Strange air losses (Full Version)

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Thales99 -> Strange air losses (8/26/2013 9:02:23 PM)

I experienced a strange air combat result (in v1.06h) when I wanted to see what happens if I unleash all air units in range (way beyond the stacking limit, but this should not affect air losses) on a single depleted partisan unit. Surprisingly, I lost a unit of He 111 for unknown reasons. When I looked at the detailed report, the 4 He 111 elements were declared dead on turn 10 without any mention of combat. Mid-air collision due to overstacking? [:'(]

Isokron -> RE: Strange air losses (8/27/2013 7:47:52 AM)

You probably ran into the "accidents" loss type. When I have looked at my losses of tanks as german in the case blue scenario more than half is usually from these "accidents", for non fighter planes they usually creates 80% of my losses. Seems like every time a mechanical(not sure of exact definition) unit hit (kill/retreat/pinned) something there is a risk that it will be killed (always kill, never retreat etc) in turn from an "accident". I think the probability of them should probably be lowered although that would make the already dominating side even more dominating.

Vic -> RE: Strange air losses (8/27/2013 9:45:30 AM)

I tend to go with Isokrons answer. Though its a bit odd it happens to all aircraft of that 1 formation. veryyy low statistical chance for this happening. Whats the airbase these He-111 originated from? Can you replay the battle and get the same result? if that is possible send a savefile to for closer inspection.


Thales99 -> RE: Strange air losses (8/27/2013 6:20:09 PM)

Attrition due to mechanical breakdown sounds reasonable and realistic, even though in this situation it seemed a bit "selective", as you mentioned. The He-111 group was based in a town without structural damage and no overstacking. Unfortunately I have no savefile left of this turn, I will send one if I encounter this situation again.

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