yvesp -> RE: Global War Solitaire (12/27/2013 11:06:10 AM)
France at the start of the 5th axis impulse in May 44. The axis powers have a choice to all pass. This may be tempting, for a 60% chance of end of turn. But if it fails, this means giving the allied a free impulse, that is sure to be extremenly devastating on the east front : it is necessary to prevent the Russians to penetrate the prepared fortification line behind the Vistula. Elsewhere, passing would be a good option: there is no specific move to do now in France, where the defense lines stand well and no ajustments are necessary. The same applies in the Balkans, and the Japanese know that anyway, most of their troops in China are doomed ; furtermore, they now serve no purpose, most resources being now under Chinese control. In Italy, there is no obvious move that requires being done. So the axis chooses 2 pass actions and a land action (Germany.) [image]local://upfiles/30121/E86FAD5E94114941BED47A57F002FA47.jpg[/image]