rjord -> RE: Star Wars Mod - The Alderaan Version (5/22/2013 5:30:07 PM)
ORIGINAL: threedeesix quote:
ORIGINAL: rjord Very good suggestion..... will add them a little later tonight Roy Awesome. As far as Zeltrons as a race, think carousing, seduction, and subterfuge. Do you have any intentions of updating your work to Shadows when it releases? The new pirate playstyle would be great for criminal organizations like the Hutts and Blacksun. Finally, is it possible to change the gameplay to have a galaxy wide empire at start with a fledgling rebellion to feel more canon? Maybe give the empire wide spread territory but a loose grip. The worlds under their control could begin very unhappy the further from the core you get, so rebellions would kind of spring up naturally. I don't know a lot about how this would work, or if it could, but it would be awesome. Rod My understanding is that Age of Shadows is released tomorrow so I will most certainly be buying it with the view of taking this mod to Age of Shadows. With a little luck I can start the conversion to Shadows pretty much straight away once I see what Shadows has to offer. EDIT: Making the Empire very dominant in the galaxy With your question about a galaxy wide Empire in the mod, this game is very customizable so this is what I would do. 1. You choose the Rebel Alliance for example as the race you will be playing 2. Set the Size of the Rebel Alliance as Starting and Tech Level as Starting 3. Go to the screen where you select other Empires or races that will be seen in the game 4. Untick where it says autogenerate starting Empire... you want to add them manually 5. Click on Add new empire and select the first Empire to be the Empire (ie Palpatine's) 6. Where it states Size.....select Old for the Empire as it has been around for a long time 7. Change Tech Level to a higher level Example Level 7 for the Empire 8. As a test, put the proximity of the Empire as same system so you can see if this works 9. Now add in 8 new races (Empires) and leave them as race Random for each one 10. For each of the 8 random races make the Size as Starting or Young 11. For each of the 8 random races make the Tech Level as Starting or Size as Starting or Young 12. when in the mod, go to the edit screen and edit Empires..... Edit the Empire itself 13. Make sure Tech Level is 7 14. Change the Empire to a setting like such as "Evil" you don't want them being nice guys. Move the slider to a less evil setting if the Empire is too strong at this level. 15. Look at the victory conditions and you will see the Empire may have already reached victory conditions. This means you have something like 20 years to try and reduce the Empires ratings by reducing its economy, population or territory by using rebel attacks and other strategies. When I started playing the mod I paused it immediately and looked at the comparison screen. - The Empire has 35 colonies already while the Rebel Alliance had 1 - The Empire had too many ships and bases to count while the Rebel Alliance had a much smaller amount - Give it a go. I believe this is what you want. If the Empire is too diffacult to beat at this setting change the Empire Size and Tech levels to a lower level till you get what you want. Playing at this setting the Empire immediately imposed a trade blockade against Alderaan. The Rebels then imposed a trade blockade on Bespin which was controlled by the empire and within a few minutes I had an Imperial frigate attacking the rebel base on Alderaan as my main force was heading off to Bespin. To make things worse my troop general Crix Madine was killed in the first confrontation with the Empire..... a huge disaster for the rebel alliance. Then 30 seconds later the Empire sent a huge wave of Tie Bombers and Tie fighters in an assault on Alderaan. What a wipeout for the Rebel Alliance. Give the settings above a try but you may have to eventually set the Empire size and Tech levels to a medium setting in order for the Rebels to have some hope. Maybe start the Rebels on a tech setting higher than starting...... it is up to you. Roy