Star Wars - Alderaan (2 years before the Battle of Yavin)- Shadows Mod (Full Version)

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rjord -> Star Wars - Alderaan (2 years before the Battle of Yavin)- Shadows Mod (5/13/2013 1:28:04 PM)


Hi all

I purchased Distant Worlds last week and upgraded to Legends yesterday.... am blown away by this game and have been busy modding.

I know there are 2 Star Wars mods here already which look great and in the last few days I have been working on my version of Star Wars.

This runs in Legends and my timeline for the mod is two years prior to Episode 4 : A New hope and of cause at this stage Alderaan has not been blown away by the Empire.

I have added new characters in it researching each race to see which characters were around at the time of Episode 4. Boba Fett is is Slave 1 . For the kids...... Ewoks are in the game. The corellians are in the mod, the Naboo and the geonosians are there as they existed in Episode 4 times. Sorry.... no Jar Jar Binks or gungans lol . Han Solo and chewbacca should be there as well.

There are twi'leks and the Kaminoans (no longer in the clone business) and as I mentioned Boba Fett is back and he is not happy. Looking forward to a fight with Slave 1 when it makes an appearance.

I have also added the Corvette CR90 to the ships ,(who can forget the start to episode 4) new x-wings, a new b-wing.... a new Millennium Falcon....... Imperial ships next in line to be modded.

EDIT: Have added the Main Title screenshot for the mod. 31st May


Mansen -> RE: Star Wars Mod - The Alderaan Version (5/13/2013 5:36:53 PM)

I'm just adding species to the game - haven't really thought about a timeline setting or even characters. Don't see why we couldn't merge everything eventually or at least make sure they are compatible with each other.

Those who want just the universe can do that, and those who want specific scenarios can add those. :)

rjord -> RE: Star Wars Mod - The Alderaan Version (5/15/2013 9:54:11 AM)

This is truly a great game..... I used to play a game many moons ago called Rebellion but Distant worlds is a million times better.

Anyway...back to the Star Wars - Alderaan mod

Modding it as i go along and it is coming along nicely...... currently playing it with the music from Empire Strikes Back.
Have added more vessels and characters to it and fne tuning it as I go along.

A sample of some of the new vessels is in the screenshot below



rjord -> RE: Star Wars Mod - The Alderaan Version (5/15/2013 10:38:20 AM)

Another screenshot for today showing the first appearance of a YT-1300 freighter at Alderaan. This is of course is the same model freighter as the Millennium Falcon.



rjord -> RE: Star Wars Mod - The Alderaan Version (5/15/2013 10:58:15 AM)

Noticed in the screenshots above the Rebel flag was incorrect...... fixed that in the screen below however the default flag design I set in the race file is not being picked up when the game starts.......



rjord -> RE: Star Wars Mod - The Alderaan Version (5/15/2013 2:26:03 PM)

The Empire....first ship



dostillevi -> RE: Star Wars Mod - The Alderaan Version (5/15/2013 7:59:08 PM)

Awesome, nice work!

Igard -> RE: Star Wars Mod - The Alderaan Version (5/16/2013 1:50:37 PM)

Off to a great start! I also played Rebellion, though here in the UK it was called Supremacy. Awesome game.

Keep up the good work!

rjord -> RE: Star Wars Mod - The Alderaan Version (5/16/2013 9:00:50 PM)

At the moment I am going through doing probably the most diffacult section.......creating the characters for the mod. What a challenge. Once I have the characters for each of the 21 races, then work out their roles in the mod, their skills and their traits.

what I am doing is researching the races I have for the mod and getting the correct names, ranks etc for the species. Then getting the pictures to go along with the name and then tweaking the images for each character to make them work in the mod.

Now I have the Mandalores with Boba Fett in the mod so far, but it is almost impossible to find out who the leader was around Ep4....the name of their generals, admirals,scientists, etc. I found a really great source of these details for most of the races I have planned for but the site has nothing on the Mandalores... or the Mon Calamari ( though I already have details of the Calimari from another source)

So what I am thinking of doing is having the Mandalores being one of the non playable pirate races in the mod. Have to think about this one. I think if they are pirates then I do not have to worry about the names of the characters.

