Rasputitsa -> RE: Has anyone actually got the editor to work? (5/13/2013 7:26:21 PM)
ORIGINAL: Steely Glint And, if so, how? I am using ToF game version 1.04 and Editor version 1.04 and have done some small scale editing of stock scenarios. Others have done larger scale work, including creation of new scenarios with earlier versions of the game and editor, these are discussed in the mods section of the forum. When you say 'get the editor to work', are you having trouble getting the editor to run, or problems in using the editor when it does run. I am using Windows 7 Home Premium on a laptop and the editor runs. I have had problems using the editor in finding out how it works and after saving edited scenarios, getting them to run in the game. One problem I have just discovered is that after editing a scenario, it fails to run in the game. I would do the editing work in stages and check run the edited scenario to see how it looked in the game. After several successful stages the edited scenario would then crash and not run, for no apparent reason. I found that the commanders.csv got scrambled lines of data after being saved by the editor. This happened on lines which had names using accents (Brašić, Dönitz), this does not happen when you manually edit and save the file. The fix is restore the file from a clean back-up. A lot of editing can be done by working on files direct in Excel and Notepad, I am only using the editor to change maps. [:)]