RE: Bob Flemin's MWIF AARse (Full Version)

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warspite1 -> RE: Bob Flemin's MWIF AARse (12/1/2013 1:24:32 PM)

Turn: Jul/Aug 1942
Impulse: 1

Round 1

The Soviets roll a 10 (DC) which clears the Stuka through to the target.

The Germans also roll a 10 (DC) but there are no Soviet bombers so no effect.

The Soviets decide to abort their fighters back to Odessa. The Stuka manages to disorganise the 4th Mechanised Army and in the hex to the east, importantly, Koniev is disorganised by the Ju-88.


warspite1 -> RE: Bob Flemin's MWIF AARse (12/1/2013 1:37:26 PM)

Turn: Jul/Aug 1942
Impulse: 1

For this impulse their will be two attacks - the Germans against the 50th Infantry and the Japanese against Chiang, who is all alone following the attack in the previous turn.

Chiang uses defensive HQ support. The Japanese decline so that the HQ's are available for reorganisation purposes. The Germans refuse for the same reason.

No aircraft are availalble in China due to the weather, but the Soviets bring in a bomber to help the odds in the Bessarabian battle.

First up its the battle in China. As this is in mountains, Chiang gets to choose and plumps for the Assault table.....

....its a 16, Chiang is no more and the Japanese remain organised.


warspite1 -> RE: Bob Flemin's MWIF AARse (12/1/2013 1:41:20 PM)

Turn: Jul/Aug 1942
Impulse: 1

These are the numbers that the Germans really need to be throwing - especially early in the turn. The Blitz able is chosen and..... another 6. "You have to laugh" says Adolf..or something...

The Soviet unit retreats and three attackers are disorganised.


warspite1 -> RE: Bob Flemin's MWIF AARse (12/1/2013 1:47:31 PM)

Turn: Jul/Aug 1942
Impulse: 1

The Germans use all their HQ to reorganise the disorganised ground troops and some of their aircraft. There is still hope for this turn...


warspite1 -> RE: Bob Flemin's MWIF AARse (12/1/2013 1:59:25 PM)

Turn: Jul/Aug 1942
Impulse: 2

The Royal Navy pile in to the Italian Coast. The RM and RA are pretty much out of gas so they cannot respond - but just hope the RN ability to find the convoy is as unsuccessful as recent turns..

...and they are...

warspite1 -> RE: Bob Flemin's MWIF AARse (12/1/2013 2:02:40 PM)

Turn: Jul/Aug 1942
Impulse: 2

The Soviets need to be a little careful this turn having got Koniev disorganised and having used up their two fighters and one bomber in the south. They therefore limit themselves to organising their defence as well as they can.

warspite1 -> RE: Bob Flemin's MWIF AARse (12/1/2013 2:14:44 PM)

Turn: Jul/Aug 1942
Impulse: 3

Right this is it - the Germans big chance in the south to open up the way to Odessa and for the Japanese to make some proper ground in southern China!

First the latter go for a ground strike against the artillery unit caught alone in the fort hex northeast of Kweillin. The Chinese do not contest this as they are outgunned in the region - and besides, the Japanese usually fail to ground strike anyway...

...and they did this time too.

warspite1 -> RE: Bob Flemin's MWIF AARse (12/1/2013 2:22:41 PM)

Turn: Jul/Aug 1942
Impulse: 3

For this turn there will be three attacks:

a) The Partisan in France
b) The hex northwest of Odessa
c) Southern China

There are no aircraft or HQ support modifiers in any of the battles.

China is first up and its a...

...3 Its a good job the odds were so high! The Artillery is lost and the attacker is not disorganised. The Japanese are starting to roll.


warspite1 -> RE: Bob Flemin's MWIF AARse (12/1/2013 2:27:38 PM)

Turn: Jul/Aug 1942
Impulse: 3

The French attack goes in - its a 2. YES a 2. The Partisan is untouched an the German lose an Infantry corps...

To the Ukraine now and the Germans choose the Blitz table....

...its a 12. The defenders are shattered, the Germans lose a unit and half of the survivors are disorganised... The Germans do not convert the result.


Orm -> RE: Bob Flemin's MWIF AARse (12/1/2013 4:46:30 PM)

I think Axis should pull their units out of USSR as soon as possible. No need to give USSR any extra production when Germany do not gain anything from staying there.