Once I have that worked out, what do I do with characters like Darth Vader, Luke Skywalker, do I include Bail Organa who was doing undercover work getting information from the Empire and at the time of this mod Alderaan had not been blown up. Is Han Solo a character.... even though he did have some dealings with the rebels before Episode 4.

After the characters, look at the ships for the different races. For example, what does a Wookie frigate or destroyer look like. Did they have a fleet? Should the wookies be included if they did not have spaceships and were smugglers, pirates,etc.

I think it will be a long few weeks for me lol


rjord -> RE: Star Wars Mod - The Alderaan Version (5/16/2013 9:13:14 PM)

I also have to do some testing. I see the existing mods have about 22 races included. I have to find out if this is a hard coded limit. for example, I have about 50 species I can include in the mod. Perhaps when the game starts it can randomly chose 19 out of the 50 species so it makes the combination of races in each game more interesting. Will test that in a few weeks time.


Igard -> RE: Star Wars Mod - The Alderaan Version (5/17/2013 12:59:04 AM)

Wookieepedia should have all the information you need on Star Wars lore. If it's not in that, I don't know where you'll find it!

You can create as many races you like, I forget what the limit is, but it's pretty high. As for how many races you can actually start a game with, I'm not sure. It might be limited to 22. You're testing may uncover that if no one else knows.

I don't know if you'll need characters for a non playable race, but I'm pretty sure lots of people will want to play Mandalores. I'd say make them playable as they're very popular.

There is definately alot of work to do, but I'd say that's part of the fun! [:)]

rjord -> RE: Star Wars Mod - The Alderaan Version (5/17/2013 3:58:29 AM)

Thanks for that info... my research of Star Wars has come up with a total of 563 species in Star Wars to choose from. Of course that includes many species on one planet such as the 17 species just on Endor...

good to know that there is not a small limit to the number of races I can add....... this will allow me to add the significant races in the Star Wars worlds and not include lesser known species such as the Giant Oysters on Calamari or the Sea-dragons on Drexel. The mod would not be the same if you have a huge fight going on between oysters and sea-dragons. So well known species only.

As for the starting races I believe the default limit is 19 and this would be the best limit to keep without having much larger maps. My understanding is that 19 is chosen from random from the total number of species.

The good news is that the Mandalorian Protectors will be in the mod. The founder called Spar was killed off in Separatist times and the Mandalorian Protectors were then lead by Fenn Shysa who died 23 years after the Battle of Yavin. Therefore Fenn Shysha is the leader of the Mandalorian Protectors in this mod with Boba Fett and a couple of other characters I found involved with the Mandalorian Protectors.

To tackle a huge mod such as this, my plan is this.
Start small and then expand the mod with updates so others can enjoy it as it is being developed and upgraded.

Igard, I looked at your Picard mod to see how some things were done.....saved me a lot of time in the last week. Great mod there.


rjord -> RE: Star Wars Mod - The Alderaan Version (5/17/2013 6:15:09 AM)

Have added the little known race called the Ubese which should make the mod very interesting.

In Return of the Jedi Leia disguised herself as a ubese bounty hunter on Tatooine. They should be an interesting race in particular as they have a hatred of Jedi and were involved with the purging of the Jedi. What will they think of The Rebels.

This is a picture of the new race added


rjord -> RE: Star Wars Mod - The Alderaan Version (5/17/2013 9:30:39 PM)

When I looked at the different traits to be assigned to each character , I suddenly realized how big a job this would be. Finding the characters for the specific race, finding and modifying their picture if one exists, reading up on who the character is and what role he took in events.....this all actually turns out to the easy part. The hard part is to assign a role to each character, then assign a skill to the character and then come up with character traits for that specific character.

The difficulty comes with the fact that the skills and traits to be assigned are dependant on the role given to the character. A daunting task with what I have planned.

But I have come up with a way to make this job easier . Using Excel, I have created a spreadsheet for each role and on each spreadsheet I have listed only the skills and traits that can be given for that specific role. So if I am creating a scientist, I go to the Scientist spreadsheet and this quickly shows that the scientist has 3 skills to chose from and 9 traits to chose from....assuming that the character has skills and traits. This method makes it easier than going through the 43 skills and 93 traits shown in the modding guide and trying to work out which skills and traits to use. I also put the positive and negative aspects of a trait on the same line to make it easier to chose either the postive or negative you can not chose both which makes good sense.

