RE: Scenario Creation Tutorial (Full Version)

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Mad Russian -> RE: Scenario Creation Tutorial (10/5/2013 5:52:12 PM)

The Unit Parameters drop down menu allows you to set:

Start in inactive state
Start locked in place and cannot be moved
Arrival time
Departure time

You can also set where any subordinate units have these same settings applied to them.

Good Hunting.



Mad Russian -> RE: Scenario Creation Tutorial (10/5/2013 5:56:08 PM)

The "Show" drop down menu has the following selections:

Show all friendly movement paths
Show enemies sighted by this unit
Show LOS area
Show max fire area
Show 'spottable from' area
Show command radius

Good Hunting.



Gratch1111 -> RE: Scenario Creation Tutorial (10/5/2013 7:36:54 PM)

So I cant make a new country unit DB(like Norway), only edit the existing databases, like adding the Puma and T-90 to Ger+Russia?

Reply from MR:

Yes, you can mod the data base for any country's equipment you like. The data base that comes with the game only has British, Soviet, US and West German in it.

There will be a separate tutorial about how to mod the data base included.

Mad Russian -> RE: Scenario Creation Tutorial (10/5/2013 7:39:08 PM)

When you select the next unit for your OOB it wants to know if you want to Select it or to Append - On Map.

If you choice to Select it then it replaces the unit already on the map.

Good Hunting.



Mad Russian -> RE: Scenario Creation Tutorial (10/5/2013 7:55:07 PM)

When you select Ammend - On Map the unit gets added to the OOB.

Good Hunting.



Mad Russian -> RE: Scenario Creation Tutorial (10/5/2013 7:59:30 PM)

I added another company to the map.

With these two units on here the OOB Tree looks like this.

Good Hunting.



Mad Russian -> RE: Scenario Creation Tutorial (10/5/2013 8:01:27 PM)

Note that all the HQ units are attached to a line that runs down the left side of the display.

This means that all the units are at the same level of command. In other words nobody on this map is the overall commander. The Company chain of command is shown by the platoons being offset to the right under the Company HQ.

Good Hunting.



Mad Russian -> RE: Scenario Creation Tutorial (10/5/2013 8:09:50 PM)

To create the Chain of Command you click on the unit you want to subordinate, hold the left mouse button down and when you get a "+", move your cursor over the unit you want to attach it to. Then let go of the left mouse button.

It will then attach itself.

Good Hunting.



Mad Russian -> RE: Scenario Creation Tutorial (10/5/2013 8:11:09 PM)

The Chain of Command will now look like this.

Good Hunting.



Mad Russian -> RE: Scenario Creation Tutorial (10/5/2013 8:13:00 PM)

The Chain of Command on the OOB Tree, correctly created, looks like this.

Good Hunting.



Mad Russian -> RE: Scenario Creation Tutorial (10/5/2013 8:17:10 PM)

Artillery units can be either placed on the map with the Amend - On Map tab or be placed off map with the Append - Off Map tab.

Good Hunting.



Mad Russian -> RE: Scenario Creation Tutorial (10/5/2013 8:19:13 PM)

If you choose an off map location for the artillery it only asks for a name not a starting location on the map.

Good Hunting.



Mad Russian -> RE: Scenario Creation Tutorial (10/5/2013 8:21:26 PM)

It also puts it to the far left in the Chain of Command on the OOB Tree because off map units cannot be assigned to an on map formation other than the highest HQ.

Good Hunting.



Mad Russian -> RE: Scenario Creation Tutorial (10/5/2013 8:40:33 PM)

Within the limits of being on or off map, any unit can be attached to any other unit. You can mix and match, even during game play, using the select drag and drop.

You can have several HQ's at the same level of command on the OOB Tree. I would still have everybody report to one overall HQ.

Here is an elaborate OOB Tree so you can see just how detailed and flexible the system is.

Shaded units are reinforcements and red HQ's are those out of command radius.

Good Hunting.



Mad Russian -> RE: Scenario Creation Tutorial (10/5/2013 8:44:12 PM)

Here is an example of a simple Chain of Command OOB Tree.

Good Hunting.



Gratch1111 -> RE: Scenario Creation Tutorial (10/5/2013 8:44:34 PM)

So then there will not be 3 but more to choose from as player 1?

Ty, im buying

MR Reply:

Flashpoint Campaigns: Red Storm comes with British, Soviet, US and West German units in the data base. Anyone can mod the data base to add any nationality, equipment or time frame they like.

Mad Russian -> RE: Scenario Creation Tutorial (10/5/2013 11:37:12 PM)

After you are finished with creating the NATO OOB you will do the Player 1 Briefing.

This can be as long or short as you like.

Good Hunting.



