RE: Star Wars Mod - The Alderaan Version (Full Version)

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rjord -> RE: Star Wars Mod - The Alderaan Version (5/19/2013 6:48:18 PM)

Just for a change from creating characters for the Rebel alliance, I have just added 456 ship names used by Rebel Alliance starships to be used by the Rebel Alliance ships.( Needed to use Excel to create the file ). I decided to take out the Millennium Falcon from the list of names as it would not look right to see a frigate being named the Millennium Falcon.

Next step.....find out the actual starship names assigned to the Imperial fleet in the Star Wars universe.

(Edit : Have added 103 Imperial ship names as used by the Empire in the movies, books,comics,etc)


rjord -> RE: Star Wars Mod - The Alderaan Version (5/19/2013 7:27:54 PM)

Ok...I will need to look a little more at the how the names of the ships are done.

The Rebel Alliance in my mod is family9 and I added the 456 ship names to the '9" section of the designs.txt file. However when I tested the mod I saw for example a frigate with the name "Crucible 001" and no where can I see that name listed in that section of the designs.txt file.....

I requested 9 frigates be built and when I checked construction I was the names were Mediator 001, Mediator 002, Mediator 003, etc. Was happy with that as I had Mediator in my list of Rebel Ships.

However I then created 5 Destroyers but when I checked the name it was using a name not listed at all in the family9 section for the rebels in the design.txt file.

Edit: I suspect this is something I am missing...... the ship names seem to be coming from family0 in the design.txt file...... perhaps it is something I have not put in correctly in the races file.


rjord -> RE: Star Wars Mod - The Alderaan Version (5/20/2013 5:33:26 AM)

The Rebel Alliance is done all but for some additional work on the ship graphics......

In the last hour I added 3 important characters to the Empire

- Emperor Palpatine
- Darth Vader
- Grand Moff Tarkin

Mod is now taking some shape


rankalee -> RE: Star Wars Mod - The Alderaan Version (5/20/2013 8:24:15 AM)

I seem to recall that there is another txt file for ship names? I think shipnames.txt or something like that?

I'm not at my computers so cant check for you... have a look and see. :3



I suspect this is something I am missing...... the ship names seem to be coming from family0 in the design.txt file...... perhaps it is something I have not put in correctly in the races file.

rjord -> RE: Star Wars Mod - The Alderaan Version (5/20/2013 5:29:16 PM)


ORIGINAL: rankalee

I seem to recall that there is another txt file for ship names? I think shipnames.txt or something like that?

I'm not at my computers so cant check for you... have a look and see. :3



I suspect this is something I am missing...... the ship names seem to be coming from family0 in the design.txt file...... perhaps it is something I have not put in correctly in the races file.

Thanks for that..... yes I was aware of the shipnames.txt file however that has no way for example of seperating the names I want to give the Rebel ships from the names I want to give the Imperial ships. The shipnames file appears to be universal and shared by all races in the mod while the designs file should be names which are race specific.

designs.txt: default names for new military ship designs. Multiple sets of names are present in the file – one set per line. Each alien race is assigned one of these name sets using the value “Design names index” in their race file in the races folder.


rankalee -> RE: Star Wars Mod - The Alderaan Version (5/21/2013 2:10:54 AM)

oh ok,

I only have 1 custom new race in my own private mod so i never noticed the ship names sharing across all empires in shipnames.txt so thanks for clearing that up for my future modding efforts. :)

I'll also have a play with the designs.txt too.. I'm not sure why its choosing different names for you when you added 456 of them? ;0

I do however notice that the game does grabs a random few names you input from the designs.txt each time you start a new game though.. no idea where its getting the 'extra' names though. Be cool if someone else more knowledgable can help. :0

rjord -> RE: Star Wars Mod - The Alderaan Version (5/21/2013 9:17:01 AM)

I will keep on looking into it.....

