, with a paper sheet of 20.1" x 15.25" inch for a 46x30 hex map, export resolution 128dpi (128 pixels per inch). On the sheet, I use the scale of 1:39370 in order to arrive at 500m per 64 pixel hex, so 1km = 128 pixels = 1 inch (1km / 1inch = 1000m / 0.0254m = 39370). 250m hex need a scale of 1:19685. If you need help filtering OSM data to extract streets, forests, etc., let me know. Be aware that the OSM data is fairly incomplete*, especially wrt to forests and streams. William *: at least the OSM data I'm using is fairly incomplete. I get mine from geofabrik.de