Mad Russian -> RE: Scenario Creation Tutorial (10/5/2013 11:39:27 PM)

Next comes creation of the Player 2 OOB.

The units in the Available Forces list are everywhere from single vehicles/squads/weapons teams to full regiments.

Here I have selected a Soviet tank regiment. You can see that it put it in the OOB Tree already set in the Chain of Command format.

Good Hunting.



Mad Russian -> RE: Scenario Creation Tutorial (10/5/2013 11:42:36 PM)

Once I get the OOB set the way I want it, then, I come back and give each unit a once over in the unit parameters page. The default settings aren't there to fit every situation and I didn't agree with most of the Soviet ones for this stage of the war.

Which means that I pretty much changed every single unit setting for every scenario you are going to play that was made by me.

Good Hunting.



Mad Russian -> RE: Scenario Creation Tutorial (10/5/2013 11:46:01 PM)

After doing the OOB for Player 2 you get to do the Briefing as well.

Good Hunting.



Mad Russian -> RE: Scenario Creation Tutorial (10/5/2013 11:48:41 PM)

Next is the Designer Notes. These are simply for yourself or anyone that comes in and opens the scenario in the editor. These won't show anywhere in the scenario during play.

Good Hunting.



Mad Russian -> RE: Scenario Creation Tutorial (10/5/2013 11:51:40 PM)

You can check to see how much artillery you have assigned in the FS tab above the OOB window.

This shows all units that can fire indirectly. If you click on the unit in the FS window it selects it on the map for you and you can give it orders from there.

Good Hunting.



Mad Russian -> RE: Scenario Creation Tutorial (10/5/2013 11:54:10 PM)

The VPs tab next to it shows the VPL's you have. Who controls them and how much they are worth. It also has the map location which you can click on to take you to that location.

Good Hunting.



Mad Russian -> RE: Scenario Creation Tutorial (10/5/2013 11:59:54 PM)

Once I've checked everything at least twice I go to the last page. This shows the balance of forces. If everything looks good, and it always does because I don't care about what the balance says, then I save the game.

To save the game you must have things:

At least one VPL.
At least one NATO unit.
At least one Soviet unit.
All units in setup zones.
Something in the Main, Player 1 and Player 2 briefing boxes.

If you don't have all those you can't save the scenario.

If you are password protecting the scenario pick something you can remember. Because the game remembers and if you get it wrong you won't be editing your scenario in the future.

Once you've done all that the scenario is ready for the most important part. To see how it plays during game play. The most important part of making a scenario is the playtesting.

Good Luck with your new scenario!

Good Hunting.



Hexagon -> RE: Scenario Creation Tutorial (10/6/2013 12:12:16 PM)

2 questions:

-Is posible take units from other nations??? i refer if i want create a soviet company with M60 as deception unit (i think in a scen where this unit appear near NATO units to simulate surprise) i need create M60 in soviet unit depot or can i take it from the USA unit depot?.

-are included in this version old vehicles in soviet side??? i refer to T-54/55/62 i know thanks to AAR the presence in german reserve units of M48 but i dont remember see same old tanks in WP... sure they appear in first add-on in east Germany and Poland, at least T-54/55.


CapnDarwin -> RE: Scenario Creation Tutorial (10/6/2013 1:36:41 PM)


1. You would have to add the US unit you want into the Soviet USER (or any new Soviet data file you make) data file and use that file when you build the Soviet side of the scenario. Right now it is one country per side which means one data file per side.

2. There are a number of older platforms in the game. I think we even have T-10Ms, T-34/85, many T-55s and T-62s. If it was around in decent number in the 80s we probably have it listed.

Hexagon -> RE: Scenario Creation Tutorial (10/6/2013 2:46:49 PM)

Thanks for the info, well is only a question of copy paste nice and great see old material in game, good to create some late war scens [:)]

Mad Russian -> RE: Scenario Creation Tutorial (10/6/2013 3:04:59 PM)

All equipment for the four countries initially released in the game have a full equipment list from 1979 through 1989. They also have full Orders of Battle formations where they differ over the different years.

Good Hunting.


kipanderson -> RE: Scenario Creation Tutorial (10/13/2013 11:04:48 AM)

MR, hi,

Thanks for including this...

The way I learn and really get into new games is to build by own “tutorial scenario...” from the ground up. Had a go but failed first time... [;)].

Now thanks to this thread am way more optimistic about my second attempt[:)].

You have developed a great engine BTW.. this will become a classic on PzC lines. Don’t hold back on a WWII version.

All the best,

CapnDarwin -> RE: Scenario Creation Tutorial (10/13/2013 2:18:16 PM)


We will be releasing a Modding Guide shortly (I'm working on it between supporting the forums and such). We also plan to release an unlocked version of the Tutorial Scenario with the first update so folks can play around with it.

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