In the mean time I now have 28 races in the mod .... Just added the Bothans and Gamorreans.


rjord -> RE: Star Wars Mod - The Alderaan Version (5/21/2013 10:11:33 AM)

The one issue I do face is this:

I put the Wookies in the mod...... then I ask myself what spaceships do they fly. I know that the Wookies have great technological skills and are great at repairing spaceships...... so they must have spaceships of their own. But what do they look like.

I guess the same can be said with other races such as the Bothan, Gamorreans, Bith, Ewoks, etc...... maybe the way I should look at it is that their ships have not been defined yet in the Star Wars universe so I should design them myself.

Will have a look at this issue over next few days...


rjord -> RE: Star Wars Mod - The Alderaan Version (5/21/2013 1:31:56 PM)

These guys have also just been added to the mod........... still doing some work on the picture.



Bingeling -> RE: Star Wars Mod - The Alderaan Version (5/21/2013 1:38:52 PM)

I am no SW nerd, but maybe wookies just do that? Repair old stuff? So they fly older models of ships of other races, which they have tuned and updated. They may look old, but perform well.

Just a suggestion.

rjord -> RE: Star Wars Mod - The Alderaan Version (5/21/2013 5:09:48 PM)

Timeline for mod has now changed from 5 years prior to the Yavin battle to 2 years . The mod now starts at a time where:

2 B.B.Y
Mon Mothma issues a Declaration of Rebellion which is distributed by holo to thousands of galactic worlds who then openly declare their allegiance to the Rebellion. These worlds are quickly suppressed by the Empire.

rjord -> RE: Star Wars Mod - The Alderaan Version (5/22/2013 12:38:04 AM)

And this is another one added today...... still more work to do on this image



rjord -> RE: Star Wars Mod - The Alderaan Version (5/22/2013 3:14:24 AM)

The final species to be added to the mod has being completed.... these are the Nautolans who are best known as the race Jedi Master Kit Fisto belonged to before he was taken out by Palpatine. During the time of this mod, the Nautolans are independant and have no affiliation with either the Rebel Alliance or the Empire.

Status of the mod:

- species have all been created with pictures
- major characters have been created for each of the species with the correct leaders at the time... minor characters to be added
- each race has been assigned starships to begin with however now I have to create new starships that will represent the strength and characters of each species.

Need to

- look at whether resources need modifying
- tweak the bias file and the settings in the races file for each species.
- look at whether to add 5 additional species who are less well known in the Star Wars universe but that people may want to play


rjord -> RE: Star Wars Mod - The Alderaan Version (5/22/2013 3:23:29 AM)

List of species playable in this mod are listed below. Some of the ones I had earlier in there have been removed. Please make suggestions if any others should be included

The final list is:

- Mon Calamari
- Wookies
- Rodians
- Hutts
- Bothan
- Chagrian
- Togruta
- Corellians
- Twi'lek
- Rebel Alliance
- The Empire
- Nautolans
- Binayre Pirates
- Togorians
- Durosians
- The Naboo
- Mandalorians
- Ithorians
- Geonosians
- Ewoks
- Kaminoans
- Dathomirian
- Ubese
- Gamorrean
- Trandoshans
- Falleen
- Devaronians
- Quarren
- Zeltrons (added on request)


rjord -> RE: Star Wars Mod - The Alderaan Version (5/22/2013 4:09:20 AM)

One challenge has been what to do with the Ewoks........

In Episode 6 we see the furry inhabitants of Endor take out the stormtroopers using primitive weapons such as spears, slings, axes and bows. Considering the lack of technology used by the furry bipeds on Endor, it is a little difficult to go back 6 years to the time of this mod, ( 2 years before the battle of Yavin) and then see these same creatures colonising space in Frigates and Destroyers.

