Moscow 1941 (Full Version)

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Kaakao -> Moscow 1941 (1/8/2003 4:36:12 AM)

Another monster battle designed by M4 Jess (impressive work as always, thx Jess :) ).






Capt. Pixel



German turn 1 west

Quiet before the storm. There's a big river in center of the map and if anyone is going to get over it, lower visibility than 9 is needed to get troops over it so I dropped few smoke rounds around. Also ordered some "sightseeing" :cool:

Elsewhere, moved a block or so forward without any resistance and shot few men from a soviet infantry squad. Looking good so far.

M4Jess -> (1/8/2003 9:55:54 AM)

So the battle for the Krimlin..starts:mad:



DerC -> Turn 1 East (1/8/2003 7:51:14 PM)

The map looks amazing. Very good work.

Some of my machinegunners exposed a squad of Russian riflemen when they shot back at the MG firing at a random hex. Against two fortified MGs they didn't really have a chance. In the very eastern part of the map I was a bit careless with my soldiers and they got ambushed. :o

There is some smoke on the field but definetely more is needed to make any attempts on the river.

Trying to attach the zip here.. Oh well, it didn't seem to work. I'll email it then

Scharfschütze -> (1/8/2003 9:44:57 PM)

Comrades, I was ordered to bring the greetings and best wishes of our beloved leader, comrade Stalin, who´ll be heroically commanding this battle from his datscha in the Ural Mountains. Great deeds are expected of us, and we should better live up to these expectations...

The enemy has opened the battle for the city center by cowardly machinegunning several civilians. Those scummy fascists! Now, the people of Moscow are really outraged at the invaders, which have already destroyed so much of their city.

Expect no quarter, aggressors!

Not one step back, soldiers of the Red Army!

edit: Michael, the email bounced off your box, as it "exceeded storage allocation". Clear it out, will you?

Capt. Pixel -> @%$#*^$ (1/8/2003 10:24:57 PM)

Rass-a frass @#$@#$ *&#@$&!!
I'll see to it immediately. :rolleyes:

Capt. Pixel -> Turn 1 Soviet East (1/9/2003 6:37:13 AM)

Dear Diary,

24 October, 1941.

It's raining again :rolleyes: Raining so hard that visibility has dropped to 450 meters.

The Germans have completed one pontoon bridge across the Yauza River (Yowza!) Enemy troops have been sighted on our side. Several heros of the Motherland fell in the trenchs, stopping machinegun bullets and 75mm shells from penetrating what's left of our beautiful city.

I gave orders this morning to release all the prisoners from Lubyanka Prison and arm them with a satchel charge and any other weapons handy. I see soviet citizens, armed with only farm implements, marching alongside my troops towards the advancing Germans.

Runners just arrived and gave me the timetable for reinforcements. If the tanks can move through the pile of rubble that used to be Moscow, we might have a chance.

DerC, somewhere out there is a Soviet Rifle Squad with my name on it. Catch me if you can! :cool:

Capt. Pixel -> Doh! (1/10/2003 3:05:53 AM)

Well, kaakao, I'll bet you're mightily impressed with my mental prowess by now. (After sending him the wrong files - twice - and in the wrong version. :o head-in-hands)

In my defense, it's because my H2H and v7.1 email folders have identical names. (changed that) Gotta be careful about delineating these two versions. It can bite you in the ........ :rolleyes:

Scharfschütze -> (1/10/2003 3:15:53 AM)

Hmm, guess what happened to me yesterday when I set the password and tried to return the files?

We are just trying to appear a little confused, you know... read Sun Tzu, it is all about deceiving your enemy, right?
:rolleyes: :D :rolleyes:

Capt. Pixel -> (1/10/2003 3:24:19 AM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Scharfschütze
[B]Hmm, guess what happened to me yesterday when I set the password and tried to return the files?

We are just trying to appear a little confused, you know... read Sun Tzu, it is all about deceiving your enemy, right?
:rolleyes: :D :rolleyes: [/B][/QUOTE]

Oh.. yeah.. that's the ticket! Confusing the opponent, I was. On him, a Jedi Mind Trick I was using. Yep, yep.

(Note the byline below? :p )

The real trick, is to [I]not[/I] Mystify, Mislead and Surprise yourself at the same time. :rolleyes:

Kaakao -> German turn 2 west (1/10/2003 3:30:54 AM)

Your misleading or confusing tricks won't work on me :)

By the way, you both sent me the same So vs. US 6/44 file, atleast you could tell me how that game ended :)

Played the turn just. Those 150mm shells sure do alot of damage when they hit the ground, luckily, the bombarment hit straight to the Soviet trenches and I'll bet that's not a nice place to be :)

Killed that infantry squad I already mentioned and made another one run away. Also tried to shoot at one squad with no damage.

Zero casualities so far :) The killing ratio is quite good I must say, something like 15 to zero :)

DerC has the turn.

