Anxiety -> (1/16/2003 2:25:08 AM)
Hm.... I've thought about this eco model as well and agree it isn't realistic. And, when I first played the game, for a moment I thought it would detract from the experience. But, I have overlooked it now. As much as I don't think it is realistic, I am rooting so much for this game and it's fun factor that I have accepted it as a constraint I have to consider during my game's development. It just hasn't bothered me at all since then. But, I am not that forgiving in other games. I just recently purchased a city simulation (ahem... title shall remain anonymous) and find that the city-to-city interaction model is completely different forcing me to interact with token cities I create, versus AI cities. Ok, well that's how the game now works, but I just can't get by it right now. Though some might call this more fun, I don't see it as such. Admittingly, though, I haven't gotten into every crevice of SU yet, so this is a detail I can overlook right now. I don't do much with crews and I don't tend to want to get too involved on battles (let AI handle most). Mainly it's because I'm concerned once I get to that level, I will never find the AI hard to beat... But that's my bag of chisels to carry... -Anxiety