The way I am going to handle this is as such:

The inhabitants of Endor were never referred to by the name "Ewoks" in Episode 6 nor in any of the prior movies. George Lucas had wanted the Empire to be overthrown by a race with primitive weapons and originally that race were going to be the Wookies. However this was changed as the Wookies were clearly more advanced as seen in prior movies. The name Ewok as seen in the end titles of the movie actually came from rearranging some of the letters in the name "Wookie".... but again these Ewok bipeds were never officially called Ewoks by name in the movies.

In my version of Star Wars, the Ewoks are actually a distant relative species to the inhabitants of Endor. This is along the same line that the Neimoidians are distant relatives of the Durosians.

The Ewoks in my mod are more advanced and technologically skilled and resemble the inhabitants of Endor only by general appearance. Therefore in the Star Wars : Alderaan mod you will not be playing or attacking furry teddy bears from Endor. These Ewoks are more like Wookies... just shorter.

In fact I am in a huge fight with the Ewoks at the moment and they are definitely not playing nice.

So the challenge was to have a picture of the Ewoks in the mod which looked fiercer than a teddy bear. I actually don't want to fight these guys because they are very agressive.


rjord -> RE: Star Wars Mod - The Alderaan Version (5/22/2013 5:31:32 AM)

A preview shot of how the Ewoks appear in the Star Wars : Alderaan mod.......

As explained in the comment above, these are not your average Endor based Ewoks and in this mod these Ewoks are very aggressive and extremely unfriendly.

The leader of these Ewoks is known as Shetai which is Ewok for Warrior.



threedeesix -> RE: Star Wars Mod - The Alderaan Version (5/22/2013 8:39:12 AM)


Please make suggestions if any others should be included.

Zeltrons, my favorite of the original Marvel comics contribution.


rjord -> RE: Star Wars Mod - The Alderaan Version (5/22/2013 9:20:16 AM)


ORIGINAL: threedeesix


Please make suggestions if any others should be included.

Zeltrons, my favorite of the original Marvel comics contribution.


Very good suggestion..... will add them a little later tonight


rjord -> RE: Star Wars Mod - The Alderaan Version (5/22/2013 9:26:27 AM)

Generally the Chagrains are a peaceful race...... however if you declare war on them........ be prepared.

More work to be done on the picture.



rjord -> RE: Star Wars Mod - The Alderaan Version (5/22/2013 11:36:04 AM)


ORIGINAL: threedeesix


Please make suggestions if any others should be included.

Zeltrons, my favorite of the original Marvel comics contribution.


Hi Rod

The Zeltrons are in the mod now........ at species number 29. Have to do some more work on tidying up the pictures and adding some minor characters.

As you can see from the picture, there is still some work to do. Zeltrons are far from being reptilian and I also need to tweak their characteristics. I would say most if not all the characteristics shown for them in the picture are completely wrong...but I will fix that tomorrow.

Though the Zeltrons are the last species you would expect to have a war with they are certainly formidable warriers if you cross them.

Need to get my comic books out and get a sense of who they are as a race.



rjord -> RE: Star Wars Mod - The Alderaan Version (5/22/2013 11:50:15 AM)

I thought I had reached a limit with the number of races I could add.....however I have run some tests and I have not reached the limit as I thought.

So any suggestions for additional races will be considered. Keep in mind they need to exist around the time of Episode 4.

So far 29 races in total in the mod.


threedeesix -> RE: Star Wars Mod - The Alderaan Version (5/22/2013 4:16:25 PM)



Very good suggestion..... will add them a little later tonight


Awesome. As far as Zeltrons as a race, think carousing, seduction, and subterfuge.

Do you have any intentions of updating your work to Shadows when it releases? The new pirate playstyle would be great for criminal organizations like the Hutts and Blacksun.

Finally, is it possible to change the gameplay to have a galaxy wide empire at start with a fledgling rebellion to feel more canon? Maybe give the empire wide spread territory but a loose grip. The worlds under their control could begin very unhappy the further from the core you get, so rebellions would kind of spring up naturally. I don't know a lot about how this would work, or if it could, but it would be awesome.


rjord -> RE: Star Wars Mod - The Alderaan Version (5/22/2013 5:30:07 PM)


ORIGINAL: threedeesix



Very good suggestion..... will add them a little later tonight


Awesome. As far as Zeltrons as a race, think carousing, seduction, and subterfuge.