Capt. Pixel -> Re: German turn 2 west (1/10/2003 3:56:52 AM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Kaakao
[B]Your misleading or confusing tricks won't work on me :)

Don't know why, it's working on me okay. :confused::confused:

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Kaakao
[B]By the way, you both sent me the same So vs. US 6/44 file, atleast you could tell me how that game ended :)

THAT was a fun little game. US vs SO -'44, vis 4, 4000 points.

The thing I thought made it particularly interesting was the imposed arty limits: 400 pts, 100mm max caliber, No Offboard

Soviet Cavalry, Rifles and many OT-34/85s met Rangers, M9 Abn bazookas, M4 105s and Flamers, in a rather brutal, and quick fight. My US forces prevailed, only because I struck a devestating blow in one lucky turn. 5 or 6 OTs and a couple of Cav squads lost in one turn. It pretty much broke his back. But without those 81mm mortars softening him up, the results could have easily been reversed.

Scharfschütze -> (1/10/2003 4:05:29 AM)

Blast that 0.1 delay for onboard US. Takes all the fun out of attacking...:rolleyes:

DerC -> (1/10/2003 10:05:06 PM)

The advance has been temporarily halted in the east. We are facing maybe a company of russian infantry and at least some tanks supporting them. There is also heavy mortar fire around our bridgehead there. Things are looking a bit grim if more reinforcements can't make it to the other side of the river. However reports of excellent progress in the west give us courage to keep trying. Not to mention Capt. Pixels personal infantry squad somewhere out there.. ;)

I'm mailing the turn to you again, Scharf.

Scharfschütze -> (1/10/2003 11:37:54 PM)

Our brave soldiers are holding out on all fronts, despite enemy claims of "excellent progress". the only thing progressing here is the count of mortar shells crashing down on the formerly advancing aggressors.

The enemy has also tested our air defences, and will have found them to be in place and trigger happy. The next Bf-110 will go down, promise!

Capt. Pixel -> Turn 2 Soviet East (1/11/2003 2:07:09 AM)

Trigger Happy! LOL (and surprisingly effective for large calibre AA!)

A Ju-88 ran afoul of some 76mm AA, and some more from the 85s near Red Square. Unfortunately, after 10 points of damage he still managed to make his bomb run. Haven't got the casualty reports yet, but I'm not optimistic. :(

Squads from Capt. Pixel's company engage and drive back several Scheutzen squads. They're chased back through the rocks and rubble with rifle fire and jeers from the Russian Regulars. One found a minefield the hard way.

Sighting of a Stug III in the eastern sector near the bridghead is confirmed. Bombardment of the bridgehead is to continue.

Intelligence suspects a large amphibious assault being prepared just southeast of the Cathedral. Orders are being cut for the artillery to change barrage plots. Maybe that's where I need to send the Lubyanka prisoners. :rolleyes:

Kaakao -> (1/11/2003 5:40:57 AM)

LOL, that's all I can say about those planes :D

I aimed them at the Kreml but neither one of them decided to attack it but went after some other targets. Let's see, I see atleast two mortars, without their crew :D

But good luck can't last forever (more than 2 turns it is :)) and I also suffered some damage from the bombarment.

Anyway, one squad anhilated and made another one run away, so looking good so far, only shots against me have come from mortars if I remember correctly :)

DerC -> German turn 3 east (1/11/2003 10:45:09 PM)

Our greatest victory so far at the eastern bridgehead; two SO infantry squads chased off. :o
Lack of reinforcements is starting to show and the only thing keeping our troops away from the russian hordes are the relentless artillery bombardments from both sides. I'm however told that the HQ is currently making preparations for the mystical 'Plan B' ;)

Back to you, Scharf.

Scharfschütze -> (1/12/2003 11:07:17 PM)

The People´s Commitee for the defence of the Capital comfirms that a bomb raid has been conducted by german air pirates. Contrary to enemy propaganda, the HE wasn´t dropped on mortar positions, but on two civilian soup kitchens feeding the old and needy.:eek:

We urgently request the Wehrmacht command to cease bombing civilian targets in the Kremlin area at once!

On the fontline proper, our heroic conscripts continue their glorious struggle against the invaders, forcing the enemy to shoot at its own troops during a particularly clever tactical withdrawal. Such actions and the continuing artillery fire will surely delay the enemy long enough to bring more forces into the contested areas...

Capt. Pixel -> Turn 3 Soviet East (1/13/2003 4:44:01 AM)

All quiet on the eastern front. Not a single shot exchanged, except for artillery, in the last 2-5 minutes. Katyushas drop small volleys of BM-8 rockets on several German positions.

In order to conserve rocket ammunition, (especially since ammo is set to Reduced), I've ordered the barrages delayed until 0.5. They could arrive much sooner, but they'd consume ammo too fast. The 0.5 delay only drops 20% of a full barrage. That still leaves plenty of rocket ammo for future turns. :D

Soviet Regulars continue to move towards suspected German assembly areas. Armor is slowly picking it's way through this rubble pile called Moscow. It is slow going. That's okay, it'll be slow for the krauts as well.

