Decisive Campaign series updates - Case Blue v1.06h2 (Full Version)

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Philkian -> Decisive Campaign series updates - Case Blue v1.06h2 (8/27/2013 4:52:55 PM)

We, along with VR Designs (, announce the release of two important updates for the critically-acclaimed World War 2 strategy wargames Decisive Campaigns: The Blitzkrieg from Warsaw to Paris and Decisive Campaigns: Case Blue. These are the latest in a series of post-release updates that go beyond bug-fixing to continue to improve the entire series.

The v1.06h2 update for Case Blue fixes the disable weather option, which now only disables weather and not the seasons (winter/summer) and in detailed combat rules the counter-attack rules (for air and for land) have been revised. The update also adds a constrained oil variant that will give a more realistic German and all flak (except for axis minor) is now operated by flak troops fixing some issue with some units not receiving reinforcement troops.oil supply. Also check below to view the full change list. This update also includes full Windows 8 compatibilty.

v1.06h2 – August 27, 2013

• Fixes
o Disable weather now only disables weather and not the seasons (winter/summer)
o In detailed combat rules the counter-attack rules (for air and for land) have been revised. Especially for air combat this will make the smaller force in any combat more vulnerable than before.
o Added a constrained oil variant that will give a more realistic German oil supply.
o Increased the effect of the Recon card.
o Reduced the cost of the Kriegsmarine card.
o If you fail to accomplish an offensive high command order there is a chance high command becomes more pessimistic about the overall situation and the strategic position will decrease. The chance is quite big with major orders (75%) and quite small with minor orders (10-40%). Also if you succeed in accomplishing a defensive order there is a chance high command becomes more optimistic about the overall situation and the strategic position will increase. The chance is quite big with major orders (75%) and quite small with minor orders (10-40%).
o Fixed the phrasing of the high command report considering the phrasing in the deadlines, which was slightly misleading especially for hold orders that gave you the impression you would get your Prestige one turn to soon.
o Fixed an interface issue with spread out units in hex not selecting properly after having played a regime card.
o 2nd Hungarian Armoured division has been removed from the Axis reinforcement unit list.
o Reinforcement unit issue fixed when the campaign is started at the time of Operation Uranus. Now Leibstandarte (30 jan 1943) and Gross Deutschland (12 Feb. 1943) will arrive as reinforcement units as well. Furthermore 2nd SS Das Reich will arrive earlier (6 Feb. 1943) and SS Totenkopf will also arrive earlier (14 Feb. 1943)
o A revised PDF v1.06 has been created and the in game text is also updated.
o German reinforcement units with tanks and heavy AT-guns now have increasingly better equipment as time progresses. Also they are no longer exact clones of eachother concerning this equipment.
o A Hardcore recon rules variant has been added to the campaigns that makes it much harder to have any good intelligence, especially behind the frontlines.
o Bug with air reinforcement action cards available in 2nd Kharkov and Voronezh scenarios is fixed.
o All flak (except for axis minor) is now operated by flak troops fixing some issue with some units not receiving reinforcement troops.
o Furthermore flak is now also not at full strength, but at 80% of TOE, at start of the scenarios.
o Maximum Soviet free XP gain due to training will go up to 31 in August and will reach 35 in December and will remain at that level.

To download the updates, players can run “Check for Update” via the game menu or download them directly from the games’ download pages here and here.

Get more information on Decisive Campaigns: The Blitzkrieg from Warsaw to Paris and Decisive Campaigns: Case Blue from their official product pages.

Tejszd -> RE: Decisive Campaign series v1.52g and v1.06h2 update (8/28/2013 2:36:53 AM)

Thank you for the patches!

Hugolin -> RE: Decisive Campaign series v1.52g and v1.06h2 update (8/29/2013 1:43:50 AM)

Wonderful, thanks!

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