Do you have any intentions of updating your work to Shadows when it releases? The new pirate playstyle would be great for criminal organizations like the Hutts and Blacksun.

Finally, is it possible to change the gameplay to have a galaxy wide empire at start with a fledgling rebellion to feel more canon? Maybe give the empire wide spread territory but a loose grip. The worlds under their control could begin very unhappy the further from the core you get, so rebellions would kind of spring up naturally. I don't know a lot about how this would work, or if it could, but it would be awesome.


My understanding is that Age of Shadows is released tomorrow so I will most certainly be buying it with the view of taking this mod to Age of Shadows. With a little luck I can start the conversion to Shadows pretty much straight away once I see what Shadows has to offer.

EDIT: Making the Empire very dominant in the galaxy

With your question about a galaxy wide Empire in the mod, this game is very customizable so this is what I would do.

1. You choose the Rebel Alliance for example as the race you will be playing
2. Set the Size of the Rebel Alliance as Starting and Tech Level as Starting
3. Go to the screen where you select other Empires or races that will be seen in the game
4. Untick where it says autogenerate starting Empire... you want to add them manually
5. Click on Add new empire and select the first Empire to be the Empire (ie Palpatine's)
6. Where it states Old for the Empire as it has been around for a long time
7. Change Tech Level to a higher level Example Level 7 for the Empire
8. As a test, put the proximity of the Empire as same system so you can see if this works
9. Now add in 8 new races (Empires) and leave them as race Random for each one
10. For each of the 8 random races make the Size as Starting or Young
11. For each of the 8 random races make the Tech Level as Starting or Size as Starting or Young
12. when in the mod, go to the edit screen and edit Empires..... Edit the Empire itself
13. Make sure Tech Level is 7
14. Change the Empire to a setting like such as "Evil" you don't want them being nice guys. Move the slider to a less evil setting if the Empire is too strong at this level.
15. Look at the victory conditions and you will see the Empire may have already reached victory conditions. This means you have something like 20 years to try and reduce the Empires ratings by reducing its economy, population or territory by using rebel attacks and other strategies.

When I started playing the mod I paused it immediately and looked at the comparison screen.
- The Empire has 35 colonies already while the Rebel Alliance had 1
- The Empire had too many ships and bases to count while the Rebel Alliance had a much smaller amount

- Give it a go. I believe this is what you want. If the Empire is too diffacult to beat at this setting change the Empire Size and Tech levels to a lower level till you get what you want.

Playing at this setting the Empire immediately imposed a trade blockade against Alderaan. The Rebels then imposed a trade blockade on Bespin which was controlled by the empire and within a few minutes I had an Imperial frigate attacking the rebel base on Alderaan as my main force was heading off to Bespin.

To make things worse my troop general Crix Madine was killed in the first confrontation with the Empire..... a huge disaster for the rebel alliance.

Then 30 seconds later the Empire sent a huge wave of Tie Bombers and Tie fighters in an assault on Alderaan. What a wipeout for the Rebel Alliance.

Give the settings above a try but you may have to eventually set the Empire size and Tech levels to a medium setting in order for the Rebels to have some hope. Maybe start the Rebels on a tech setting higher than starting...... it is up to you.

rjord -> RE: Star Wars Mod - The Alderaan Version (5/23/2013 5:00:47 AM)


If you read my prior comment earlier, I have changed my reply so read my last comment again. I believe this is the solution you want and it will make this a very challenging game for you.


threedeesix -> RE: Star Wars Mod - The Alderaan Version (5/23/2013 6:38:46 AM)




If you read my prior comment earlier, I have changed my reply so read my last comment again. I believe this is the solution you want and it will make this a very challenging game for you.


