joeyeti -> RE: New Scenarios (12/4/2013 7:21:32 AM)
That is my thought also... But indeed, just starting to read the Editor manual I can imagine many many people get scared away from it. Yes, it is truly unintuitive in its ways (or at least its UI is) and seems like only the author and a handful of enthusiasts understand it :) But maybe once you delve in and do some trial and error testing you can get the hang of it (slowly). And, I read somewhere that the scripting of events/cards etc. is the hard thing in there, so much so that a dedicated scripting person and a dedicated map/oob editing person would function best side by side to speed things up. My one thought always was - the only thing one would need to do is check the 10 or so GG: War in the East scenarios out and "port" them over to DCCB - and many players would be set! Then, if this is successful, one can advance to Don to the Danube expansion and port its scenarios over... And again, many many hours of play would be available...