Bax -> Suggestion for improving the GUI when loading troops (1/6/2003 11:31:27 PM)
Hi Matrix gurus, This is just a humble suggestion for either UV or WitP, or both. Something that would be a nice addition or change to the GUI when loading troops onto a TF, would be in the troop selection screen....that each units' fatigue and disruption be listed there, so that you don't accidently load up a unit that is highly fatigued or disrupted. I rotate my troops back to Truk for rest often, so I have many fatigued units that are on R&R at Truk. Currently, in order to prevent myself from loading up these resting troops, I have to go into the land forces screen and look at each individual unit to see what their fatigue and dispruption is, and then write them down. It would be much more user-friendly if I could just do this from the troop selection screen when I'm loading up a transport TF. Maybe even a different color coding of the unit's text would do the trick in that screen....yellow would be fatigue of 10 or less, orange for fatigue of 11-20, red for 21-30, etc.... Kind of how in the port screen ships with system or float damage are in orange or red, depending on the severity. Just a friendly suggestion on what could make a great game even better. :)