Yarasala -> RE: Science Academies (8/5/2013 10:15:00 AM)
Thanks for the answer. But still I'm missing some details [;)] quote:
ORIGINAL: elliotg Each additional academy (of all types) adds a greater chance for the appearance of a new character of the relevant type. How much? In which way? For example, if the base probability for a new character is p and you have n academies that increase the chance by x each, is the chance then p + nx or p * (1 + x)^n? quote:
ORIGINAL: elliotg However each empire has a limit to the number of characters (based on empire size) and each character role (scientist, intelligence agent, etc) also has a limit. This character limit is roughly 6-7 for an empire with a single colony of 10 billion population at development level of 100. This scales up as your empire grows, although not in a straight line - as your empire grows the maximum character increase slows. When you have 20 or more characters, you will not get any random character appearance, instead only through events (e.g. new admiral from successful battle). 20 is the absolute limit independent of empire size for random character appearance? What are the events that can generate a diplomat or intelligence agent or colony governor? quote:
ORIGINAL: elliotg The limits for each character role are modified by your empire's dominant race (e.g. Quamenos can have more scientists). In the race files see specifically the settings CharacterRandomAppearanceChanceXXXXX for each character role. What is the interval between two applcations of CharacterRandomAppearanceChanceXXXXX? That is, does the game check this probability daily, weekly, monthly or what else?