News of the soup kitchen bombardment spreads quickly through the Soviet troops. You've hit our borscht - now you must die, facist pigs! :mad:

Capt. Pixel ruminates -

I like playing H2H. Everytime I open the game I get a double promotion to Colonel. :D

Kaakao -> (1/13/2003 5:28:55 AM)

The shooting of our own troops was an effort to get some film material of our brave soldiers in a battle because the home front believes that there's no more Russkies left to fight. But I can assure you that no real bullets were used and the troops you saw "dying" will return.

Our troops move forward and have already captured a strategic location thus allowing our attack to continue. Reports state several dead Russkies on the Moscow's streets, many of them too old or too young for normal infantry squads. Stalin must be nearly out of men. Although that's good news to us we still need to be ready for what ever Stalin has left.

In addition to 'Plan B' HQ has also issued the commands and orders for Operation Kaninchen. Our officers have allready started the preparations and they should be complite in couple of turns.

DerC has the turn.

M4Jess -> (1/13/2003 7:13:19 AM)

Sounds like the scen is working good so far..please send me your 5 dollars to ODON812 Bel-place Kursk:p

DerC -> German turn 4 east (1/14/2003 1:38:52 AM)

Sorry for the delay guys. I've been down with the flu for the last couple of days :( but hopefully it's getting better now.

The situation at the eastern bridgehead still remains uncertain. Smoke is covering the whole area and very little progress can be made through the rubble and rough terrain. However, there are constantly some Russian probing squads moving around the northern edge of the bridgehead, scouting for artillery targets. Only moments later the feared Stalin's Organs start playing. :rolleyes:

The HQ has assured me that attempts to reinforce the bridgehead are made this very moment and that with the start of operation 'Kaninchen' things should get better soon.

Scharfschütze -> (1/14/2003 3:41:24 AM)

Our worker´s militia continue to do their best to stop the enemy advance through the rubble that once was western Moscow. Too bad that handgrenades are in short supply, they would surely have bolstered their streetfighting abilities.

But where small bombs are lacking, the bigger mortar shells will have to do their job!

Scharfschütze -> (1/14/2003 6:04:45 AM)

Btw, I´m dying to find out what "Operation Kaninchen" (=rabbit) is all about!:rolleyes: :D :rolleyes:

Capt. Pixel -> (1/14/2003 6:22:51 AM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Scharfschütze
[B]Btw, I´m dying to find out what "Operation Kaninchen" (=rabbit) is all about!:rolleyes: :D :rolleyes: [/B][/QUOTE]

That's their fallback plan B. As in "Turn and run like a kaninchen" :D

M4Jess -> (1/14/2003 7:04:26 AM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Capt. Pixel
[B]That's their fallback plan B. As in "Turn and run like a kaninchen" :D [/B][/QUOTE]

No that means pay Jess his $5.00 and I will fix the scen...

"Their way";)

Capt. Pixel -> Turn 4 Soviet East (1/14/2003 7:18:37 AM)

A couple of small skirmishes break out among the rubble and a few standing buildings in the east. The Wermacht gets a bloody nose and retreats in disarray. Another Grenadier dead. :D

Fuesiliers are attempting a crossing under smoke southeast of the Cathedral. Soviet troops move in under the Germans 81mm barrage and prepare to receive their assault. Gonna be a lot of dead Fuesiliers pretty soon. :mad:

kaakao laid down an absolutely beautiful smoke wall with his Sdkfz 251/2s all along the western bank of the Moscow river. It was truly one of the finest applications of that tactic I've ever witnessed. Wind drift should carry it right onto the riverbanks. Well done! :D (But you're still gonna die ;) )

I thought the BM-8s barrage pattern was sloppy, until I saw those Nebelwerfers coming in. Cripes! I wouldn't plot those suckers anywhere within 10 hexes of my own troops! :rolleyes:

Kaakao -> (1/14/2003 8:00:21 PM)

More reports have arrived informing the death of more militia troops. Still I don't have a full trust in the info these reports state. Although our forces have surrounded Moscow and thus ending the supply runs, there are still numerous mortar shells falling everywhere. The officers who stated that "They have no supply or ammunition" should be shot. One report also reported a sightning of a tank, strange that they still have fuel to run those things.

Operation Kaninchen is still progressing, results should be visible soon.

More forces have been dispatched from the several divisions outside the town to help us.

DerC -> German turn 5 east (1/16/2003 10:16:53 PM)

:mad: I just lost a armored car! How silly of me not to remember that those russkies carry rifle-grenades that can pop a lightly armored car open easily. As a small payback I send the squad running with help from a Stug. Otherwise it's quiet, but the Russians are pushing hard towards the pontoon bridge.
More to the west, one of my Sturmboots ran into trouble, but luckily the Russians didn't hit it yet.

Scharfschütze -> (1/16/2003 10:59:26 PM)

In the west, the german advance has been stalled by a KV-2 tank that has fired two 152mm shells downstreet. Exploding against the front of an enemy Panzerspähwagen, it suppressed the surrounding german infantry sufficiently for my heroic militiamen to shoot up several aggressors. To top it off, they went into melee with a squad that had retreated into their hex, and berzerked!
:mad: :p :mad:

That should show them that we are willing to fight, and fight ugly!

:rolleyes: :mad: :rolleyes:

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