$trummer -> RE: Falkland Scenario (10/8/2013 5:55:24 PM)
I was curious about the ROE here, too. I wasn't attacked but initiated hostilities when one of the Argentinian warships came too close to Port Stanley for comfort and large numbers of fighters were launching from the mainland. I don't agree that the ROE make no sense, but it would be more realistic if (i) the briefing/ROE incorporated a specific exclusion zone around the islands, incursions into which will formally initiate hostities and/or (ii) it were possible to program the AI to have a "disengage" option so that the scenario is not automatically "all or nothing". Deterrence operations do not generally result in worst-case outcomes; they generally play out as standoffs, games of "chicken"; difficult, if not impossible, for computer AI to model this, though.