WarHunter -> RE: Bob Flemin's MWIF AARse (12/1/2013 5:15:37 PM)

The Axis offensive must continue. With the fall of Odessa in 1942, victory is assured. The riches of the Ukraine, oil from the Caucasus, scenic beaches on the Black sea. All will become home to the new Europe. [sm=00000436.gif]

Don't listen to defeatist talk. Retreat is for losers. Reach for the impossible dream or die trying. [sm=00000036.gif]

Enjoying your AAR. The ups and downs are dramatic at times, but sooooo very much what WiF has been for many who have played the game.
Push the envelope try not to crash in flames. [sm=sterb032.gif]

warspite1 -> RE: Bob Flemin's MWIF AARse (12/1/2013 6:46:22 PM)



I think Axis should pull their units out of USSR as soon as possible. No need to give USSR any extra production when Germany do not gain anything from staying there.

I did not know about that production effect. However, given that I said at the start I would try and play with history in mind, I won't retreat now - its just not in AH's make-up to do so.

warspite1 -> RE: Bob Flemin's MWIF AARse (12/1/2013 6:46:47 PM)



The Axis offensive must continue. With the fall of Odessa in 1942, victory is assured. The riches of the Ukraine, oil from the Caucasus, scenic beaches on the Black sea. All will become home to the new Europe. [sm=00000436.gif]

Don't listen to defeatist talk. Retreat is for losers. Reach for the impossible dream or die trying. [sm=00000036.gif]

Enjoying your AAR. The ups and downs are dramatic at times, but sooooo very much what WiF has been for many who have played the game.
Push the envelope try not to crash in flames. [sm=sterb032.gif]

Adolf agrees with you [:)]

Zorachus99 -> RE: Bob Flemin's MWIF AARse (12/1/2013 6:48:20 PM)



I think Axis should pull their units out of USSR as soon as possible. No need to give USSR any extra production when Germany do not gain anything from staying there.

Flee to the hinterlands, and there, force them Soviets to move into Prussia with some trick, like leaving it undefended.

From there, gather your cheapest garbage units into fortress Europe. Make three strong killstacks in the west and the east, and build at least 1 offensive a turn. Don't forget that Atlantic wall either. Them brits can march down the coast, expunging German units the whole way. Use those offensives for counter-attacking or super-combined actions.

Good play may see Germans clinging on in '44.

warspite1 -> RE: Bob Flemin's MWIF AARse (12/1/2013 6:54:14 PM)

Turn: Jul/Aug 1942
Impulse: 4

The plan for the Soviets is to consolidate their position. Many German units are disorganised so Odessa should be safe.

Before that, the Royal Navy bring HMS Bonaventure into the Italian Coast region to join in the great game of hide and seek. This time success! The Italians are found and the convoy is duly despatched to the bottom of the sea.


Orm -> RE: Bob Flemin's MWIF AARse (12/1/2013 6:57:11 PM)


ORIGINAL: warspite1



I think Axis should pull their units out of USSR as soon as possible. No need to give USSR any extra production when Germany do not gain anything from staying there.

I did not know about that production effect. However, given that I said at the start I would try and play with history in mind, I won't retreat now - its just not in AH's make-up to do so.

May I propose that we launch a new offensive that may win the war for us? In preparation we need to adjust our lines slightly. Accidently our new positions are all outside of USSR but our offence will recover that terrain soon, very soon.

warspite1 -> RE: Bob Flemin's MWIF AARse (12/1/2013 7:00:01 PM)

Turn: Jul/Aug 1942
Impulse: 4

Bomber Command - spotting a gap in the Luftwaffe air defences - launch a strat bombing raid on Paris, resulting in the loss of a production point for the Germans


warspite1 -> RE: Bob Flemin's MWIF AARse (12/1/2013 7:01:33 PM)




ORIGINAL: warspite1



I think Axis should pull their units out of USSR as soon as possible. No need to give USSR any extra production when Germany do not gain anything from staying there.

I did not know about that production effect. However, given that I said at the start I would try and play with history in mind, I won't retreat now - its just not in AH's make-up to do so.

May I propose that we launch a new offensive that may win the war for us? In preparation we need to adjust our lines slightly. Accidently our new positions are all outside of USSR but our offence will recover that terrain soon, very soon.

Cue fit of rage from Adolf [:D]

warspite1 -> RE: Bob Flemin's MWIF AARse (12/1/2013 7:15:31 PM)

Turn: Jul/Aug 1942
Impulse: 5

Back to the Axis and the Germans, desperate to make something happen, decide to push on toward the Dneiper. Too many units around Odessa are disorganised but they hope to push the Soviet 6th Guards and 2nd Motorised armies back...