This is awesome advice actually. I don't really need a galaxy wide empire, just larger than the rebels. Now if you can edit the empire controlled worlds to make most of them unhappy with their government, there could be enough natural minor rebellions springing up to keep them to busy to completely go after the rebels.

Also, I was watching the YouTube preview videos for Shadows and see that the pirates can build secret bases. If you do change to Shadows when it comes out (hopefully today... yah!) maybe there is someway to have the rebels have secret bases. Essentially make the rebels a "pirate" faction. That would cover raids, stealing ships, etc.

Anyway, just some ideas. Look forward to your mod either way.


rjord -> RE: Star Wars Mod - The Alderaan Version (5/23/2013 7:05:55 AM)


ORIGINAL: threedeesix




If you read my prior comment earlier, I have changed my reply so read my last comment again. I believe this is the solution you want and it will make this a very challenging game for you.


This is awesome advice actually. I don't really need a galaxy wide empire, just larger than the rebels. Now if you can edit the empire controlled worlds to make most of them unhappy with their government, there could be enough natural minor rebellions springing up to keep them to busy to completely go after the rebels.

Also, I was watching the YouTube preview videos for Shadows and see that the pirates can build secret bases. If you do change to Shadows when it comes out (hopefully today... yah!) maybe there is someway to have the rebels have secret bases. Essentially make the rebels a "pirate" faction. That would cover raids, stealing ships, etc.

Anyway, just some ideas. Look forward to your mod either way.


If you go to the races folder and open up the text file for the Empire Empire.txt

Look in the file for a line PreferredStartingGovernment and change that value to 12 which is saying make the Empire a military dictatorship.

This should make for some very unhappy worlds controlled by the Empire and give Palpatine something to think about.

There is also a setting in the same file for Friendliness which is normal if set to 100. However if you reduce this setting to 80 then the Empire is less likely to form treaties with other Empires and will be less friendly when dealing with other races.I could never imagine the Empire would want to form a treaty with the Wookies.... they would just want to take the planet.

I recommend you download the modding guide which explains the tonne of changes you can make to this game. Example... how fast you want colonies to be built on marshy worlds

The modding guide is here


rjord -> RE: Star Wars Mod - The Alderaan Version (5/23/2013 7:56:49 AM)

Came across this while doing some testing on the mod.....

A lone pirate decided it would be bold enough to try attacking a mining colony near Coruscant. Well of course the next thing that happened was that 3 squadrons of Tie Fighters appeared .

The pirate took a couple of hits from the first Tie fighters to turn up and fired back. After only a few hits the Tie fighters shields are almost gone while the pirate still has some good shields. This of course is due to Tie Fighters being easy to blow up as seen in episode 4.

In the picture you can see the pirate has taken a hit to the rear deflectors while there is a slight red glow on the tie fighters after they too were hit.

Anyhow , after the screenshot was taken , the Tie fighter squadron was destroyed by another pirate that jumped into the system . The 2 other squadrons closed in at which stage the pirates jumped into hyperspace.



rjord -> RE: Star Wars Mod - The Alderaan Version (5/23/2013 8:42:04 AM)

The Title of Episode IV and the Battle of Yavin was called A New Hope.......

Looking at the situation this squadron of X-Wings is facing there is very little hope



rjord -> RE: Star Wars Mod - The Alderaan Version (5/23/2013 9:12:39 AM)

One more picture for the day.......

A group of pirates have been running sneak attacks against the Empire and the Emperor wants an example to be set showing the Empire's response to such attacks.

A fleet has been sent to wipe out the pirate base once and for all and demonstrate the firepower of the Empire.



rjord -> RE: Star Wars Mod - The Alderaan Version (5/23/2013 10:32:29 AM)

The squadron of tie fighters was a little too easy to destroy so the shields and armour have been strengthened as we are talking about 4 fighters here and not one.


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