Other modders have probably come up with their own methods, but I thought I would show below which skills and traits are available for each role in case this helps other modders out there. This will also help if the mod is upgraded to future expansion packs.


rjord -> RE: Star Wars Mod - The Alderaan Version (5/17/2013 9:32:41 PM)

Leader Role


rjord -> RE: Star Wars Mod - The Alderaan Version (5/17/2013 9:33:10 PM)

Ambassador Role


rjord -> RE: Star Wars Mod - The Alderaan Version (5/17/2013 9:34:33 PM)

Governor Role


rjord -> RE: Star Wars Mod - The Alderaan Version (5/17/2013 9:35:19 PM)

Fleet Admiral Role


rjord -> RE: Star Wars Mod - The Alderaan Version (5/17/2013 9:36:08 PM)

Troop General Role


rjord -> RE: Star Wars Mod - The Alderaan Version (5/17/2013 9:36:58 PM)

Intelligence Agent Role


rjord -> RE: Star Wars Mod - The Alderaan Version (5/17/2013 9:38:00 PM)

Scientist Role


Mansen -> RE: Star Wars Mod - The Alderaan Version (5/17/2013 10:05:36 PM)

For the Ubese you might be interested in the race picture I did. :)
(Contains both .psd workfile as well as the raw and finished images - basically everything I have)


rjord -> RE: Star Wars Mod - The Alderaan Version (5/17/2013 11:49:35 PM)

Nice picture Mansen

I have been creating my own pictures as well..... example is one below which is an early draft (character not blended with background yet and needs to be dusted up a bit so he is not so shiny) and not re-sized showing the Ubese on the home planet which is pretty much a wasteland.

Still early days and the picture is only rough and will probably change before the mod is finished



rjord -> RE: Star Wars Mod - The Alderaan Version (5/18/2013 8:26:57 AM)

Another picture I created today for the mod......
Mon Mothma back as Leader of the Rebel Alliance looks a little worried about the battles ahead



rjord -> RE: Star Wars Mod - The Alderaan Version (5/18/2013 9:58:24 AM)

Bail Organa of Alderaan is officially in the mod and doing his part for the Rebel Alliance ....... remember this mod is in the time line roughly 2 years prior to the destruction of Alderaan. Now I have a great picture of him I am working on showing how he would have appeared at that time frame.


Magpius -> RE: Star Wars Mod - The Alderaan Version (5/18/2013 10:48:45 AM)

Will there be a Jedi faction?

Mansen -> RE: Star Wars Mod - The Alderaan Version (5/18/2013 10:52:32 AM)

This is set in the timespan of the movies - Jedi were pretty much extinct in this day and age. (Luke re-establishes the Jedi order after the movies if I recall correctly)

If you want to fly around as an empire of Jedi, you'll probably have to wait till we get something ready in the other thread (Which will be a more generic Star Wars adaptation with all of the races and no specific scenario) [:)]

rjord -> RE: Star Wars Mod - The Alderaan Version (5/19/2013 5:41:43 PM)



Will there be a Jedi faction?

This mod is set at a time where the only 2 surviving Jedi were still deep in hiding and Luke Skywalker was still a farmboy on Tattoine. So at this stage the Jedi were not active.


Igard -> RE: Star Wars Mod - The Alderaan Version (5/19/2013 6:13:54 PM)

rjord, really nice job with those attribute lists! Much better than what I've been working with.

I believe there are a couple of skills for scientists that aren't included in the customization guide. Ehsummrel1 might know what they are better than I. I think they are the ship construction and facility construction speeds.

rjord -> RE: Star Wars Mod - The Alderaan Version (5/19/2013 6:44:53 PM)



rjord, really nice job with those attribute lists! Much better than what I've been working with.

I believe there are a couple of skills for scientists that aren't included in the customization guide. Ehsummrel1 might know what they are better than I. I think they are the ship construction and facility construction speeds.

Thanks for that....will see if I can find out more about those.

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