Thanks to the reorganisation of two FW190's, the Soviets are out-gunned in the air even with the reinforcements they sent in recently. They decide to stay out of the battle.

The Stuka disorganises the Guard - can the Germans exploit this?


warspite1 -> RE: Bob Flemin's MWIF AARse (12/1/2013 7:24:28 PM)

Turn: Jul/Aug 1942
Impulse: 5

With weather hampering operations in China, there will be just the one, tricky 2:1, attack in the Ukraine this turn...

The Germans cannot affect the odds with aircraft and the Soviets will not fly in defence. They are confident in the German ability to throw lousy dice..

The Blitz table is chosen and....

...Yep, you guessed it - its a 6. Both sides lose a unit and all Germans are disorganised.


warspite1 -> RE: Bob Flemin's MWIF AARse (12/1/2013 8:49:35 PM)

Turn: Jul/Aug 1942
Impulse: 6

This is the position on the Eastern Front at the start of Impulse 6. The Soviets are building fast and so simply need to conserve their strength and not be forced into any stupid mistakes. The Germans could change things with just a few really good attacks, but its just not happening so far......


Empire101 -> RE: Bob Flemin's MWIF AARse (12/2/2013 5:06:31 AM)

I have'nt read all of this AAR yet, but it is as usual upto Warspites excellent standards.
From what I've read so far has been exciting and an eye opener for me. Bravo Warspite!!

I've just managed to download the monster after 12hrs, so I'll take a look at it tonight.

warspite1 -> RE: Bob Flemin's MWIF AARse (12/2/2013 6:07:29 PM)

Turn: Jul/Aug 1942
Impulse: 6

Not much happening for the Allies as the Italians are in port and the Germans are almost spent.....

warspite1 -> RE: Bob Flemin's MWIF AARse (12/4/2013 8:21:36 PM)

Turn: Jul/Aug 1942
Impulse: 7

Back to the Axis and the Germans, spent in the south, switch their attention to the Baltic States. Once again the target is the forest hex south east of Riga. Two Stukas are flown to ground strike the Soviet units. The Soviet air force are powerless to stop the attack.

warspite1 -> RE: Bob Flemin's MWIF AARse (12/4/2013 8:24:22 PM)

Turn: Jul/Aug 1942
Impulse: 7

...but of course it does not matter - not when the dice are landing like this...


warspite1 -> RE: Bob Flemin's MWIF AARse (12/4/2013 8:31:39 PM)

Turn: Jul/Aug 1942
Impulse: 7

The Axis have no choice but to abandon the attack. The Japanese however, press ahead with their attempt to take Kweillin.

Yamamoto provides HQ support for the attack, which will use the Assault table...

...the Japanese throw a 15 - what Adolf Hitler wouldn't do for one of those. The Japanese lose a motorised division and have three units disorganised, but the Chinese lose two units destroyed.


warspite1 -> RE: Bob Flemin's MWIF AARse (12/5/2013 8:56:25 AM)

Turn: Jul/Aug 1942
Impulse: 8

There is little to be done this turn. The Indian Army finally removes one of the three Partisans causing grief in the sub-continent, but otherwise its a quiet turn.

warspite1 -> RE: Bob Flemin's MWIF AARse (12/5/2013 9:09:50 AM)

Turn: Jul/Aug 1942
Impulse: 9

Almost the end of the turn and the Kriegsmarine are ordered to sea to see what they can achieve. All units except the two WW1 vintage ships have been ordered to sortie!

The RAF and FAA send out fighters and Swordfish to intercept, but its the Germans that get the surprise. They choose to pick on the CW convoy.

The convoy is destroyed and the fleet returns triumphantly to base.


warspite1 -> RE: Bob Flemin's MWIF AARse (12/5/2013 9:17:18 AM)

Turn: Jul/Aug 1942
Impulse: 9

In China, the Japanese Army attempt to keep up the pressure with an attack southwest of Kweillin.

The Japanese choose the Blitz table - throw an 11 and....

...lose a unit... [&:][&:]

The Chinese unit is shattered, but that's an expensive Armour unit lost.


warspite1 -> RE: Bob Flemin's MWIF AARse (12/5/2013 9:22:25 AM)

Turn: Jul/Aug 1942
Impulse: End of Turn

The turn ends and Partisans rear their head - two in the Soviet Union and one in Malaya.

The Soviet Partisans are placed behind the German Army Group South - as if they didn't have enough problems!


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